Disclaimer: Iโm a PR proยญfesยญsionยญal who enjoys thinkยญing, readยญing, and learnยญing about topยญics far beyยญond my acaยญdemยญic background.
I think of conยญsciousยญness as an illusion.
This brief blog post explores the hisยญtorยญicยญally proยญvocยญatยญive idea that human conยญsciousยญness might be an emerยญgent illuยญsion rather than a disยญtinct, tanยญgible entity.
Based on the gradยญaยญtions of conยญsciousยญness, its potenยญtial as an emerยญgent propยญerty of comยญplex neurยญal interยญacยญtions, and its implicยญaยญtions for the free will debate and artiยญfiยญcial intelยญliยญgence, I sugยญgest we rethink the nature of self-awareยญness and its place in the natยญurยญal world.
Here we go:
A Critical Indistinguishability
The nature of conยญsciousยญness has long been a subยญject of philoยญsophยญicยญal debate and sciยญentifยญic inquiry. Traditional views tend to treat conยญsciousยญness as a conยญcrete aspect of human experience.
However, an alternยญatยญive perยญspectยญive sugยญgests that conยญsciousยญness might be an emerยญgent illuยญsionโโโa byproduct of comยญplex neurยญal proยญcesses. This hypoยญthesยญis chalยญlenges our funยญdaยญmentยญal underยญstandยญing of conยญsciousยญness and its role in human cogยญniยญtion and behaviour.
A critยญicยญal aspect of the illuยญsion hypoยญthesยญis is the difยญfiยญculty in disยญtinยญguishยญing between the experยญiยญence of being conยญscious and the belief that one is conยญscious. This indisยญtinยญguishabยญilยญity raises quesยญtions about the objectยญive existยญence of conยญsciousยญness as a sepยญarยญate entity.
What we perยญceive as conยญsciousยญness may simply be a conยญvinยญcing illuยญsion crafยญted by our cogยญnitยญive proยญcesses, a notion that blurs the line between realยญity and perยญcepยญtion in underยญstandยญing self-awareness.
Consciousness as Result of Limitations
The physยญicยญal develยญopยญment of cogยญnitยญive abilยญitยญies sugยญgests that conยญsciousยญness operยญates on a slidยญing scale.
A grown human posยญsesses a highยญer awareยญness than a newยญborn, sugยญgestยญing that the acuteยญness of conยญsciousยญness is proยญporยญtionยญal to cogยญnitยญive develยญopยญment. This gradยญaยญtion supยญports the theยญory that conยญsciousยญness emerges graduยญally and is not an absoยญlute state, furยญther lendยญing creยญdence to the idea of it as an emerยญgent property.
However, the emerยญgence is not necesยญsarยญily corยญrelยญated to increased comยญplexยญity. The physยญiยญcist and Nobel prize winยญner Sir Roger Penrose poinยญted out that conยญsciousยญness might not resยญult from comยญplexยญity. If it were, even a numยญber would become senยญtient, only if it were large enough. In that sense, all infinยญite numยญbers would be conscious.
Instead of comยญplexยญity, the illuยญsion of conยญsciousยญness could resยญult from two sepยญarยญate yet deeply interยญconยญnecยญted sysยญtems in the brain: the conยญscious and subยญconยญscious systems.
The brain funcยญtions as two sepยญarยญate sysยญtems, proยญcessing and interยญpretยญing many neurยญal sigยญnals. It could be that the interยญplay between these two sysยญtems conยญtribยญutes to the emerยญgence of what we perยญceive as consciousness.
โSo Rennerโs [i.e. Physicist Renato Renner at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)] team designed a kind of โlobotomยญisedโ neurยญal netยญwork: two sub-netยญworks that were conยญnecยญted to each othยญer through only a handยญful of links-netยญwork would learn from the data, as in a typยญicยญal neurยญal netยญwork, and the second would use that โexperยญiยญenceโ to make and test new preยญdicยญtions. Because few links conยญnecยญted the two sides, the first netยญwork was forced to pass informยญaยญtion to the othยญer in a conยญdensed format. Renner likens it to how an adviser might pass on their acquired knowยญledge to a stuยญdent.โ
Source: Nature 1Castelvecchi, D. (2019). AI Copernicus โdisยญcovยญersโ that Earth orbits the Sun. Nature, 575(7782), 266โโโ268. https://โgoโ.galeโ.com/โpโsโ/โiโ.do
Alteringโโโor fully accessยญing!โโโthese subยญconยญscious proยญcesses could potenยญtially disยญrupt, diminยญish, or disยญsolve the conยญscious experยญiยญence, highยญlightยญing its emerยญgent and conยญdiยญtionยญal nature.
