What’s the tell-tale sign of a promising public relations intern?
Having worked in the PR industry since 2005, I’ve encountered the occasional public relations intern who I instantly knew would go on to become a PR superstar one day.
Nowadays, I believe I can tell whether or not a public relations intern will become a force to be reckoned with in this business.
Here we go:
The Public Relations Intern — A Future PR Superstar?
“Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.”
— Arthur Schopenhauer
Spin Academy | Online PR Courses
The Public Relations Intern — A Future PR Superstar?
How do you recognise a public relations intern with PR superstar potential?
After many years of recruiting talent, I’ve learnt to spot the one tell-tale sign of the public relations interns who will become a force to be reckoned with in the PR industry:
The secret = instead of asking how exactly a specific task should be done, a public relations intern with PR superstar potential rarely asks for detailed instructions simply because their heads are full of novel ideas and solutions to try.
Perhaps this sounds counter-intuitive? Shouldn’t a public relations intern be stunningly good at doing precisely what they’re told — and nothing else?
Well, yes. But PR superstars who started as public relations interns often weren’t the best interns around. A public relations intern who prefers every solution to be their own can even be a liability — short-term.
Here’s why:
The future PR superstar will often fail because they prefer doing things their way. But frequent failure leads to faster growth — and a public relations intern with progressive ideas and novel inspirations will keep trying where others would have given up a long time ago.
In short: They learn faster by thinking for themselves — and constant trial-by-error. The public relations intern with future PR superstar qualities aren’t the easiest to manage, but they also never stop trying.
Career Advice for Public Relations Interns
As a public relations intern, ask yourself: Are you waiting for someone to tell you how to succeed? Don’t. Instead, make sure that you are that person to yourself.
Learn more: The Public Relations Intern — A Future PR Superstar?
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Advice for Public Relations Internships
“If you want something done, ask a busy person.”
— Marissa Kraxberger
Spin Academy | Online PR Courses
Advice for Public Relations Internships
I’ve compiled a list of advice to maximise your public relations internship and set yourself up for success. These tips will serve you well toward becoming a PR superstar:
By embracing this advice, you’ll set yourself up for success and maximise your public relations internship experience.
Learn more: Advice for Public Relations Internships
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PR Resource: Free Internship PR Course
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1 | Silfwer, J. (2011, February 11). Advice for Public Relations Entry-Level Jobs. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://doctorspin.net/public-relations-entry-level-jobs/ |
2 | Silfwer, J. (2013, April 27). The Public Relations Intern — A Future PR Superstar? Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://doctorspin.net/public-relations-intern/ |