My Phone Policy

Published by unpopular demand.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Yes, I have a phone policy.

When I went to school, my hisยญtory teachยญer once caught me checkยญing my phone durยญing class. He asked me what all slaves throughยญout hisยญtory had in common.

โ€œThat someone owned them,โ€ I sugยญgesยญted.
โ€œThat they were always availยญable,โ€ he said.

Here we go:

My Phone Policy

Iโ€™ve comยญpiled a perยญsonยญal phone policy to keep my incomยญing calls in check (and avoid slavery). 

When I Donโ€™t Answer the Phone

Iโ€™m not going to answer my phone when:

  • Iโ€™m with friends and family.
  • Iโ€™m in traffic.
  • Iโ€™m thinkยญing about importยญant things.
  • Iโ€™m in a meeting.
  • Iโ€™m writยญing or creating.
  • Iโ€™m sleepยญing (or havยญing sex).
  • Iโ€™m at the gym.
  • Iโ€™m in the bathroom. 
  • Iโ€™m doing houseยญwork (launยญdry, cookยญing, cleanยญing etc.)
  • Iโ€™m medยญitยญatยญing or image streamยญing.
  • Iโ€™m listenยญing to music (or dancing).
  • Iโ€™m eatยญing.
  • Iโ€™m watchยญing Twin Peaks.
  • Iโ€™m watchยญing Star Wars.
  • Iโ€™m groยญcery shopping.
  • Iโ€™m in nature with my camยญera.
  • Iโ€™m dropยญping off or pickยญing up my son at kindergarten.
  • I donโ€™t feel like talkยญing on the phone.

When I Will Answer the Phone

I will answer the phone when:

  • Iโ€™m close to my phone when it rings; none of the above scenยญariยญos applies, and the phone numยญber belongs to someone I genuยญinely feel like talkยญing to.
  • Iโ€™m getยญting a call from my sonโ€™s kindergarten.
  • Iโ€™m getยญting a call from wifey.
  • Iโ€™m getยญting a schedยญuled call.
  • Iโ€™m getยญting a call from a RETAINER client.

Learn more: My Phone Policy

The Magic of Text Messages

Luckily, my boss says being availยญable for unschedยญuled phone calls is not part of my job descripยญtion. 1My boss? Hmm, that would be me.

Is there a potenยญtial crisis?
Send me a text message:

โ€œJerry. Code red. I need your help.

Boom, DEFCON 1!

Still, not everyยญone appreยญciยญates my phone policy:

โ€œJerry. I called you but didยญnโ€™t answer, so I took my busiยญness elsewhere.โ€

Well, thatโ€™s fine by me.

Itโ€™s a probยญlem that sorts itself out, one could say. Because we shouldnโ€™t have a proยญfesยญsionยญal relaยญtionยญship if you think my expertยญise is so easยญily replaced. 

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Life design ideas.

Personal Projects: Life Design Ideas

In addiยญtion to being a PR proยญfesยญsionยญal, I strive to live smarter, and I someยญtimes stumble upon ideas worth writยญing down when I conยญsider these matters.

Life Design Ideas

Learn more: Lifestyle Design

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1 My boss? Hmm, that would be me.
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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