Consciousness, Determinism, and Free Will
Viewing conยญsciousยญness as an illuยญsion has sigยญniยญficยญant implicยญaยญtions for determยญinยญismโโโand the free will debate.
The illuยญsion hypoยญthesยญis sugยญgests that the disยญtincยญtion between free will and the illuยญsion of free will may be more semantยญic than subยญstantยญive. This perยญspectยญive aligns with a determยญinยญistยญic view of the uniยญverse, albeit one that allows for eleยญments of ranยญdomยญness and uncerยญtainty, which could still play a role in shapยญing conยญscious experience.
The hypoยญthesยญis that conยญsciousยญness is an emerยญgent illuยญsion chalยญlenges many conยญvenยญtionยญal views on the nature of self-awareยญness. It opens new avenยญues for underยญstandยญing the human mind.
While this perยญspectยญive is still subยญject to debate, it offers a comยญpelยญling frameยญwork for rethinkยญing one of the most proยญfound aspects of human existยญenceโโโour consciousness.
Implications for Artificial Intelligence
Many of us believe that AI poses an existยญenยญtial risk for humanยญity. Conscious AI could repยญlicยญate and evolve beyยญond humanity.
โFor more than three thouยญsand milยญlion years, DNA has been the only repยญlicยญatยญor worth talkยญing about in the world. But it does not necesยญsarยญily hold these monoยญpoly rights for all time. Whenever conยญdiยญtions arise in which a new kind of repยญlicยญatยญor can make copยญies of itself, the new repยญlicยญatยญors will tend to take over and start a new kind of evolยญuยญtion of their own.โ
Source: The Selfish Gene 2Dawkins, R. (2023). The Selfish Gene: 30th Anniversary Edition-with a new Introduction by the Author: Dawkins, Richard: 9780199291151: Amazonโ.com: Books.
If conยญsciousยญness is indeed an emerยญgent pheยญnomenยญon, it has proยญfound implicยญaยญtions for the develยญopยญment of artiยญfiยญcial intelligence.
The illuยญsion hypoยญthesยญis sugยญgests that AI may not need to cross a definยญitยญive sinยญguยญlarยญity threshold to achieve some form of conยญsciousยญness. As an emerยญgent pheยญnomenยญon, each experยญiยญenced conยญsciousยญness is uniquely experยญiยญenced, renยญderยญing artiยญfiยญcial conยญsciousยญness many unique experยญiยญences of consciousness.
Thus, if the illuยญsion hypoยญthesยญis is corยญrect, true AI could be achieved by allowยญing AI sysยญtems only parยญtial access to themselves.
Thank you. Please supยญport my blog by sharยญing artยญicles with othยญer comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions- and marยญketยญing proยญfesยญsionยญals. Please also conยญsider my PR serยญvices or speakยญing engageยญments.
PR Resource: How AI Will Impact PR
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The AI Revolution: Transforming Public Relations
There are sevยญerยญal ways in which artiยญfiยญcial intelยญliยญgence (AI) is likely to impact the pubยญlic relaยญtions (PR) industry. Some potenยญtial examples include:
Overall, AIโs impact on the PR industry is likely to be sigยญniยญficยญant, with the potenยญtial to revoluยญtionยญise many aspects of how PR proยญfesยญsionยญals work and interยญact with stakeยญholdยญers, influยญenยญcers, and pubยญlics.
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1 | Castelvecchi, D. (2019). AI Copernicus โdisยญcovยญersโ that Earth orbits the Sun. Nature, 575(7782), 266โโโ268. https://โgoโ.galeโ.com/โpโsโ/โiโ.do |
2 | Dawkins, R. (2023). The Selfish Gene: 30th Anniversary Edition-with a new Introduction by the Author: Dawkins, Richard: 9780199291151: Amazonโ.com: Books. |
3 | Silfwer, J. (2023, March 20). The AI Content Explosion. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โaโiโ-โcโoโnโtโeโnโtโ-โeโxโpโlโoโsโiโon/ |