The Acceleration Theory

Don't go for top speed quickly—extend your acceleration instead.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Prolonging the acceleration phase in a 100-meter sprint can lead to faster finishing times. This principle could potentially be applied to personal and professional contexts, suggesting that focusing on gradual and sustained effort can yield superior outcomes compared to rapid, unsustainable bursts of activity.

The accel­er­a­tion the­ory can help you crush your competition.

At times in life, it might seem like every­one is ahead.

At such times, you might exper­i­ence stress, self-doubt, and per­form­ance anxi­ety — espe­cially if you have a com­pet­it­ive personality. 

Struggling to stay ahead at all times might be drain­ing men­tally and phys­ic­ally. Just keep­ing up becomes a chore.

Turns out that stay­ing ahead might also be over­rated. I came to this con­clu­sion when research­ing how to become a bet­ter sprinter. 

Here we go:

My Sprint Experiment in Greenwich Park

In 2004, I lived in Greenwich, London. My girl­friend and I ren­ted a run­down apart­ment near Cutty Sark above a loc­al post office.

Broke and rest­less, we spent much time exer­cising in Greenwich Park, home of the GMT date line. The park was an excel­lent place to play around with a stop­watch and some sprints. 

Why not? We were both strong sprint­ers in high school and wanted to see if we could still hit some decent times.

I quickly learned I was­n’t even close to my high school records. As dis­ap­point­ing as this was, I added some inter­val train­ing to my regi­men. I pushed myself hard but could not slow down my new, slow times. 

Whatever speed I had as a teen­ager now seemed to be gone.

Still, I was­n’t ready to give up.
I turned to research.

Inspired by World Champions

I remem­ber watch­ing the 100-meter dash in the Olympics as a kid. I was mes­mer­ised by how some sprint­ers could come up from behind in the last part of the race and crush their opponents. 

But at the same time, I always wondered:

If an élite sprint­er is lead­ing the 100-meter dash at 80 meters and someone else is com­ing up fast from behind, why isn’t the pack lead­er put­ting up more of a fight? 

I reasoned that some­thing must be left in the tank with only 20 meters to the fin­ish line. But no. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a 100-meter dash sprint­er pick up the pace that close to the fin­ish line.

Naturally, I star­ted search­ing for how the 100-meter dash works from a math­em­at­ic­al perspective. 

I will use some inter­est­ing data points from Maurice Green and Usain Bolt to illus­trate some of my findings:

Data Points from Maurice Green 

In his paper, A Mathematical Model of the 100M and What It Means, Kevin Prendergast out­lines a for­mula for describ­ing what hap­pens dur­ing a 100-meter dash. Prendergast tests his proof on the res­ults from the 1999 World Championships, where data from the eight final­ists were ana­lysed. Seven sprint­ers were then grouped and com­pared to the win­ner, Maurice Greene. 1Prendergast, K. (2018, January 21). A math­em­at­ic­al mod­el of the 100m and what it means. Silo.‑mathematical-model-of-the-100m-and-what-it-means

Data points from the sprint­ers (exclud­ing Maurice Greene) in that race showed:

  • Reaction time 0.14sec
  • Speed lim­it 11.68 m/​s
  • Initial accel­er­a­tion 10.05 m/​s²
  • Acceleration con­stant 0.8609
  • Duration of accel­er­a­tion 6.44sec
  • Duration of decel­er­a­tion 3.38sec
  • Point of max speed 59.79m
  • Max speed 11.50m/s
  • Total time 9.96sec

And here are the same data points, but for Maurice Greene alone:

  • Reaction time 0.13sec
  • Speed lim­it 11.77m/s
  • Initial accel­er­a­tion 10.12m/s²
  • Acceleration con­stant 0.8600
  • Duration of accel­er­a­tion 8.68sec
  • Duration of decel­er­a­tion 0.99sec
  • Point of max speed 86.84m
  • Max speed 11.73m/s
  • Total time 9.80sec

The sev­en final­ists reached their points of max­im­um speed at an aver­age of 59.79 meters into the race, at which point Maurice Green was still accel­er­at­ing, reach­ing his max­im­um speed at 86.84 meters! It shows in the dur­a­tion of accel­er­a­tion, which for Greene was 8,68 seconds (almost the entire race!) and 6,44 seconds for the rest.

