โSlow is smooth, smooth is fast.โ
The adage โslow is smooth, smooth is fastโ comes from the Navy SEALs, a group not typยญicยญally assoยญciยญated with the slow and steady approach. 1The oriยญgin of the phrase โslow is smooth, and smooth is fastโ is unclear, but it is often attribยญuted to United States Navy SEALs or othยญer milยญitยญary groups. The idea behind the phrase is that by โฆ Continue readยญing
However, this paraยญdoxยญicยญal phrase encapยญsuยญlates a vital lesยญson applicยญable to all spheres of life and workโโโoften, speed is not the end goal.
Here we go:
Lessons From Armed Forces
From the perยญspectยญive of a milยญitยญary proยญfesยญsionยญal, the wisยญdom of โsmooth is fastโ perยญmeates comยญplex operยญaยญtionยญal drills.
Whether clearยญing houses, disยญemยญbarkยญing under enemy fire from trucks or heliยญcopters, or carยญryยญing casยญuยญalยญties, these scenยญariยญos demand the seamยญless exeยญcuยญtion of sevยญerยญal mulยญtiยญfaยญceted tasks:
These tasks must be executed under high-stress conยญdiยญtions, bomยญbarded with sensยญory overload.
Artists, Athletes, and Academics
The presยญsure to do everything faster is ubiยญquitยญous in a world obsessed with optimยญizยญaยญtion and effiยญciency. However, we must resยญist this trend and instead lean into the fine art of slowยญing down.
Iโm not advocยญatยญing slugยญgishยญness but highยญlightยญing the merยญit in delibยญerยญate thought and action, where the end goal is not speed but the richยญness of outยญput and the joy in the process.
Artists, athยญletes or acaยญdemยญics are typยญicยญally unhurยญried. They delibยญerยญately execute their preยญparยญatยญory routines, athยญletes approach their bodยญies patiently, and acaยญdemยญics dedยญicยญate subยญstanยญtially more time to tasks than expecยญted. They invest those extra minutes in tasks like conยญsistยญency checks, allowยญing thoughts to mature, spotยญting irregยญuยญlarยญitยญies, or enhanยญcing a visuยญal representation.
This โslowยญnessโ trigยญgers accelยญerยญaยญtion and effiยญciency on a broadยญer scale, resยญultยญing in high overยญall performance.
Enjoy Smooth Emailing
For a more busiยญness-oriยญented example, letโs reflect on our relaยญtionยญship with emails:
The preยญvailยญing narยญratยญive seems to imply that we should all have an innate averยญsion to our inboxes. โIf you donโt loathe all forms of emailยญing, then someยญthing must be wrong with you.โ
At least for me, writยญing a well-thought-out email is not a dreaded task but a pleasยญurยญable engageยญment. It involves pickยญing the right words and craftยญing them into senยญtences that resยญonยญate with intent and connection.
Emailing, for me, is not about rushยญing through an inbox to attain the glorยญiยญfied status of Inbox Zero but about the meanยญingยญful exchange that unfolds withยญin each email.
See also: Pavlovโs Inbox
Enjoy Smooth Meetings
This philoยญsophy isnโt just applicยญable to email. It extends to meetยญings, anothยญer arena often subยญject to the tyranny of the clock.
Yes, no one enjoys a bad, drawn-out meetยญing, but is the soluยญtion to make them uniยญformly shortยญer? What about using that time to conยญnect, explore ideas, and colยญlectยญively creยญate truly?
Long, engaยญging meetยญings often lead to innovยญatยญive soluยญtions and stronger relaยญtionยญships that wouldnโt emerge in a comยญpressed, hurยญried environment.
Fast is Not Better
Thereโs an underยญlyยญing fear here, an anxiยญety that slowยญing down is synยญonymยญous with laziยญness. Yet, experยญiยญence and pasยญsion often demand a slower approach.
A seasoned PR proยญfesยญsionยญal can draft a press release in 30 minutes that a juniยญor may take hours to write. Given a leisยญurely two hours, the same proยญfesยญsionยญal could craft a docยญuยญment of such qualยญity that would be unreachยญable in a time-conยญstrained environment.
Taking your time to enjoy your craft does not imply laziยญness; it emphasยญizes the value of experยญiยญence, creยญativยญity, and pasยญsion over simple outยญput metrics.
Other Proverbs and Sayings
Here are some proยญverbs and sayยญings from around the world that emphasยญize the idea that takยญing oneโs time can lead to betยญter results:
While emphasยญizยญing patience and delibยญerยญate action, these adages do not disยญcourยญage effiยญciency or timely actions. They merely stress the importยญance of doing things right, not just quickly.
