Doctor SpinThe PR BlogStorytelling & WritingNever Use the Word 'Unique' in Your PR writing

Never Use the Word โ€˜Uniqueโ€™ in Your PR writing

Don't tell the world about your uniqueness โ€” show them.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Please nevยญer use the word โ€œuniqueโ€ in PR.

Marketing- and PR jarยญgon might not be the worst thing in the world but, as far as Iโ€™m conยญcerned, itโ€™s up there. Corporate platยญitยญudes equal corยญporยญate cringe which equals bad PR.

However, many PR proยญfesยญsionยญals, who honยญestly should know betยญter, still cling to the word โ€œuniqueโ€โ€‰โ€”โ€‰even to the point of fiercely defendยญing its use.

Why is โ€œuniqueโ€ such a despicยญable word to put in your PR copy?

The typยญicยญal use case describes someยญthing as unique when it isnโ€™t. You might state that the first genยญerยญaยญtion iPhone was a fantยญastยญic product, but it wasยญnโ€™t. A reasยญonยญable rule of thumb: If you can proยญduce mulยญtiple copยญies of someยญthing in a factยญory, itโ€™s not unique.

And even if they had only proยญduced one iPhone ever, it wasยญnโ€™t exactly the first or last smartยญphone to ever be made.

โ€œBut the product had unique features!โ€

You say that a mass-proยญduced product is unique because it has โ€œuniqueโ€ feaยญtures, you say? Weโ€™re already on a slipยญpery slope of deflatยญing what such a difยญfuse stateยญment even means. 

Does it mean that no one will be able to copy these feaยญtures?
Or does it simply mean โ€ฆ โ€œnewโ€?

โ€œUniquenessโ€ is, by definยญiยญtion, its self-realยญizยญing feaยญture. What makes someยญthing unique is that itโ€™s uniquely unique.

A finยญgerยญprint is unique. A strand of DNA (unless you have an identicยญal twin) is unique. A code stamp for a cryptoยญcurยญrency is unique by design. Yes, you are a sinยญguยญlar human being flowยญing through the cosยญmoยญloยญgicยญal spaceยญtime. And yes, you are unique.

A work of art is unique because there will only be one oriยญginยญal, no matยญter how many copยญies you make. A non-funยญgible token is unique because thatโ€™s its whole purpose.

This blog post is unique and served to you via a unique URL. Itโ€™s nothยญing speยญcial about this parยญticยญuยญlar URL, but it is unique. Thatโ€™s why the URL works.

But your new product or serยญvice? Or a speยญcifยญic feaยญture? Please.

At the same time, if you zoom in or out far enough, sudยญdenly everything becomes unique.

My wristยญwatch is unique because no othยญer watch has the same conยญfigยญurยญaยญtion of molecules. No othยญer watch is sitยญting on my left wrist at this very moment. In that sense, my watch is unique.

Beyond describยญing whatโ€™s genuยญinely unique by design or purยญpose, the term doesยญnโ€™t mean anyยญthing. Itโ€™s reduced to corยญporยญate cringe the very moment you type it into the headยญline of your press release.

Or worse: Your PR copy is just crap thatโ€™s all danยญcing and all singing.

โ€œYou are not speยญcial. Youโ€™re not a beauยญtiยญful and unique snowยญflake. Youโ€™re the same decayยญing organยญic matยญter as everything else. Weโ€™re all part of the same comยญpost heap. Weโ€™re all singing, all danยญcing crap of the world.โ€

โ€• Tyler Durden (Chuck Palahniuk), Fight Club

You know how this all works.

If you have to point out that someยญthing is โ€œmodยญernโ€, it probยญably isnโ€™t.
If you have to point out that someยญthing is โ€œcoolโ€, it probยญably isnโ€™t.
If you have to point out that someยญthing is โ€œaweยญsomeโ€, it probยญably isnโ€™t.

As folยญlows:

If you have to point out that someยญthing is unique, it probยญably isnโ€™t.

โ€œBooks serve to show a man that those oriยญginยญal thoughts of his arenโ€™t very new after all.โ€
โ€” Abraham Lincoln

And now weโ€™re getยญting closer to the actuยญal reasยญon for avoidยญing using the word โ€œuniqueโ€ in your PR material:

Itโ€™s not because the term is so easy to misยญuse.
Itโ€™s not because the term has been overยญused and lost its meanยญing.
Itโ€™s not because itโ€™s a sure sign of corยญporยญate cringe.

No, it would be best if you didยญnโ€™t use the word โ€œuniqueโ€ in PR because โ€ฆ

โ€ฆ if you have someยญthing unique on offer, why waste that rare PR opporยญtunยญity by telling everyยญone? Instead, show them.

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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