PR Theories by Jerry Silfwer

All Articles on PR Theories

The Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication

The Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication out­lines a lin­ear pro­cess where a mes­sage is sent from an inform­a­tion source to a des­tin­a­tion — obstruc­ted by noise.

Social Objects and Public Relations

Social objects mat­ter in PR; get­ting people to talk with each oth­er about stra­tegic­ally chosen top­ics is a corner­stone in mod­ern PR.

The Communication Definition

Explore the com­mu­nic­a­tion defin­i­tion based on the Shannon-Weaver Model, out­lining how mes­sages are lin­early encoded, trans­mit­ted, and decoded effectively.

John Dewey and the ‘P’ in Public Relations

The philo­soph­er John Dewey had a pro­found, but not widely known, impact on pub­lic rela­tions. His ‘pub­lics’ concept shaped an entire pro­fes­sion­al industry.

Conversion Theory: The Disproportionate Influence of Minorities

The con­ver­sion the­ory explains why minor­it­ies, des­pite smal­ler num­bers, can defeat major­it­ies simply by hold­ing their opin­ions more strongly.

The Engagement Pyramid (The 90−9−1 Principle)

Discover the power of the Engagement Pyramid. Learn how to launch and man­age more suc­cess­ful online activ­a­tion cam­paigns by using the 90−9−1 principle. 

The PESO Model: Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned Media

The PESO mod­el (paid, earned, shared, owned) is a pop­u­lar clas­si­fic­a­tion used to dis­tin­guish between vari­ous types of media from a cor­por­ate perspective.

Media Logic is Dead, Long Live Media Logic

While mass media pushes its media logic onto the pop­u­la­tion, the net­worked agenda-set­ting pro­cess is being dic­tated by algorithms based on user behaviours.

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