Published iniยญtially on Idea Hunt.
I often think about the super-happy customer.
During my career, Iโve found that the best way to sell more is to make one cusยญtomยญer super-happy. Because then, and only then, will that cusยญtomยญer go out of their way to tell their friends.
In my not-so-sciยญentifยญic estimยญaยญtion, a super-happy cusยญtomยญer will genยญerยญate at least one new customer.
So, what does this mean from a pubยญlic relaยญtions perspective?
Here we go:
The Super-Happy Customer
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The Super-Happy Customer
The secret to makยญing cusยญtomยญers super-happy is excelยญlent pubยญlic relaยญtions. And the secret to great pubยญlic relaยญtions is comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion.
Hereโs why:
Learn more: The Super-Happy Customer
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Super-Happy Mathematics
If my anecยญdotยญal obserยญvaยญtions are relยญevยญant to sciยญence, let me use basic math to expand on the idea of the super-happy customer.
Letโs assume that each cycle is one month. In the first month, you will have one cusยญtomยญer; in two months, you will have two. Cool.
But what if you could find a way to make these two new cusยญtomยญers super-happy, too? In three months, four new cusยญtomยญers per cycle. Then 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, etc.
The expoยญnenยญtial growth:
2[numยญber of months]
According to my math, your comยญpany will be Earthโs most promยญinยญent brand in a few years. Super-cool.
Super-Happy Challenges
Obviously, and for whatever reasยญon, the above scenยญario rarely hapยญpens. Itโs safe to say that makยญing cusยญtomยญers super-happy is difยญfiยญcult, espeยญcially if you have many of them.
However, most of us donโt have milยญlions of customers.
Not for lack of tryยญing, though. Making cliยญents super-happy without wastยญing profit marยญgins or engaยญging in altruยญistยญic pro bono is challenging.
And it gets worse.
Not all busiยญnesses need โbrand ambasยญsadยญorsโ in the typยญicยญal sense, either. Coca-Cola sales will likely be closely tied to availยญabยญilยญity and being top-of-mind.
However, give me an ice-cold Coke Zero on a hot sumยญmer day, and Iโll be a super-happy cusยญtomยญer. Otherwise, it wouldยญnโt work for a sucยญcessยญful globยญal brand like Coca-Cola.
Can I make my cusยญtomยญers super-happy like that? Can you?
How Being โCustomer-Centricโ Wonโt Suffice
โYou just have to be customer-centric.โ
Well, I donโt know. I like how Apple is focused on buildยญing the best posยญsible products and is product-centยญric. I also like how Google is value-centยญric, and Amazon is availability-centric.
Also, I know of โcusยญtomยญer-centยญric โ comยญpanยญies, but few of their cusยญtomยญers are going out of their way to proยญmote these brands.
Put anothยญer way: Being cusยญtomยญer-centยญric might be great for a speยญcifยญic busiยญness, but it wonโt ensure expoยญnenยญtial growth where each cusยญtomยญer refers to anothยญer in every cycle.
In the end, what matยญters is that you can creยญate a super-happy cusยญtomยญer at least occasionally.
Dodging the Honey Trap
One sureยญfire way to creยญate super-happy cusยญtomยญers is to over-delivยญer (the same thing as under-charging).
As a juniยญor PR conยญsultยญant, I went this route. I invesยญted an insane amount of my time, often makยญing my employยญers and cliยญents super-happy. However, this approach wasยญnโt long-term susยญtainยญable. Trading my chances of being super-happy was only an effiยญcient short-term strategy.
Itโs a honey trap.
If you overยญdelivยญer once, savvy cusยญtomยญers will quickly come to expect this posยญitยญive curve from you. They expect you to delivยญer more value conยญtinuยญously without payยญing more for your efforts. And then someยญthing, someยญwhere, someยญhow, will break.
The key must be estabยญlishยญing excelยญlent pubยญlic relaยญtions without spendยญing the profit marยญgin or tradยญing away your chances of being super-happy and becomยญing true fans.
Thank you. Please supยญport my blog by sharยญing artยญicles with othยญer comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions- and marยญketยญing proยญfesยญsionยญals. Please also conยญsider my PR serยญvices or speakยญing engageยญments.
PR Resource: The Value Triangle
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The Value Triangle
Negotiate and manยญage cliยญent expectยญaยญtions by learnยญing the Value Triangle:
If someone wants someยญthing CHEAP and FAST, they canยญโt ask for it to be GOOD.
If someone wants someยญthing CHEAP and GOOD, they canยญโt ask for it to be FAST.
If someone wants someยญthing FAST and GOOD, they canยญโt ask for it to be CHEAP.
Or send your cliยญent this link.
Youโre welยญcome.
โTo sell well is to conยญvince someone else to part with resourcesโโโnot to deprive that perยญson, but to leave him betยญter off in the end.โ
โ Daniel H. Pink
Learn more: The Value Triangle: How To Manage Expectations
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Social Group Sizes (For Social Brains)
How many social conยญnecยญtions you you comยญfortยญably susยญtain? According to the social brain hypoยญthesยญis, limยญits exist. 1Zhou WX, Sornette D, Hill RA, Dunbar RI. Discrete hierยญarchยญicยญal organยญizยญaยญtion of social group sizes. Proc Biol Sci. 2005 Feb 22;272(1561):439โโโ44.
โThe โsocial brain hypoยญthesยญisโ for the evolยญuยญtion of large brains in primยญates has led to evidยญence for the coeยญvoluยญtion of neoยญcorยญticยญal size and social group sizes, sugยญgestยญing that there is a cogยญnitยญive conยญstraint on group size that depends, in some way, on the volume of neurยญal materยญiยญal availยญable for proยญcessing and synยญthesยญizยญing informยญaยญtion on social relaยญtionยญships.โ
Source: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2Zhou, X., Sornette, D., Hill, R. A., & M. Dunbar, R. I. (2005). Discrete hierยญarchยญicยญal organยญizยญaยญtion of social group sizes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 272(1561), โฆ Continue readยญing
Scientific evidยญence sugยญgests that people tend to organยญise themยญselves not in an even disยญtriยญbuยญtion of group sizes but in disยญcrete hierยญarchยญicยญal social groups of more parยญticยญuยญlar sizes:
Alas, there seems to be a disยญcrete statยญistยญicยญal order in the comยญplex chaos of human relationships:
โSuch disยญcrete scale invariยญance could be related to that idenยญtiยญfied in sigยญnaยญtures of herdยญing behaยญviour in finยญanยญcial marยญkets and might reflect a hierยญarchยญicยญal proยญcessing of social nearยญness by human brains.โ
Source: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 3Zhou, X., Sornette, D., Hill, R. A., & M. Dunbar, R. I. (2005). Discrete hierยญarchยญicยญal organยญizยญaยญtion of social group sizes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 272(1561), โฆ Continue readยญing
Read also: Group Sizes (The Social Brain Hypothesis)
1 | Zhou WX, Sornette D, Hill RA, Dunbar RI. Discrete hierยญarchยญicยญal organยญizยญaยญtion of social group sizes. Proc Biol Sci. 2005 Feb 22;272(1561):439โโโ44. |
2, 3 | Zhou, X., Sornette, D., Hill, R. A., & M. Dunbar, R. I. (2005). Discrete hierยญarchยญicยญal organยญizยญaยญtion of social group sizes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 272(1561), 439โโโ444. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ1โ0โ9โ8โ/โrโsโpโbโ.โ2โ0โ0โ4โ.โ2โ970 |