Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase, โThe mediยญum is the message.โ
But what does it mean?
Who was Marshall McLuhan?
And how does it relate to PR?
Here we go:
Marshall McLuhan: โThe Medium is the Messageโ
โThe mediยญum is the mesยญsageโ is a phrase coined by the Canadian philoยญsophยญer Marshall McLuhan in the first chapter of his notยญable book โUnderstanding Media: The Extensions of Man.โ 1Understanding Media. (2023, September 18). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โUโnโdโeโrโsโtโaโnโdโiโnโgโ_โMโeโdia
Despite being one of the most influยญenยญtial thinkers in media theยญory, McLuhanโs ideas are often widely misยญunยญderยญstood. โThe mediยญum is the mesยญsageโ is no exception.
โThe mediยญum is the mesยญsageโ doesยญnโt imply that conยญtent or subยญstance lacks importยญance; it only implies that the mediยญum in which mesยญsages are sent will sigยญniยญficยญantly impact humanity.
McLuhan viewed human techยญnoยญloยญgies as extenยญsions of our human physiology. Our abilยญity to build houses extends our human skin, as it proยญtects against the eleยญments. This added layยญer of proยญtecยญtion and physยญicยญal safety frees up menยญtal bandยญwidth for human interaction.
In McLuhanโs interยญpretยญaยญtion, a house is a mediยญum. All human techยญnoยญloยญgies, down to the campยญfire, are conยญsidered mediums.
โMcLuhanโs insight was that a mediยญum affects the sociยญety in which it plays a role not by the conยญtent delivered over the mediยญum, but by the charยญacยญterยญistยญics of the mediยญum itself. [โฆ] McLuhan poinยญted to the light bulb as a clear demonยญstraยญtion of this concept. A light bulb does not have conยญtent in the way that a newsยญpaยญper has artยญicles or a teleยญviยญsion has proยญgrams, yet it is a mediยญum that has a social effect; that is, a light bulb enables people to creยญate spaces durยญing nightยญtime that would othยญerยญwise be envelยญoped by darkยญness.โ
Source: Wikipedia 2Marshall McLuhan. (2023, May 15). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โMโaโrโsโhโaโlโlโ_โMโcโLโuโhan
McLuhan argued that our abilยญity to creยญate techยญnoยญloยญgicยญal extenยญsions of our human abilยญitยญies funยญdaยญmentยญally impacts our sociยญetyโโโfar more than any single mesยญsage conยญveyed via the new technology.
For example:
And so on.
Why is McLuhanโs anaยญlysยญis necessary?
โThe mediยญum is the mesยญsageโ is a stark remindยญer that a mediยญumโs format (and limยญitยญaยญtions) will massively impact human sociยญetyโโโand the mesยญsages themยญselves, too.
Holistically, a new techยญnoยญloยญgicยญal mediยญum will impact humanยญity sigยญniยญficยญantly more than any single mesยญsage transยญmitยญted through that mediยญum. But Marshall McLuhan said it betยญter, โThe mediยญum is the message.โ
We often default to seekยญing meanยญing in mesยญsages but forยญget to conยญsider the mediยญumโs inherยญent media logic.
Learn more: Media Logic is Dead, Long Live Media Logic
Enter: The Electronic Age
Human culยญture is often described based on our access to proยญducยญtion techยญnoยญloยญgies (e.g., the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age).
According to Marshall McLuhan and the Toronto School of Communication Theory, a betยญter anaยญlysยญis would be to view sociยญetยญal develยญopยญment based on the promยญinยญence of emerยญging comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions technologies.
McLuhanโs Four Epochs
McLuhan sugยญgests dividยญing human civilยญisaยญtion into four epochs:
โThe Gutenberg Galaxy is a landยญmark book that introยญduced the concept of the globยญal vilยญlage and estabยญlished Marshall McLuhan as the oriยญginยญal โmedia guruโ, with more than 200,000 copยญies in print.โ
Source: Modern Language Review 3McLuhan, M. (1963). The Gutenberg galaxy: the makยญing of typoยญgraphยญic man. Modern Language Review, 58, 542. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ2โ3โ0โ7โ/โ3โ7โ1โ9โ923
As a PR proยญfesยญsionยญal and linยญguist, I subยญscribe to the concept of the Electronic Age. I firmly believe sociยญety is unlikely to revert to the Gutenberg Galaxy.
