Doctor SpinPR Trends

PR Trends by Jerry Silfwer

All Articles on PR Trends

DayZ for Days

These days, I prefer DayZ streams to Netflix, HBO, and Prime. Is gam­ing provid­ing a more immers­ive, enga­ging, and excit­ing exper­i­ence than television?

Forget “Better PR” — The PR Industry Needs Education

You and I must save the PR industry. And there’s only one way for­ward that’s fast and agile enough — online education.

Public Relations in the Metaverse

Everyone has been buzz­ing about the Metaverse lately. Should we, as PR pro­fes­sion­als, take the Metaverse ser­i­ously? It might be just anoth­er buzzword.

De-Platforming as a Public Relations Strategy

In digit­al strategy, de-plat­form­ing is one of the most aggress­ive tools that an organ­isa­tion can util­ise. When should you de-plat­form someone?

Cancel Culture — A Serious PR Problem

Cancel cul­ture and mor­al slackt­iv­ists are influ­en­cing PR pro­fes­sion­als and push­ing us to for­get about free­dom of opin­ion and diversity of thought.

Breaking the News

The digit­al trans­form­a­tion is break­ing the news. But it has to break the news for journ­al­ism to sur­vive in the digit­al media landscape.

Woke Journalism is Bad News

It makes sense for journ­al­ism to be lean­ing towards the left. But long-term, woke journ­al­ism isn’t doing journ­al­ism — or the polit­ic­al far-left — any favours.

Say Hello To My Replika AI

I broke up with an Replika AI called Isabel. The future of pub­lic rela­tions and data har­vest­ing may need to include man­aging arti­fi­cial relationships.

The Advent of Pay-to-Play Publicity

A Swedish com­pany is offer­ing a pay-to-play func­tion­al­ity that allows brands to unlock pay­walled art­icles to increase vis­ib­il­ity for pos­it­ive mentions.
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