In PR, whatโs the Stoic tonality?
When I help comยญpanยญies reply to social actยญivยญists, I often recomยญmend using the Stoic tonality.
Different organยญisaยญtions have difยญferยญent policies, but swiftยญness is often paraยญmount in engaยญging sucยญcessยญfully in online chanยญnels. Waiting for variยญous instances to approve every reply is not productive.
The Stoic tonยญalยญity aims to provide comยญmunity manยญagers with guidยญing prinยญciples to ensure their writยญing does not get them into trouble.
Here we go:
The Stoic Tonality
An organยญisaยญtion is the polyยญphonยญic sum of all its coworkยญers. Imagine extractยญing each coworkยญerยญโs most virยญtuยญous and mature traits and comยญbinยญing them into one voiceโโโthe Stoic tonality.
Stoic Tonality Examples
โWhy doesยญnโt your brand speak out against indusยญtriยญal overยญfishยญing killing our oceans?โ
โAs a comยญpany that sells fishยญing gear, we want our oceansโโโand all animยญals and plants livยญing in them!โโโto be healthy and plenยญtiยญful. We, too, were disยญturbed by the recent news of overยญfishยญing. How could anyยญone not be? We now ask ourselves, how can our comยญpany make more of a difยญferยญence? Honestly, weโre disยญcussยญing our strategy for susยญtainยญabยญilยญity every day. I canยญnot say how or when we might take speยญcifยญic action regardยญing this latest news, but rest assured that weโre takยญing the genยญerยญal issue of savยญing our oceans seriously.โ
โWhy doesยญnโt your brand engage in Black Lives Matter?โ
โAs for right now, weโre listenยญing. Weโre listenยญing to the storยญies being told. Weโre listenยญing to underยญstand betยญter how we can learn and grow as a comยญpany. As for inclusยญiveยญness and human rights in genยญerยญal, we think weโre doing a great job, and part of that is to stay open and careยญfully listen to peopleโs storยญies. We might take speยญcifยญic actions, but weโre listenยญing and learning.โ
โWhy doesยญnโt your brand join our protests against toxยญic masยญculinยญity and the patยญriยญarchy?โ
โHonestly, weโre a product comยญpany. We make products for anyยญone who likes them. And I dare say that weโre experts in makยญing these products. However, weโre not experts on ideoยญloยญgies or sociยญetยญal strucยญtures. So, for now, we listen. And we conยญtinยญue to focus on makยญing the best products that we can. For everyยญone. We believe thatโs our best way of conยญtribยญutยญing at this point.โ
โWhy doesยญnโt your brand sign our petiยญtion to boyยญcott all comยญpanยญies on our Environmental Black List?โ
โAs a comยญpany, we operยญate difยญferยญently. Instead of signยญing petiยญtions or parยญtiยญcipยญatยญing in othยญer pubยญlic demonยญstraยญtions, we take action withยญin our sphere of influยญence. And I dare say that our many envirยญonยญmentยญal iniยญtiยญatยญives are makยญing a lot of difยญferยญence worldยญwide relยญatยญive to our size and reach. If we were to sign your petiยญtion, we would first have to use our resources to research the legitยญimยญacy of its creยญatยญors and then make sure that none of the comยญpanยญies on that list is being wrongยญfully accused. While it would be posยญsible, weโve decided that we can do more good by dirยญectยญing our resources to where we can make the most difference.โ
โWhy doesยญnโt your comยญpany act against your female employยญees who take time off for aborยญtions?โ
โAll our employยญees are grown-ups, and what they do on their own time is frankly none of our busiยญness. Weโre a large comยญpany, and we have employยญees who are pro-life and pro-choice. We believe we have a workยญplace where people can have difยญferยญent opinยญions but still respect each othยญer and work well together.โ
โWhy hasยญnโt your comยญpany offered your thoughts and prayยญers for the vicยญtims and their famยญilยญies of the school shootยญing?โ
โThe vicยญtims and their famยญilยญies have our empathยญies, of course. I speak for everyยญone workยญing at our comยญpany when I say we were devยญastยญated by the news as everyยญone else. But youโre right that we havenโt posยญted any status updates about the shootยญing on our Facebook page. Itโs not that we donโt care (we do!), itโs just that we focus our updates on our products and serยญvices and how they make a posยญitยญive difยญferยญence in the world.โ
Learn more: The Stoic Tonality
Stoic Philosophy for Public Relations
Iโm inspired by Stoicismโโโand intrigued by the idea of transยญlatยญing clasยญsicยญal Stoic virยญtues (wisยญdom, courยญage, justice, temยญperยญance) and applyยญing them to pubยญlic relations:
The Wisdom Pitch
โA Stoic is someone who transยญforms fear into prudence, pain into transยญformยญaยญtion, misยญtakes into iniยญtiยญation, and desires into underยญtakยญing.โ
โ Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Tell PR storยญies of how organยญisaยญtions can be wise and overยญcome obstacles that have stopped othยญers in their tracks. Convey PR mesยญsages on how to apply wisยญdom, knowยญledge, and experience.
