Why you should speak firstโโโa simple yet powerยญful hack
Leadership isnโt always about makยญing grand decisions or monuยญmentยญal gesยญtures. Sometimes, the most impactยญful leadยญerยญship strategies are minor behaยญviยญourยญal adjustยญments that can change the dynamยญics of an entire team.
Here we go:
The Hack: Speak First
This is a powerยญful yet deceptยญively simple hack for comยญmuยญnicยญatยญive leadership:
Key takeaway: To assert leadยญerยญship, speak first durยญing formยญal and informยญal occaยญsions with your team.
Why does this matยญter? It taps into a deeply rooted psyยญchoยญloยญgicยญal patยญtern. In any group setยญting, we instinctยญively look towards those who take iniยญtiยญatยญive. This dynamยญic is observed conยญsistยญently in social psychology.
By speakยญing first, leadยญers sigยญnal conยญfidยญence and dirยญecยญtion. This isnโt about monoยญpolยญising the conยญverยญsaยญtion or wieldยญing conยญtrolโโโitโs about setยญting a tone, providยญing clarยญity, and buildยญing an envirยญonยญment where othยญers feel grounยญded and ready to contribute.
Psychological research supยญports this concept. According to Van Vugt et al. (2008), people natยญurยญally look towards those who iniยญtiยญate action as leadยญers, espeยญcially in uncerยญtain situยญations. This pheยญnomenยญon, called โleadยญer emerยญgenceโ, sugยญgests that the mere act of takยญing the first stepโโโwhethยญer in speech or actionโโโcan cement a personโs posยญiยญtion as a leadยญer in the minds of othยญers. 1Van Vugt, M., Hogan, R., & Kaiser, R. B. (2008). Leadership, folยญlowยญerยญship, and evolยญuยญtion: Some lesยญsons from the past. American Psychologist, 63(3), 182โโโ196. โฆ Continue readยญing
Similarly, a study by Anderson and Kilduff (2009) found that indiยญviduยญals who act conยญfidยญently and make the first move tend to be perยญceived as more comยญpetยญent, regardยญless of whethยญer their actuยญal abilยญitยญies match this perยญcepยญtion. 2Anderson, C., & Kilduff, G. J. (2009). Why do domยญinยญant perยญsonยญalยญitยญies attain influยญence in face-to-face groups? The comยญpetยญence-sigยญnalยญing effects of trait domยญinยญance. Journal of Personality and โฆ Continue readยญing
Setting the Stage
The key to sucยญcess is balยญance. Speaking first is not about domยญinยญatยญing the conยญverยญsaยญtion or disยญregยญardยญing othยญersโ perยญspectยญives. Itโs often about effectยญively framยญing the discussion.
For example, by openยญing a meetยญing with a brief introยญducยญtion, you creยญate a conยญtext for the folยญlowยญing disยญcusยญsion, allowยญing othยญers to conยญtribยญute meanยญingยญfully. In informยญal disยญcusยญsions, being the first to express supยญport for an idea can make the envirยญonยญment safer for othยญers to share their thoughts.
Think of it as estabยญlishยญing the ground upon which othยญers can conยญfidยญently walk. It might mean introยญduยญcing a topยญic with a perยญsonยญal anecยญdote that makes it relatยญable, or it could be someยญthing as simple as expressยญing exciteยญment about hearยญing from a parยญticยญuยญlar team memยญber workยญing on a great project.
Key takeaway: The leadยญerยญโs purยญpose in speakยญing first is to pave the way, modยญel engageยญment, and help frame conยญtriยญbuยญtions that allow team memยญbers to shine.
By strivยญing to speak first, you take on the often underยญstated yet powerยญful role of a leadยญer who provides the iniยญtial cues that shape a proยญductยญive, colยญlabยญorยญatยญive atmoยญsphere. Itโs about givยญing dirยญecยญtion without overยญshadยญowยญing, buildยญing momentum without takยญing over, and ultiยญmately, encourยญaging othยญers to folยญlow with their contributions.
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1 | Van Vugt, M., Hogan, R., & Kaiser, R. B. (2008). Leadership, folยญlowยญerยญship, and evolยญuยญtion: Some lesยญsons from the past. American Psychologist, 63(3), 182โโโ196. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ1โ0โ3โ7โ/โ0โ003โโโ066X.63.3.182 |
2 | Anderson, C., & Kilduff, G. J. (2009). Why do domยญinยญant perยญsonยญalยญitยญies attain influยญence in face-to-face groups? The comยญpetยญence-sigยญnalยญing effects of trait domยญinยญance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96(2), 491โโโ503. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ1โ0โ3โ7โ/โaโ0โ0โ1โ4โ201 |