Greene’s max speed was­n’t much high­er than the oth­ers, but the oth­ers decel­er­ated for 3.38 seconds while Greene only slowed down for 0.99 seconds. 

Prendergast con­cludes:

The prac­tic­al les­son from this mod­el for sprint­ers and coaches would seem to be the bene­fit of extend­ing the time of accel­er­a­tion. This, rather than raw power out of the blocks, will res­ult in faster times. It is prob­ably a mat­ter of con­trol. […] It is pos­sible to derive a math­em­at­ic­al mod­el that mod­els a 100m per­form­ance very well. It provides valu­able inform­a­tion on the makeup of the per­form­ance, regard­ing accel­er­a­tion, velo­city, and dis­tance at any stage in the race. It enables us to see the vital ingredi­ents of suc­cess in 100m run­ning, and that the most vital is to accel­er­ate as long as possible.”

Data Points from Usain Bolt

Assuming that the fric­tion between our feet and the ground is con­stant and that run­ning on two feet is giv­en, a the­or­et­ic­al super­hu­man can run 100 meters between 4,5 to 5 seconds. 

Going any faster is impossible without alter­ing phys­ics.

But here’s the excit­ing part:

Look at the velo­city curve for the world’s fast­est sprint­er, Usain Bolt.

When I looked at break­downs for fam­ous 100-meter sprint­ers over the last 40 years, their aver­age top speeds had­n’t increased much, but Usain Bolt stands out with his max­im­um speed of 12,2 meters per second.

Usain Bolt speed diagram - Acceleration Theory
Usain Bolt’s velo­city at each instant of his gold-medal 100-meter dash in Beijing, 2008. Source: Quanta Magazine.

We can see that Bolt’s speed var­ies dur­ing a 100-meter dash. So, what can we dis­cern from his data points? I looked closely at sev­er­al 100-meter dash finals.

The accel­er­a­tion phase: To accel­er­ate, you must be at an angle with the ground (lean­ing for­ward, push­ing with legs) to be able to push hard against grav­ity.

The top speed phase: Once upright (run­ning tall with as little con­tact with the ground as pos­sible), you can only main­tain speed or decelerate.

Turns out I’ve been wrong about sprint­ing. I always tried to reach my top speed as fast as pos­sible in my sprints. 

The world’s best 100-meter dash sprint­ers can only main­tain their top speeds for 20 – 25 meters. Maurice Green accel­er­ated for an incred­ible 8,69 seconds and kept his top speed for 0,99 seconds.

And what was I doing? I cruised eas­ily at my “top speed” for 75 – 80 meters.


How fast would I have to run at a top speed that I could only sus­tain for no more than 20 – 25 meters? I real­ised that I should try to extend my accel­er­a­tion phase.

Time for a new experiment.

Back to Greenwich Park: New Experiment!

My girl­friend and I went back to Greenwich Park, marked every 10 meters along a 100-meter track, and I made a few test sprints. 

First, I ran as usu­al. I reached my top speed (run­ning tall with as little con­tact with the ground as pos­sible) after about 25 – 30 meters, and I man­aged to keep my speed reas­on­ably well for the remainder of the distance. 

Now, I wanted to extend my accel­er­a­tion time. But for how long? I decided to go for the 60-meter mark. 

I pre­pared myself, and as my girl­friend star­ted the stop­watch, I got off to a good start. As I kept accel­er­at­ing, the strain on my body was immense. At the 30-meter mark, I felt like I was car­ry­ing an ele­phant. At the 40-meter mark, I could not keep accel­er­at­ing for longer.

And as I began clos­ing in on the fin­ish line, my legs and upper body were spent. At 80 – 90 meters, I could feel myself decelerating.

Reaching the fin­ish­ing line felt like an etern­ity. Also, I felt a lot more drag through­out the sprint, almost as if someone had attached a para­chute to my waist, slow­ing me down even further. 

Discouraged, I asked my girl­friend about my time.

Well, Jerry, that was your fast­est 100-meter dash ever,” she said while star­ing at the stop­watch like she could­n’t believe it. “By a wide margin.”

The Acceleration Theory

Do today what oth­ers won’t, so tomor­row you can do what oth­ers can’t.”

