We can use perยญsoยญnas in PR, too.
In marยญketยญing, the use of โmarยญketยญing perยญsoยญnasโ is comยญmonยญplace. As in most marยญketยญing-related things, these perยญsoยญnas are mostly derived from demoยญgraphยญic generalisations.
In PR, it makes more sense to group perยญsoยญnas based on pre-existยญing comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion behaยญvioursโโโrelated to speยญcifยญic issues.
Here we go:
Publics: Example of a โPR Personaโ
Communication Style
Media Habits
Learn more: How To Use Personas in PR
Which Persona Type Is Best?
Personas are used to make it easiยญer to visuยญalยญise, underยญstand, and influยญence difยญferยญent types of people. However, a perยญsona is a tool.
Which tool is the best? Well, it depends on the job.
Marketing perยญsoยญnas are arguยญably betยญter for tailยญorยญing marยญketยญing mesยญsages. The demoยญgraphยญic approach is espeยญcially useยญful for proยญmotยญing brands, products, and serยญvices via paid media (one-way) channels.
PR perยญsoยญnas are arguยญably betยญter for tailยญorยญing two-way interยญacยญtion with stakeยญholdยญers, pubยญlics, and influยญenยญcers in a speยญcifยญic situation.
Itโs also comยญmon for marยญketยญing- and PR perยญsoยญnas to overยญlap. Both will typยญicยญally focus on chanยญnel choices, media conยญsumpยญtion habits, and goals.
Personas in marยญketยญing (demoยญgraphยญics) will typยญicยญally be more stable over time. Personas in PR (psyยญchoยญgraphยญics) are typยญicยญally more preยญcisely conยญnecยญted to a situยญation importยญant to the brand.
The main weakยญness of marยญketยญing perยญsoยญnas is that demoยญgraphยญic groupยญing is weakly corยญrelยญated to shared comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion behaยญviours. The main weakยญness of PR perยญsoยญnas is that they only apply to a speยญcifยญic situation.
Read also: The Publics in Public Relations
Why Use Personas in PR?
A PR perยญsona can outยญline psyยญchoยญgraphยญic charยญacยญterยญistยญics, styles of comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion, and media prefยญerยญences. A PR perยญsona can help PR proยญfesยญsionยญals tailยญor comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion strategies to effectยญively engage with indiยญviduยญals who share simยญilยญar comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion behaviours.
The idea is to engage in two-way comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion (diaยญlogue) with a betยญter underยญstandยญing of the othยญer end of the conversation.
The basic premise is simple:
Self-image is a powerยญful motivยญatยญor; people are more likely to respond posยญitยญively to mesยญsages that resยญonยญate with their perยญcepยญtion of themยญselves. This alignยญment is cruยญcial in PRโโโwhen the sugยญgesยญted action or mesยญsage aligns with an indiยญviduยญalโs self-image, comยญpliยญance and engageยญment are sigยญniยญficยญantly more likely.
Seriality: Context Matters
โSerialityโ is a concept that emerges from idenยญtity and social theยญory, parยญticยญuยญlarly in the works of philoยญsophยญers like Jean-Paul Sartre and Iris Marion Young. It refers to how indiยญviduยญals are grouped based on shared charยญacยญterยญistยญics without a strong sense of belongยญing or identity.
Sartre argued that passยญive colยญlectยญives, like people waitยญing at a bus stop, only become actยญive when they recogยญnise shared interests or struggle. Many pubยญlics remain โseriยญalโ (inactยญive) until activยญated by conยญtext. 1Sartre, J.-P. (1991). Critique of diaยญlectยญicยญal reasยญon (Vol. 2, Q. Hoare, Trans.; A. Sheridan-Smith, Ed.). Verso. (Original work pubยญlished 1985.) 2Silfwer, J. (2023, October 9). Five Types of Publics. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โfโiโvโeโ-โtโyโpโeโsโ-โoโfโ-โpโuโbโlโiโcs/
โSeriality is a key concept in underยญstandยญing the conยญstancy and transยญformยญaยญtion of idenยญtity, parยญticยญuยญlarly in pubยญlic presentยญaยญtions of the self and its online maniยญfestยญaยญtions.โ
Source: M/โC Journal 3Marshall, P. (2014). Seriality and Persona. M/โC Journal, 17, 1โโโ10. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ5โ2โ0โ4โ/โmโcโjโ.โ802
In Sartreโs existยญenยญtialยญist frameยญwork, seriยญalยญity describes a form of social colยญlectivยญity. According to him, people can be part of a series without necesยญsarยญily sharยญing a uniยญfied group idenยญtity. For example, people waitยญing at a bus stop are conยญnecยญted by their shared situยญation (waitยญing for the bus) but do not necesยญsarยญily form a cohesยญive pubยญlic with a shared idenยญtity. They are sepยญarยญate indiยญviduยญals linked by a comยญmon objectยญive or condition.
