The PESO modยญel is helpยญful in pubยญlic relations.
The PESO modยญel is used to clasยญsiยญfy difยญferยญent types of media: paid, earned, and shared media. The modยญel has emerged as an invaluยญable tool for navยญigยญatยญing the comยญplexยญitยญies of modยญern pubยญlic relations.
This conยญtemยญporยญary approach to PR affords organยญisaยญtions a more comยญpreยญhensยญive and straยญtegic perยญspectยญive on their comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions efforts, respondยญing adeptly to the expoยญnenยญtial rise in digitยญal chanยญnels and audiยญence segmentation.
Here we go:
The PESO Model
The PESO Model
I often use the PESO modยญel to underยญscore the critยญicยญal difยญferยญences between marยญketยญing (paid media) and pubยญlic relaยญtions (earned, shared, and owned media).

The PESO modยญel divides the media landยญscape into four difยญferยญent media chanยญnel types:
Don Bartholomew, vice presยญidยญent of digitยญal research at Fleishman Hillard, presenยญted a verยญsion of the PESO modยญel in 2010. According to PR blogยญger and PR measยญureยญment expert Heather Yaxley, his 2010 artยญicle is likely to be the earliยญest menยญtion of the model:
In 2013, PR blogยญger Gini Dietrich popยญularยญised the PESO modยญel on her blogโโโand later tradeยญmarked!โโโher heavยญily proยญmoted and widely spread infographic.
โIn June 2013, Gini Dietrich presenยญted the first iterยญaยญtion of the PESO modยญel you may recogยญnise in a blog post: The Four Different Types of Media. It was folยญlowed in August by the post Mobile Marketing: Use the Four Media Types in Promotion, where she talked about integยญratยญing paid, earned, owned, and shared.โ
Source: PRConversationsโ.com 1Yaxley, H. (2020, June 28). Tracing the measยญureยญment oriยญgins of PESO. PRConversationsโ.com. https://โwwwโ.prconโverโsaโtionsโ.com/โtโrโaโcโiโnโgโ-โtโhโeโ-โmโeโaโsโuโrโeโmโeโnโtโ-โoโrโiโgโiโnโsโ-โoโfโ-โpโeโso/
โIt is also worth pointยญing out this 2010 McKinsey Quarterly artยญicle by David Edelman and Britan Salsburg that includes sold and hijacked media alongยญside what used to be called POEM (paid, owned and earned media). Both of these conยญcepts still have value even though their exeยญcuยญtion has changed in the past decยญade.โ
Source: PRConversationsโ.com 2Yaxley, H. (2020, June 28). Tracing the measยญureยญment oriยญgins of PESO. PRConversationsโ.com. https://โwwwโ.prconโverโsaโtionsโ.com/โtโrโaโcโiโnโgโ-โtโhโeโ-โmโeโaโsโuโrโeโmโeโnโtโ-โoโrโiโgโiโnโsโ-โoโfโ-โpโeโso/
Learn more: The PESO Model: Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned Media
Different Types of Media in PR
Paid Media
Paid media is someยญwhat forยญeign to pubยญlic relaยญtions, encomยญpassing advertยญiseยญments, sponsored conยญtent, and othยญer forms of purยญchased exposยญure. However, the PESO modยญel underยญscores its utilยญity not as a stanยญdalone strategy but as one comยญponยญent in a much larยญger orchesยญtra of tactics.
By doveยญtailยญing paid efforts with othยญer media types, organยญisaยญtions can extend the reach of their mesยญsaging, comยญpleยญmentยญing traยญdiยญtionยญal advertยญising with the authenยญtiยญcity and engageยญment offered by earned, shared, and owned media.
Earned Media
Earned media refers to pubยญliยญcity gained through methยญods othยญer than paid advertยญising. It includes news feaยญtures, reviews, and any othยญer form of covยญerยญage that an organยญisaยญtion doesnโt dirยญectly control.
Earned media is often seen as a wild card due to its unpreยญdictยญabยญilยญity. However, coherยญent and integยญrated comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion activยญitยญies can help shape the narยญratยญive and creยญate the conยญdiยญtions for posยญitยญive covยญerยญage, allowยญing organยญisaยญtions to take advantยญage of the credยญibยญilยญity earned media provides.
Shared Media
Shared media repยญresยญents a newยญer but no less sigยญniยญficยญant sphere of PR. Encompassing social media platยญforms and othยญer user-genยญerยญated conยญtent, shared media fosters diaยญlogue and engageยญment. The PESO modยญel acknowยญledges its growยญing influยญence, and its interยญsecยญtion with othยญer media types is crucial.