According to Prendergast’s math­em­at­ic­al mod­el for élite sprint­ers, get­ting an early lead can harm your fin­ish­ing time. 2Prendergast, K. (2018, January 21). A math­em­at­ic­al mod­el of the 100m and what it means. Silo.‑mathematical-model-of-the-100m-and-what-it-means

Can you apply an “accel­er­a­tion the­ory” out­side sprinting?

Well, it seems to me that you can some­times ensure a win by stay­ing in a zone that many find uncom­fort­able for longer.

Geeks and repetitive tasks - Acceleration Theory
Geeks and repet­it­ive tasks. Source: Global Nerdy

My accel­er­a­tion phase philo­sophy is as fol­lows: At the begin­ning of a new and chal­len­ging endeav­our, you work hard on improv­ing, not mind­ing that oth­ers reap more of the ini­tial benefits.

Acceleration the­ory (men­tal mod­el). This concept indic­ates that the win­ner mustn’t lead the race from start to fin­ish. Mathematically, delay­ing max­im­um “speed” by pro­long­ing the slower accel­er­a­tion phase will get you across the fin­ish line faster. 3Silfwer, J. (2012, October 31). The Acceleration Theory: Use Momentum To Finish First. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://​doc​tor​spin​.net/​a​c​c​e​l​e​r​a​t​i​o​n​-​t​h​e​o​ry/

Talent vs Work - Doctor Spin
Talent vs work. (Illustration: Unknown.)

Instead, you ignore your com­pet­i­tion at first, striv­ing to keep accel­er­at­ing well past the halfway point of the endeav­our. At the 60% mark, you put everything you learnt and built up into play — and you go!

  • The accel­er­a­tion the­ory reminds me nev­er to stress about being behind in the first half of any­thing. And it motiv­ates me to kick myself into over­drive when the accel­er­a­tion phase is done!

The Intriguing 60% Mark

Based on the math­em­at­ic­al mod­el for sprint­ers, I often con­tem­plate the switch from the accel­er­a­tion to the top speed phase. According to the equa­tion, the switch should hap­pen at around 60% of the race.4Prendergast, K. (2018, January 21). A math­em­at­ic­al mod­el of the 100m and what it means. Silo.‑mathematical-model-of-the-100m-and-what-it-means

If we play around with this idea:

  • If a per­son­al pro­ject is planned for 12 months, the 60% mark will occur after 219 days of acceleration. 
  • If I live health­ily for 85 years, my healthy life’s 60% mark will occur at 51. (Yes, I’m determ­ined to crush it when I get there!)

It’s anec­dot­al and not a “the­ory,” sure.

However, the approach of pro­long­ing the accel­er­a­tion phase has served me well.

Example: When work­ing with a PR cli­ent, I typ­ic­ally spend 60% of the ini­tial pro­ject scope doing neces­sary ground­work, ask­ing uncom­fort­able ques­tions, doing deep research, pre­par­ing, run­ning tests, com­pil­ing mater­i­als, etc.

Key Takeaways: What To Know

Please remem­ber: Your com­pet­it­ors are not neces­sar­ily “ahead.” Lots of people are impa­tient and peak too soon.

  • Know the length of your race and plan accordingly. 
  • Ignore non-accel­er­at­ing competitors.
  • Invest in build­ing your momentum.
  • Be dis­cip­lined and pace yourself.

Here are the key takeaways from this mindset:

Know what done (100%) looks like. Always know the dis­tance for a par­tic­u­lar under­tak­ing (i.e. the equi­val­ent of know­ing where the fin­ish line will be).

Know what accel­er­a­tion (<60%) looks like. Hunker down and accel­er­ate con­tinu­ously. Never mind about your com­pet­i­tion; focus on the hard work of gain­ing momentum.

Know what top speed (>60%) looks like. Get up straight and main­tain your hard-earned top speed. Be mind­ful of main­tain­ing good form, and don’t try to get back into accel­er­at­ing again.

Learn more: The Acceleration Theory

Signature - Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin

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1, 2, 4 Prendergast, K. (2018, January 21). A math­em­at­ic­al mod­el of the 100m and what it means. Silo.‑mathematical-model-of-the-100m-and-what-it-means
3 Silfwer, J. (2012, October 31). The Acceleration Theory: Use Momentum To Finish First. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://​doc​tor​spin​.net/​a​c​c​e​l​e​r​a​t​i​o​n​-​t​h​e​o​ry/
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Kaufmann, Whispr Group, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

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