Doctor SpinCreativity

Creativity by Jerry Silfwer

All Articles on Creativity

How To Create Knowledge

This list on how to cre­ate know­ledge presents aspects of reas­on­ing, meth­od­o­lo­gic­al approaches, data ana­lys­is per­spect­ives, and philo­soph­ic­al frameworks.

Types of Bad Thinking Habits

But by know­ing (and under­stand­ing) bad think­ing habits, we increase our chances of detect­ing mis­takes before we take poor actions.

Mental Capacity vs Mental Competence

Is there a way to prac­tice clear think­ing? I’m amazed almost daily at how oth­er­wise accom­plished indi­vidu­als can think wrong so fre­quently — myself included.

Communications or Communication?

Communications or com­mu­nic­a­tion? Obviously, the word “com­mu­nic­a­tions” (with an ‑s) dif­fers from “com­mu­nic­a­tion” (without an ‑s). You can learn why here.

My 2022 Annual Review

Uncover my exper­i­ences and les­sons in this 2022 annu­al review! Discover the year’s suc­cesses, chal­lenges, and aspir­a­tions for per­son­al growth.

Chasing Waterfalls

We were chas­ing water­falls in Älvdalen, Sweden. This amaz­ing place is called Stopfallet. We’ve been here sev­er­al times before and can­’t wait to return.

Swedish Frost

Swedish frost is an emo­tion. The land­scape is quiet, almost muffled. The col­our grey seems to absorb all sharp noises some­how. See my photo set here!

How Nick Cave Turned Down MTV With Some Classy Writing

In 1996, Nick Cave sub­mit­ted a peti­tion to the MTV Video Music Awards demand­ing the video for his duet with Kylie Minogue be removed.

My Chess Failure: 12 Months Is Not Nearly Enough

After hav­ing watched The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix in 2020, chess caught my interest. My goal is to learn how to play a decent game of chess.

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