Like the rest of sociยญety, the PR industry must comยญmit to digitยญal-first, too. Mark my words: Itโs all-in or bust.
Read also: The Electronic Age and the End of the Gutenberg Galaxy
Background: Marshall McLuhan
Marshall McLuhan, a pionยญeerยญing figยญure in media theยญory, is known for his proยญfound impact on underยญstandยญing mediยญaโs role in sociยญety. 4Marshall McLuhan. (2023, November 17). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โMโaโrโsโhโaโlโlโ_โMโcโLโuโhan
McLuhan was born on July 21, 1911, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. McLuhan was the son of a real estate and insurยญance salesยญman and an actยญress, which might have influยญenced his interest in media and comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion. His mothยญer, Elsie Naomi McLuhan, was an actยญress and elocยญuยญtionยญist, influยญenยญcing his interest in speech and comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion. He suffered a stroke at the age of four, which affected his abilยญity to read and write for sevยญerยญal years.
McLuhanโs time at Cambridge University, where he studยญied under influยญenยญtial litยญerยญary critยญics like F.R. Leavis and I.A. Richards, deeply shaped his intelยญlecยญtuยญal develยญopยญment. His PhD disยญserยญtaยญtion at Cambridge focused on the Elizabethan playยญwright Thomas Nashe and the verbal arts. It explored the clasยญsicยญal triviยญum of gramยญmar, diaยญlectic, and rhetยญorยญic, reflectยญing his lifelong interest in lanยญguage and communication.
McLuhan taught at sevยญerยญal uniยญverยญsitยญies, includยญing the University of Toronto, where he spent much of his career.
Before his fame in media theยญory, McLuhan pubยญlished artยญicles on advertยญising and busiยญness manยญageยญment. His first major book, โThe Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Manโ (1951), examined popยญuยญlar culยญture and advertยญising. 5The Mechanical Bride. (2023, November 12). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โTโhโeโ_โMโeโcโhโaโnโiโcโaโlโ_โBโrโide
McLuhan was also a poet, with his work exhibยญitยญing a comยญplex, symยญbolยญist style. He appeared in Woody Allenโs film โAnnie Hallโ (1977), playยญing himยญself in a famยญous scene. McLuhan colยญlabยญorยญated with avant-garde artists, includยญing Harley Parker and John Cage, reflectยญing his interยญdisยญcipยญlinยญary approach.
McLuhan suffered a stroke in 1979 that affected his abilยญity to speak. He died in 1980.
Although McLuhanโs work was conยญtroยญverยญsial durยญing his lifeยญtime, his insights have gained increasยญing recogยญniยญtion and relยญevยญance in the digitยญal age with the rise of the interยญnet and social media.
McLuhanโs work laid the foundยญaยญtions for the field of media ecoยญlogy, which studยญies media envirยญonยญments and their effects on human experยญiยญence and understanding.
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1 | Understanding Media. (2023, September 18). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โUโnโdโeโrโsโtโaโnโdโiโnโgโ_โMโeโdia |
2 | Marshall McLuhan. (2023, May 15). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โMโaโrโsโhโaโlโlโ_โMโcโLโuโhan |
3 | McLuhan, M. (1963). The Gutenberg galaxy: the makยญing of typoยญgraphยญic man. Modern Language Review, 58, 542. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ2โ3โ0โ7โ/โ3โ7โ1โ9โ923 |
4 | Marshall McLuhan. (2023, November 17). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โMโaโrโsโhโaโlโlโ_โMโcโLโuโhan |
5 | The Mechanical Bride. (2023, November 12). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โTโhโeโ_โMโeโcโhโaโnโiโcโaโlโ_โBโrโide |