Public Relations vs Marketing

Public rela­tions vs mar­ket­ing — what are the dif­fer­ences? In this blog post, let’s look at the many dif­fer­ences between pub­lic rela­tions and marketing.

Principles for Communicative Discipline

Here are my prin­ciples for com­mu­nic­at­ive dis­cip­line. Communication is import­ant. For organ­isa­tions, com­mu­nic­a­tion is crit­ic­al for long-term survival. 

The Checklist for Communicative Leadership

This is a check­list for com­mu­nic­at­ive lead­er­ship. Becoming a more com­mu­nic­at­ive lead­er doesn’t have to be dif­fi­cult. Anyone can become a bet­ter leader!

The Sword of Certainty: Information is Power

Leaders must wield the Sword of Certainty wisely. Being informed is a lead­er­ship priv­ilege. It grants the lead­er an extra buf­fer of power over the uninformed.

How To Use Personas in PR

We can use per­so­nas in PR, too. Using per­so­nas is com­mon­place in mar­ket­ing, but with a few tweaks, PR per­so­nas can be a use­ful tool for tail­or­ing messages.

The 1‑Page PR Strategy

The “1‑Page PR Strategy” aligns with Richard Rumelt’s advocacy for clar­ity and con­cise­ness in stra­tegic plan­ning. It’s all about strengths versus weaknesses.

The Magical PR Strategy Question

In PR, the battle for atten­tion is fierce. The Magical PR Strategy Question high­lights the need for clear dif­fer­en­ti­ation to gain that neces­sary edge.

Split Sessions: Recognition, Rewards, and Feedback

The Split Sessions Framework under­scores the import­ance of sep­ar­at­ing recog­ni­tion (praise), rewards, and feed­back in com­mu­nic­at­ive leadership. 

Parkinson’s Law & The Law of Triviality (Bike Shed Effect)

Parkinson’s law and the Law of Triviality (Bike Shed Effect) argues that we allow tasks to fill up their allot­ted time and give trivi­al issues too much weight.
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