11 Evil Leadership Techniques

My darkest leadership tricks that no-one will tell you about.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Iโ€™ve got some evil leadยญerยญship techยญniques to share.

Sometimes, Iโ€™m the boss.

I usuยญally do well as a leadยญer. Iโ€™m comยญfortยญable being in charge and havยญing othยญers depend on my decisions. Iโ€™m calm, conยญfidยญent, and communicative.

Still, I wonโ€™t hesยญitยญate to use psyยญchoยญloยญgicยญal tricks to get the job done. 

Allow me to share some of these evil leadยญerยญship techniques.

Here we go:

1. The Push-Up Effect

For 15 long (and cold) months, I served as a plaยญtoon comยญmandยญer in the Swedish armed forces. As a serยญgeant, I learned a valuยญable lesยญson from leadยญing manยญdatยญory physยญicยญal exerยญcise sesยญsions every morning:

If you order a group of well-trained men to do 30 push-ups, theyโ€™ll do 30. 

However, if you order them to do push-ups on your count without givยญing them a push-up goal to aim for, even the toughest recruits will start to moan at 15 push-ups.

The lesยญson? Information is power. Yield it.

If you want to get the most from your team, give them the bigยญger picยญture. If you want to break people down before buildยญing them up again, deprive them of basic information.

2. Have Your Instructions Repeated

When askยญing someone to do someยญthing, ask them to repeat your instrucยญtions. You will quickly learn that your instrucยญtions werenโ€™t as straightยญforยญward as they sounยญded in your head.

Communication is difยญfiยญcult. Our brains are comยญplex. When two brains comยญmuยญnicยญate, massive amounts of noise disยญtort the sigยญnals. Weโ€™re all drownยญing in preยญconยญcepยญtions and biases.

Itโ€™s wonยญdrous that we manยญage to get anyยญthing across at all.

Why is it evil to have someone repeat your instrucยญtions until they are 100% corยญrect? Because if your subยญjects fuck up your instrucยญtions anyยญway, they wonโ€™t conยญvince themยญselves that it was someยญhow your fault.

People who know they fucked up once will go the extra mile next time.

When delยญegยญatยญing, have the team leadยญer repeat your instrucยญtions back to you. Now, itโ€™s not just your words echoยญing in their headsโ€‰โ€”โ€‰itโ€™s their own, too.

3. Pace Your Leadership

Hereโ€™s a chalยญlenยญging dichoยญtomy of leadership:

Your team wonโ€™t respect you if you nevยญer get your hands dirty. 

But if you get your hands dirty all the time, your team will kick back and applaud you (while watchยญing you do the work). And then they wonโ€™t respect you, either.

This is also someยญthing I learned while serving in the military: 

When the sun was shinยญing, our terยญrain vehicles were funcยญtionยญal, and everyยญone had someยญthing to eat, then I was the officer who nevยญer lifยญted a finger.

But as the cold came upon us, in the dead of night, our vehicles broke down, and the fire wouldnโ€™t light, and everyยญone was hungry and at the brink of exhausยญtionโ€‰โ€”โ€‰I was resยญted and strong. 

In extreme conยญdiยญtions, when they needed my leadยญerยญship the most, I rose to the occaยญsion like a Phoenix out of the ashes of their desยญpair. Since I hadnโ€™t been sweatยญing through my clothes all day, I could switch gears, make decisions, and fix stuff with a clear head. 

And with each disยญplay of Herculean strength, my leadยญerยญship legend grew. 

Donโ€™t waste your leadยญerยญship energy. Save your strength for situยญations when your team is the most susยญceptยญible for a full-on leadยญerยญship disยญplay where you demonยญstrate your crushยญing competence.

4. Have Your Instructions Written Down

Iโ€™m a digitยญal guy. But digitยญal devices run out of batยญtery. And they make annoyยญing sounds durยญing your agency briefing. 

So, I like note-takยญing to be done the old-fashยญioned way; I always ask my agency team to carry a noteยญbook with them. I sugยญgest Moleskine or Field Notesโ€”because Iโ€™m a noteยญbook snob.