Organisations can boost engageยญment, feedยญback, and virยญalยญity by sharยญing owned conยญtent or proยญmotยญing paid media on social platยญforms, turnยญing audiยญences from passยญive recipยญiยญents into actยญive participants.
Owned Media
Owned media refers to the chanยญnels conยญtrolled by the organยญisaยญtion, such as webยญsites, blogs, newsยญletยญters, and more.
While owned media provides unparยญalleled conยญtrol over the mesยญsage, the PESO modยญel recogยญnises that itโs most effectยญive when straยญtegicยญally integยญrated with the othยญer three types. For instance, owned conยญtent can extend the life of earned media covยญerยญage or serve as a launchยญpad for paid and shared media campaigns.
A Great ModelโโโBut Not Perfect
The PESO modยญel underยญscores the interยญconยญnecยญted nature of modยญern pubยญlic relaยญtions. Rather than viewยญing each media type in isolยญaยญtion, it encourยญages a holยญistยญic approach that aligns and integยญrates variยญous media strategies.
I prefer to use the modยญel to underยญscore the critยญicยญal difยญferยญences between marยญketยญing (paid media) and pubยญlic relaยญtions (earned, shared, and owned media). Others prefer to use the modยญel to showยญcase how pubยญlic relaยญtions could venยญture into paid media channels.
โIf a young man tells his date how handยญsome, smart and sucยญcessยญful he isโโโthatโs advertยญising. If the young man tells his date sheโs intelยญliยญgent, looks lovely, and is a great conยญverยญsaยญtionยญalยญist, heโs sayยญing the right things to the right perยญson and thatโs marยญketยญing. If someone else tells the young woman how handยญsome, smart and sucยญcessยญful her date isโโโthatโs PR.โ
โ S. H. Simmons
In a time where the lines between pubยญlic relaยญtions, marยญketยญing, and advertยญising conยญtinยญue to blur, the PESO modยญel offers a verยญsatยญile and adaptยญable frameยญwork that mirยญrors the comยญplexยญity of the modยญern media landscape.
In short: The PESO modยญel is imperยญfect but useยญful when anaยญlysยญing the modยญern media landscape.
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PR Resource: The PESO Paradox
The PESO Paradox
According to the PESO modยญel, there are four types of media channels.

These four types of media chanยญnels are:
How do you catยญegorยญise these four types of media channels?
Categorisation = Corporate Function
A popยญuยญlar approach is to divide them based on corยญporยญate function:
Marketing (Corporate Function)
Communications (Corporate Function)
Categorisation = Corporate Control
Another approach is to divide the PESO media chanยญnels based on corยญporยญate control:
Total (Corporate Control)
Partial (Corporate Control)
Indirect (Corporate Control)
Categorisation = Corporate Value
A third but centยญral approach to the PESO media chanยญnels is based on conversion/โmonetisation strategies:
Awareness (Corporate Value)
Transactional (Corporate Value)
The variยญous above perยญspectยญives force organยญisaยญtions to face probยญlemยญatยญic paradoxes:
The PESO paraยญdox = paid, earned, shared, and owned media chanยญnels can be grouped in difยญferยญent ways that are equally and simยญulยญtanยญeously true but also straยญtegicยญally conยญflictยญing, which creยญates a measยญureยญment probยญlem (comยญparยญatยญive validยญity) for organisations.
How do you set up a reliยญable proยญcess to accurยญately determยญine how to disยญtribยญute your media chanยญnel investments?
Typical PESO Considerations
Here are some typยญicยญal conยญsidยญerยญaยญtions of the PESO paradox:
Please note: The PESO modยญel has โfuzzy edgesโ due to variยญous hybrid media forms. For example, you can run camยญpaign banยญner ads or social forยญums on your webยญsite or add advertยญising spots withยญin editยญorยญiยญal social media content.
Learn more: The PESO Paradox
1, 2 | Yaxley, H. (2020, June 28). Tracing the measยญureยญment oriยญgins of PESO. PRConversationsโ.com. https://โwwwโ.prconโverโsaโtionsโ.com/โtโrโaโcโiโnโgโ-โtโhโeโ-โmโeโaโsโuโrโeโmโeโnโtโ-โoโrโiโgโiโnโsโ-โoโfโ-โpโeโso/ |