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Ideas & Inspiration by Jerry Silfwer

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Zeno and Stoic Ideas for Public Relations

The Cypriot mer­chant Zeno of Citium is often cred­ited as the founder of Stoicism. Could Zeno’s ideas on Stoicism influ­ence pub­lic rela­tions? I sure think so!

Existentialism for PR Advisers

Existentialism is about mak­ing mean­ing in a world that inher­ently lacks it. For PR advisers, exist­en­tial­ism is a potent frame­work for sound PR advice.

My Chess Failure: 12 Months Is Not Nearly Enough

After hav­ing watched The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix in 2020, chess caught my interest. My goal is to learn how to play a decent game of chess.

The Xennials (The Oregon Trail Generation)

The Xennials have been described as “the last gen­er­a­tion that remem­bers and lived a life before the Internet.” What remains of the Oregon Trail Generation?

A Squirrel is Just a Rat with Good PR

“A squir­rel is just a rat with bet­ter PR.” All hail Buzzfeed’s Nathan W. Pyle for mak­ing an awe­some com­ic strip out of it.

xkcd: Types of PR Paper

Discover the dif­fer­ent types of PR paper with xkcd’s hil­ari­ous take on the sub­ject. Explore the geni­us of Randall Munroe and his unique perspective.

Public Relations Quotes

Looking for inspir­a­tion? Dive into this hand­picked col­lec­tion of pub­lic rela­tions quotes that will fuel your cre­ativ­ity and enhance your com­mu­nic­a­tion skills.

Strugglers and Smugglers

There are Strugglers and Smugglers. Strugglers are tight and dis­cip­lined and they nev­er skip a beat in achiev­ing suc­cess. Smugglers are noth­ing like that.

Public Relations Books

Here’s a list of the pub­lic rela­tions books that I’ve read and gained sub­stan­tial insight from. New PR books are added as soon as I’ve writ­ten about them.

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