I donโ€™t care if anyยญone has a perยญfect memory or not. If I give instrucยญtions, those instrucยญtions must be writยญten down. I want to see pen to paper. 

The psyยญchoยญlogy is simple: No one except for the troubleยญmakers will comยญplain about being prompยญted to take notes. They will demonยญstrate their defiยญance by sayยญing, โ€œItโ€™s okay; I donโ€™t need to write it down.โ€

Well, now I know who they are.

Be strict with note-takยญing. And the youngยญer the team, the more critยญicยญal it is to abide by this rule. Write. It. Down.

5. Never Give Subjects Solutions

If you, as a leadยญer, are too helpยญful, the team can respond by shutยญting down their brains. Iโ€™ve seen it hapยญpen many times. 

If a subยญject comes to you with a probยญlem, askยญing for a soluยญtion, you shouldnโ€™t just hand it over. Even if you easยญily could.

Hereโ€™s what to do instead: tell your subยญject to come back with two posยญsible soluยญtions to their probยญlem. Then, when they return, you ask them which of the two soluยญtions they prefer. 

Nine times out of ten, your subยญjects will arrive at the corยญrect answer alone.

Hereโ€™s the psychology:

The proยญcess of first askยญing for help, only to be told to come up with not one but two posยญsible soluยญtions, and then be asked to make a choice, is menยญtally drainยญing. They will start lookยญing for shortcuts.

Since you trust their judgeยญment, the subยญjects will find it easiยญer to come to you with their best soluยญtions dirยญectlyโ€‰โ€”โ€‰instead of their first question.

Please donโ€™t give it away when someone asks for a soluยญtion. Your job is to make people think for themยญselves, not have them become dependยญent on you thinkยญing for them.

6. Use Pavlovian Psychology

Dogs respond poorly to negยญatยญive feedยญback. It puts them in a state of fear, subยญmisยญsionโ€‰โ€”โ€‰or both. The proยญspect of being shunned by their pack scares the livยญing dayยญlights. Fearful dogs can be danยญgerยญous and irrational.

Conversely, dogs are dependยญent on posยญitยญive reinยญforceยญments from their pack. A brief absence of such posยญitยญive feedยญback makes them alert and attentive.

Pavlov Dogs - Doctor Spin - The PR Dog
Weโ€™re all just animยญals, right?

Human beings, I find, arenโ€™t that different.

The basic rule of behaยญviยญourยญal psyยญchoยญlogy is that you get more of what you reinforce.

Many of us, too, respond poorly to negยญatยญive feedยญback. Itโ€™s chalยญlenยญging to get through to a perยญson who is in a fearยญful state. 

Iโ€™ve found that using posยญitยญive reinยญforceยญment and the absence of posยญitยญive reinยญforceยญment works wonders. 

When youโ€™re happy with your subยญjectsโ€™ perยญformยญance, praise them. When youโ€™re not satยญisยญfied, give them nothing.

7. Leave the Party when Youโ€™re Ahead

Donโ€™t get drunk with your team. Have fun, drink modยญerยญately and then, before it gets too late, call it a night and get out of dodge. 

Go home and spend some qualยญity time with your famยญily or something.

It doesnโ€™t matยญter if youโ€™re โ€œthe coolest bossโ€ ever. (Hint: Youโ€™re not.) Not even twelve shots of vodka will change the fact that you have โ€œhirยญing and firยญingโ€ power. You negoยญtiยญate peopleโ€™s salarยญies, allowยญing them to put food on their tables. 

Yes, you might miss a crazy, fun night out. Yes, they might think that youโ€™re a bore. But the corยญrect answer is always: Go home.

Itโ€™s not that you might make a fool of yourยญself (although that may be a risk.) The day after, and many days after, your team will admire your disยญcipยญline and be thankยญful they got to party without their boss present.

I occaยญsionยญally let the team get drunk togethยญer, play spin the bottle, and dance on tables all night. But it would be best if you left early.

8. Allow Yourself Tactical Time-Outs

Hereโ€™s yet anothยญer milยญitยญary leadยญerยญship hack: Imagine navยญigยญatยญing your team through the woods. 

