What is a landยญing page?
And why must a PR proยญfesยญsionยญal utilยญise them everyยญwhereโโโand all the time?
Here we go:
What is a Landing Page?
What is a landยญing page?
Landing page (LP) = a single-purยญpose web page stripped of standยญard menus and sideยญbars with a single CTA (call-to-action) chosen to match the visitorโs demonยญstrated intent.
Why do landยญing pages work well?
A landยญing page is typยญicยญally a web page with one sinยญguยญlar call-to-actionโโโor the same call-to-action repeated verยญticยญally. To maxยญimยญise conยญverยญsions, these pages are often stripped of sideยญbars, navยญigยญaยญtionยญal menus, footยญers, etc.
For intent-drivยญen and clear call-to-action inspirยญaยญtion, please study how Google uses their front page as a clean, high-conยญvertยญing landยญing page.
Learn more: What is a Landing Page?
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1 | Silfwer, J. (2015, October 4). Beware of Conversion Cannibalism. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โcโoโnโvโeโrโsโiโoโnโ-โcโaโnโnโiโbโaโlโiโsm/ |