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Moody Photography by Jerry Silfwer

All Articles on Moody Photography

Stockholm Details

Discover ‘Stockholm Details,’ a poem that cap­tures the essence of Stockholm’s unique charm, blend­ing its his­tor­ic beauty with mod­ern urb­an life.

Chasing Waterfalls

We were chas­ing water­falls in Älvdalen, Sweden. This amaz­ing place is called Stopfallet. We’ve been here sev­er­al times before and can­’t wait to return.

Swedish Frost

Swedish frost is an emo­tion. The land­scape is quiet, almost muffled. The col­our grey seems to absorb all sharp noises some­how. See my photo set here!

Better Days

Came across some aban­doned cars in the forest. As expec­ted, these cars had seen bet­ter days. But they were still able to give me some good shots.

Visiting Home

Visiting home is always a spe­cial kind of exper­i­ence. But instead of being sen­ti­ment­al, I always go out at night with my cam­era to see what I can see.

Forest Therapy

Yes, I know. Celebrating spend­ing time in nature is such an urb­an thing to do. Forest ther­apy is not just a hip­ster thing, you know?

Autumn is Calling

The leaves are fall­ing. As strange as it may sound, I always feel born again in the autumn. I love the col­ours, the crisp air. Perfect for photography.

The Photowalk

You can almost always take a pho­towalk. I’m learn­ing that a pho­towalk can fix most things in life. You just grab your cam­era and you go out.

Stockholm Mood

The Stockholm mood. We haven’t exper­i­enced an lock­down of the city, but it’s not life as usu­al right now. Life right now is … some­thing oth­er than usual.

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