Key insights:
Seriality explains why some pubยญlics remain inactยญive and fragยญmenยญted while othยญers sudยญdenly unite and how conยญtext (media, conยญflict, proxยญimยญity, power strucยญtures) determยญines when, how, and why a group idenยญtity โclicksโ into place.
Therefore, seriยญalยญity is a way of underยญstandยญing how indiยญviduยญals can belong to colยญlectยญive catยญegorยญies without necesยญsarยญily havยญing a shared demoยญgraphยญic identity.
Learn more: Seriality (Context Matters)
Beware of Hasty Generalisations
The idea behind creยญatยญing a perยญsona in PR- or marยญketยญing is to estabยญlish a useยญful genยญerยญalยญisaยญtion. However, a genยญerยญalยญisaยญtion will always be a genยญerยญalยญisaยญtion, so we must always remind ourselves that such assumpยญtions can cause harm.
This is where perยญsoยญnas in PR typยญicยญally outยญshine perยญsoยญnas in marketing:
Should we really be tailยญorยญing any marยญketยญing- or comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion activยญitยญies based on peopleโs ethยญniยญcitยญies, sexuยญal prefยญerยญences, or income classes?
While it cerยญtainly can be done with the best of intenยญtions, the quesยญtion still lingers:
Should we?
Adapting your comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion to peopleโs shared choices (of why, where, and how) in a speยญcifยญic conยญtext is a more agnostยญic approach to marยญketยญing- and corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion segmenting.
In the eyes of funยญnel funยญdaยญmentยญalยญists, we are demoยญgraphยญic entitยญies stripped of our essence, mere pupยญpets of conยญsumpยญtion with walยญlets in place of hearts.
The Publics in Public Relations
Publics are a centยญral comยญponยญent of pubยญlic relaยญtionsโโโin fact, the โPโ in PR. However, they are often misยญunยญderยญstood or conยญflated with marยญketยญingโs โtarยญget groupsโ.
Hereโs how to define pubยญlics in pubยญlic relations:
Publics = psyยญchoยญgraphยญic segยญments (who) with simยญilยญar comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion behaยญviours (how) formed around speยญcifยญic issues (why) impactยญing a brand (to whom). 6Silfwer, J. (2015, June 11). The Publics in Public Relations. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โpโuโbโlโiโcโsโ-โiโnโ-โpโuโbโlโiโcโ-โrโeโlโaโtโiโoโns/
Please note:
Psychographic segยญment = simยญilยญarยญitยญies in cogยญnitยญive drivยญing factors such as reasยญonยญing, motivยญaยญtions, attiยญtudes, etc.
Communication behaยญviours = how the pubยญlicโs opinยญion is expressed (choice of mesยญsage, rhetยญorยญicยญal framยญing, and mediยญum type).
Specific issue = determยญined situยญationยญally by a speยญcifยญic social object, often high on the agenda in news media or social media.
Learn more: The Publics in Public Relations
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1 | Sartre, J.-P. (1991). Critique of diaยญlectยญicยญal reasยญon (Vol. 2, Q. Hoare, Trans.; A. Sheridan-Smith, Ed.). Verso. (Original work pubยญlished 1985.) |
2, 5 | Silfwer, J. (2023, October 9). Five Types of Publics. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โfโiโvโeโ-โtโyโpโeโsโ-โoโfโ-โpโuโbโlโiโcs/ |
3 | Marshall, P. (2014). Seriality and Persona. M/โC Journal, 17, 1โโโ10. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ5โ2โ0โ4โ/โmโcโjโ.โ802 |
4 | Anderson, B. (2006). Imagined comยญmunitยญies: Reflections on the oriยญgin and spread of nationยญalยญism (Revised ed.). Verso. (Original work pubยญlished 1983) |
6 | Silfwer, J. (2015, June 11). The Publics in Public Relations. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โpโuโbโlโiโcโsโ-โiโnโ-โpโuโbโlโiโcโ-โrโeโlโaโtโiโoโns/ |