The Priming Wheel aims to inspire multi-step persuasion.
With its 12-step approach, the Priming Wheel exemยญpliยญfies mulยญtiple touchยญpoints inspired by โPre-Suasion,โ Robert Cialdiniโs frameยญwork for shapยญing receptivยญity before the actuยญal perยญsuaยญsion attempt is made. 1Cialdini, R. (2017, April 20). Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade. Amazonโ.coโ.uk. https://โwwwโ.amazonโ.coโ.uk/โPโrโeโ-โSโuโaโsโiโoโnโ-โRโeโvโoโlโuโtโiโoโnโaโrโyโ-โWโaโyโ-โIโnโfโlโuโeโnโcโeโ-โPโeโrโsโuโaโdโeโ/โdโpโ/โ1โ8โ4โ7โ9โ4โ1โ4โ35/
Each primยญing step reinยญforces the preยญviยญous one, creยญatยญing a stronger, more resiยญliยญent foundยญaยญtion for the perยญsuasยญive message.
Here we go:
The Priming Wheel: Lay the Groundwork
Spin Academy | Online PR Courses
The Priming Wheel: 12 Steps To Yes
Persuasion is often a jourยญney rather than a one-off event.
Priming (in perยญsuaยญsion) = the proยญactยญive proยญcess of movยญing an audiยญence into an actionยญable state of mind through mulยญtiple PR activยญitยญies in a pre-planned sequence.
The Priming Wheel is not just a linยญear proยญgresยญsion of arguยญments but a layered approach that addresses difยญferยญent aspects of the recipยญiยญentโs rationยญal, emoยญtionยญal, social, and ethยญicยญal decision-makยญing process.
Each touchยญpoint in the Priming Wheel serves as a straยญtegic moment to subtly influยญence and preยญpare the recipยญiยญentโs mindยญset, makยญing them more amenยญable to the final mesยญsage or call to action.
Of course, you can pick and choose relยญevยญant primยญing steps for your PR activยญityโโโand even arrange them difยญferยญently to fit your product/โservice and narrative:
The Priming Wheelโs multi-touchยญpoint strategy is not just about delivยญerยญing informยญaยญtion; itโs about creยญatยญing a menยญtal and emoยญtionยญal envirยญonยญment where the final mesยญsage is deeply felt and underยญstood, leadยญing to a more proยญfound and lastยญing impact.
โThe best perยญsuaders become the best through pre-suaยญsionโโโthe proยญcess of arranยญging for recipยญiยญents to be receptยญive to a mesยญsage before they encounter it.โ
โ Robert Cialdini (author of Pre-Suasion) 2Cialdini, R. (2017, April 20). Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade. Amazonโ.coโ.uk. https://โwwwโ.amazonโ.coโ.uk/โPโrโeโ-โSโuโaโsโiโoโnโ-โRโeโvโoโlโuโtโiโoโnโaโrโyโ-โWโaโyโ-โIโnโfโlโuโeโnโcโeโ-โPโeโrโsโuโaโdโeโ/โdโpโ/โ1โ8โ4โ7โ9โ4โ1โ4โ35/
Learn more: The Priming Wheel: 12 Steps to Yes
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PR Resource: Persuasion
Spin Academy | Online PR Courses
Spinโs PR School: Free Persuasion PR Course
Use this free Persuasion PR Course to elevยญate your pubยญlic relaยญtions game with powerยญful insights. Drive impact and influยญence like nevยญer before.
Persuasion in Public Relations
Learn more: All Free PR Courses
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1 | Cialdini, R. (2017, April 20). Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade. Amazonโ.coโ.uk. https://โwwwโ.amazonโ.coโ.uk/โPโrโeโ-โSโuโaโsโiโoโnโ-โRโeโvโoโlโuโtโiโoโnโaโrโyโ-โWโaโyโ-โIโnโfโlโuโeโnโcโeโ-โPโeโrโsโuโaโdโeโ/โdโpโ/โ1โ8โ4โ7โ9โ4โ1โ4โ35/ |
2 | Cialdini, R. (2017, April 20). Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade. Amazonโ.coโ.uk. https://โwwwโ.amazonโ.coโ.uk/โPโrโeโ-โSโuโaโsโiโoโnโ-โRโeโvโoโlโuโtโiโoโnโaโrโyโ-โWโaโyโ-โIโnโfโlโuโeโnโcโeโ-โPโeโrโsโuโaโdโeโ/โdโpโ/โ1โ8โ4โ7โ9โ4โ1โ4โ35/ |