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The PR Profession by Jerry Silfwer

All Articles on The PR Profession

Where To Find Public Relations Entry-Level Jobs

Where can you find entry-level pub­lic rela­tions jobs? My advice is to not wait around for an oppor­tun­ity to present itself. Reach out and pitch your­self here.

Edward Bernays — The Father of PR

Edward Bernays (1891 – 1995) is con­sidered the fath­er of pub­lic rela­tions. His uncle was Sigmund Freud, and Bernays, too, was inter­ested in psychology.

PR and Mental Health Problems

PR is a stress­ful job that can cause men­tal health issues. You should early warn­ing signs ser­i­ously — and avoid stress before it leads to men­tal health problems.

PR Things To Do (Get 100+ Ideas)

Public rela­tions pro­fes­sion­als must come up with PR things to do all the time. If you’re stuck on ideas, use this easy-to-use PR idea gen­er­a­tion method.

PR Beyond AI

For the idea of PR bey­ond AI to make sense, we can­not stay the same. But so far, PR has not played a role in the AI Revolution. But we should. In fact, we must.

Advice for Public Relations Internships

Here’s my advice for pub­lic rela­tions intern­ships. I’ve com­piled a list of advice to max­im­ise your pub­lic rela­tions intern­ship and set your­self up for success.

The Public Relations Definition

Public rela­tions defin­i­tion: The stra­tegic use of com­mu­nic­a­tion to estab­lish and sus­tain pro­duct­ive brand rela­tion­ships with pub­lics, stake­hold­ers, and influencers.

What is Public Relations?

What is pub­lic rela­tions? PR is a brand’s use of com­mu­nic­a­tion to estab­lish and sus­tain pro­duct­ive rela­tion­ships with pub­lics, stake­hold­ers, and influencers.

The Public Relations Intern — A Future PR Superstar?

How do you recog­nise a pub­lic rela­tions intern with PR super­star poten­tial? Some hard­work­ing tal­ents don’t need author­ity to tell them exactly how to succeed.

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