The Courage Pitch
โWe canยญnot choose our cirยญcumยญstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.โ
โ Epictetus
Tell PR storยญies of brands that nevยญer back down in the face of hardยญships that would desยญtroy othยญer organยญisaยญtions. Convey PR mesยญsages of how an organยญisaยญtion can be rightยญeous even when storms are raging.
The Justice Pitch
โConcentrate every minute on doing whatโs in front of you with preยญcise and genuยญine serยญiยญousยญness, tenยญderly, willยญingly, with justice.โ
โ Marcus Aurelius
Tell PR storยญies of how organยญisaยญtions relentยญlessly can strive for honยญesty and transยญparยญencyโโโeven when uncomยญfortยญable. Convey PR mesยญsages about how all brands, without excepยญtion, can rid themยญselves of disยญhonยญesty and incompetence.
The Temperance Pitch
โItโs not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, who is poor.โ
โ Seneca
Tell PR storยญies of organยญisaยญtions that strive for highยญer valยญues in a world where all othยญer organยญisaยญtions sufยญfer shortยญsightedยญness. Convey PR mesยญsages of organยญisaยญtions preยญpared to abstain from short-term gains to make the world betยญter for all.
Learn more: Stoic Philosophy for PR Professionals
Frequently Asked Questions
The Stoic tonยญalยญity could work for us, but our comยญmunity manยญagers canยญnot write like this.
Train your comยญmunity manยญagers.
Or fire themโโโand hire betยญter.
A comยญmunity manยญager should be able to emuยญlate a tonยญalยญity and find the right words. Sounding like a human while respectยญing corยญporยญate realยญitยญies is chalยญlenยญging, but it should be their core competency.
Read also: A Community Managerโs Job Description
We donโt have the resources to write these kinds of replies on our social media accounts.
Revise your social media strategy if your organยญisaยญtion canยญnot set aside propยญer resources to run a speยญcifยญic social media account.
Social media isnโt free of charge.
These kinds of stateยญments would only spark even more difยญfiยญcult replies for our organisation.
Thereโs often an irony here. Most organยญisaยญtions comยญplain that their CSR activยญitยญies are not givยญen enough credยญit or attenยญtion.
But here, we have situยญations where people actยญively ask about your CSR strategy. Whenever someone asks you a quesยญtion, they give you a reasยญon to speak.
Donโt take such opporยญtunยญitยญies for granted.
Our experยญiยญence is that itโs nevยญer a good idea to โfeed the trolls.โ
You should have some form of pubยญlicly accessยญible comยญment policy for all your social media accounts.
A troll, by definยญiยญtion, is someone who delibยญerยญately violยญates your comยญment policy.
Your comยญment policy should always speยญcify how you deal with comยญments that violยญate that policy.
Will there be a warnยญing first? Temporary susยญpenยญsion? Removing the comยญment? Blocking or banยญning of users?
Thereโs no one-size-fits-all, and you must conยญtinuยญously develยญop a comยญment policy that fits your social media strategy.
If the comยญmenter is not violยญatยญing your comยญment policy and you still donโt want to โfeedโ them out of fear of what will hapยญpen next, your social media strategy must be revised.
Read also: How To Deal With Online Trolls
The Stoic tonยญalยญity might work elseยญwhere, but not in our industry.
So, if I point to anothยญer organยญisaยญtion in your industry that sucยญcessยญfully responds with maturยญity, integยญrity, and decency, youโre still not conยญvinced it could be done for your organยญisaยญtion. Huh.
I would recomยญmend measยญurยญing your comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion maturยญity.
Our organยญisaยญtion and digitยญal footยญprint are too big to respond in this way.
To โspeak humanโ as an organยญisaยญtion is becomยญing increasยญingly chalยญlenยญging with size.
There are, howยญever, workยญarounds.
One approach primarยญily responds to top comยญments (comยญments with many likes or upvotes). If this is speยญcified in the comยญment policy, thatโs a fair approach.
One approach is to pubยญlish your response to a speยญcifยญic quesยญtion or a parยญticยญuยญlar type of quesยญtion once and then reply with a link to that pubยญlished stateยญment.
One approach is, indeed, not to respond. But you must claยญriยญfy this and link to a platยญform where your organยญisaยญtion will be responsยญive.
Remember, if one of your comยญment secยญtions spins out of conยญtrol, and youโre not there to respond and modยญerยญate actยญively, you canยญnot blame the online community.
Alphabet, Meta, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft etc. I know many sucยญcessยญful organยญisaยญtions that selยญdom respond on social media.
If youโre not responsยญive, you must divert more resources to your social listenยญing strategy. Organisations that can actยญively listen, crunch the data, and take action can get away with not being responsยญive.
Also, it would be wise to rememยญber that the comยญpanยญies menยญtioned above have serยญiยญous PR chalยญlenges, so โsucยญcessยญfulโ is a relยญatยญive term.
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