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Online Subcultures by Jerry Silfwer

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Emotional Maturity and Social Media

Many struggle with emo­tion­al matur­ity and social media. The illu­sion of safety we gain from sit­ting behind a key­board in anonym­ity exposes our immaturity.

Doctor Spin’s List of PR Blogs (2024)

This is my list of PR blogs (2024). I keep this list updated with act­ive PR blogs on pub­lic rela­tions, cor­por­ate com­mu­nic­a­tions, and digit­al influence. 

Solarpunk is the Way

Join the sol­arpunk move­ment and cre­ate a sus­tain­able future filled with com­munity-based solu­tions, renew­able energy, and beau­ti­ful designs inspired by nature.

DayZ for Days

These days, I prefer DayZ streams to Netflix, HBO, and Prime. Is gam­ing provid­ing a more immers­ive, enga­ging, and excit­ing exper­i­ence than television?

The Selfie Generation

Will the selfie gen­er­a­tion learn what being grownups on social media means? Or will we remain infant­il­ised “kid­ults”? The selfie gen­er­a­tion is struggling.

Social Media Fakers — Oh, They Seem So Perfect Online

Do you fol­low someone shar­ing a pic­ture-per­fect life­style but sus­pect they’re social media fakers? Learn how some people use social media for validation.

The Hippie Web is Dead (2005 – 2015)

While the hip­pie web where sit­ting around camp fire circles singing Kumbaya, some went out and returned with tons of real experience.

Why Future Superbrands Will Be Virtual Town Squares

Discover how future super­brands can estab­lish them­selves as vir­tu­al town squares, gain­ing and main­tain­ing priv­ileged pos­i­tions. Explore more at Doctor Spin.

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