The Tyranny of the Clock
Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856โโโ1915) was an American mechยญanยญicยญal enginยญeer widely conยญsidered the fathยญer of sciยญentifยญic manยญageยญment, or โTaylorism.โ Preceding his studยญies at Harvard Law due to health issues, he joined the Midvale Steel Company as a machinยญist and rose to become chief enginยญeer. 2Frederick Winslow Taylor. (2023, May 24). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โFโrโeโdโeโrโiโcโkโ_โWโiโnโsโlโoโwโ_โTโaโyโlor
Taylor believed workยญers were inherยญently lazy and that a stopยญwatch could enhance proยญductivยญity. He observed workยญersโ behaยญviour in monoยญtonยญous factยญory setยญtings and conยญcluded that labour proยญductivยญity could be sigยญniยญficยญantly enhanced by elimยญinยญatยญing unneยญcesยญsary movements.
This ideologyโs lingerยญing vestiges remain in glorยญiยญfyยญing speed and effiยญciency. However, itโs time to move beyยญond this dated perspective.
We should encourยญage young proยญfesยญsionยญals to delivยญer high-qualยญity work, even if it requires extra time, rather than instilling a fear of perยญceived inefficiency.
See also: The Acceleration Theory: Use Momentum To Finish First
The Slow Movement
The โSlow Movementโ is a culยญturยญal shift towards slowยญing lifeโs pace. It emerged in response to the perยญceived speedยญing up of daily life, espeยญcially in modยญern indusยญtriยญalยญized sociยญetยญies where time has become a highly valยญued commodity.
The moveยญment began with โSlow Food,โ which starยญted in Italy in the late 1980s as a protest against fast food. It has since expanยญded to include variยญous domains like โSlow Travel,โ โSlow Living,โ โSlow Parenting,โ โSlow Fashion,โ โSlow Cities,โ and even โSlow Work.โ 3Slow moveยญment (culยญture). (2023, May 8). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โSโlโoโwโ_โmโoโvโeโmโeโnโtโ_โ(โcโuโlโtโure)
These are all based on the funยญdaยญmentยญal idea of takยญing the time to do things well, rather than quickly.
In essence, itโs an approach that seeks to balยญance effiยญciency and enjoyยญment, recogยญnizยญing the value of the human touch in our fast-paced, tech-satยญurยญated world.
Creativity, Passion, and Experience
Instead of pushยญing for relentยญless speed, we must foster an envirยญonยญment that celยญebยญrates creยญativยญity, pasยญsion, and experience.
As we move towards a future where AI and autoยญmaยญtion increasยญingly take over repetยญitยญive tasks, these human-centยญric qualยญitยญies become even more valuable.
They canโt be rushed or streamยญlined.
They need time to flourish.
Savour the proยญcess of writยญing that thoughtยญful email, indulge in the creยญativยญity that arises from a long brainยญstormยญing meetยญing and enjoy your cofยญfee one slow sip at a time.
After all, โslow is smooth, smooth is fast.โ
And it might be just what we need to navยญigยญate the comยญplexยญitยญies of our fast-paced world.
Thank you. Please supยญport my blog by sharยญing artยญicles with othยญer comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions- and marยญketยญing proยญfesยญsionยญals. Please also conยญsider my PR serยญvices or speakยญing engageยญments.
PR Resource: Reading List
Crawford, M. B. (2015). The world beyยญond your head: On becomยญing an indiยญviduยญal in an age of disยญtracยญtion. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Newport, C. (2016). Deep work: Rules for focused sucยญcess in a disยญtracยญted world. Grand Central Publishing.
Duhigg, C. (2014). The power of habit: Why we do what we do in life and busiยญness. Random House Trade Paperbacks.
Sutherland, R. (2019). Alchemy: The dark art and curiยญous sciยญence of creยญatยญing magic in brands, busiยญness, and life. HarperOne.
Schwartz, T. (2010). The way weโre workยญing isnโt workยญing: The four forยญgotยญten needs that enerยญgize great perยญformยญance. Free Press.
PR Resource: Productivity
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In addiยญtion to being a PR proยญfesยญsionยญal, I strive to live smarter, and I someยญtimes stumble upon ideas worth writยญing down when I conยญsider these matters.
Life Design Ideas
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1 | The oriยญgin of the phrase โslow is smooth, and smooth is fastโ is unclear, but it is often attribยญuted to United States Navy SEALs or othยญer milยญitยญary groups. The idea behind the phrase is that by takยญing delibยญerยญate and conยญtrolled actions, even if they are slower, one can ultiยญmately achieve a faster and more sucยญcessยญful outcome. |
2 | Frederick Winslow Taylor. (2023, May 24). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โFโrโeโdโeโrโiโcโkโ_โWโiโnโsโlโoโwโ_โTโaโyโlor |
3 | Slow moveยญment (culยญture). (2023, May 8). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โSโlโoโwโ_โmโoโvโeโmโeโnโtโ_โ(โcโuโlโtโure) |