After a while, you realยญise that youโ€™re lost. Oops.

Now, you could inform the group that youโ€™ve lost your bearยญings comยญpletely (and that they probยญably will miss their next meal). 

In theยญory, your team could potenยญtially help you get your bearยญings back. However, their tired minds will most likely go into โ€œrepยญtile modeโ€:

  • โ€œHow could this happen?โ€ 
  • โ€œWhy did this happen?โ€ 
  • โ€œWhat will hapยญpen now?โ€
  • โ€œWho is to blame for this?โ€
  • โ€œWhy is no one listenยญing to my frustrations?

Instead of just havยญing one probยญlem (i.e. being unable to pinยญpoint your locยญaยญtion), you now have dozens of fearยญful repยญtile brains to deal with. 

Instead, take a break, occupy the team with a taskโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and take the cleverest perยญson aside. With that perยญson, you scope the lay of the land (i.e. your existยญing situยญation), and you calยญibยญrate your tools (i.e. your map and compass).

Then, return to the team with newยญfound conยญfidยญence and present a new dirยญecยญtion. Practice this behaยญviour, and your team will feel safe, not anxious, whenevยญer you decide to step away for a little while.

Take a time-out when a decision is needed, and you donโ€™t know where you stand. In the long run, your team will feel safe whenevยญer you step away for a little while.

Read also: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Skills for PR Professionals

9. Be Wrong Quickly

I could nevยญer have guessed that leadยญerยญship was so much about guessยญwork. Yes, your gut instinct will sigยญniยญficยญantly affect most of your day-to-day operยญaยญtions, so you should get used to it. Youโ€™ll still make decisions based on too little informยญaยญtion even if you acquire all the information.

โ€œA quick decision is betยญter than a perยญfect decision made too late.โ€

Not knowยญing if you are about to make the right or the wrong decision is scary. But if thereโ€™s no way for you to make a more informed decision, then make the bloody decision and be done with it.

Make timely decisions and deal swiftly with the conยญsequences. Youโ€™ll nevยญer have the luxยญury of enough informยญaยญtion anyยญway. Get it over with and keep pushยญing forward.

10. Set Troublemakers Straight

In any group, itโ€™s often easy to spot the potenยญtial troubleยญmakers, subยญjects who will try to make you look bad in front of your team. Instead of waitยญing for them to make their move, take them aside indiยญviduยญally and make a deal with them: 

โ€œAs your team leadยญer, I will be makยญing lots of misยญtakes. Itโ€™s part of being a leadยญer, as Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ll get to experยญiยญence yourยญself one day. Iโ€™ve noticed that youโ€™re clevยญer, and youโ€™ll probยญably pick up on my misยญtakes before the rest of the group. I would ask you to make me aware of these misยญtakes face-to-face and nevยญer before the whole group. 

Such a conยญverยญsaยญtion will make underยญminยญing your authorยญity more difยญfiยญcult for the troubleยญmaker. Troublemakers often thrive on being right, but breakยญing your deal would put them wrong.

Strike deals with potenยญtial troubleยญmakers proยญactยญively. They might not respect you yet, but you can often rely on their will to act consistently.

11. Be Tough at First

Theyโ€™ll like you if you are too friendly with your subยญjects from the start. But as soon as you tell them to do someยญthing uncomยญfortยญable, theyโ€™ll start to act up. And if you then get tough on them, theyโ€™ll rebel against your authorยญity. Instead, flip this narยญratยญive with this hack: Start with being extremely tough on your subยญjects. Give them uncomยญfortยญable assignยญments right from the startโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and accept no excuses:

Quench all comยญplaints and whinยญing. Never let anyยญthing less than โ€˜perยญfectโ€™ get past your approvยญal. Then, after this iniยญtial โ€œhell phase,โ€ you can start losยญing your grip graduยญally. And, sudยญdenly, by being a monยญster at the beginยญning of your relaยญtionยญship, the love for you as a leadยญer will grow stronger and stronger.

Be tough first, nice second. Let your subยญjects earn your good graces.

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwerhttps://doctorspin.net/
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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