The CMO is Dead

Goodbye to the CMO, hello to the CCO.

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This is a guest post by Professor Dominique Turpin.

I have some sad news: The Chief Marketing Officer is dead.

Fortunately, Iโ€™m talkยญing about the CMO posยญiยญtion rather than a parยญticยญuยญlar perยญson. But the decline of the CMOs influยญence is an alarmยญing trend in comยญpanยญies that claim to put the cusยญtomยญer first but in realยญity conยญtinยญue to be product-drivยญen. CMOs are increasยญingly powerยญless and periยญpherยญal. The CEO sets the overยญall strategy, the R&D and innovยญaยญtion teams design the product, and the CFO determยญines priยญcing and departยญmentยญal budgets. The CMO, meanยญwhile, reports to a chief execยญutยญive who often has only parยญtial knowยญledge of the cusยญtomยญer. No wonยญder some CMOs are conยญsidยญerยญing a career change.

The CMO posยญiยญtion is dead for sevยญerยญal reasons:

Most CMOs are not really immersed in marยญketยญing activยญitยญies. By this I mean underยญstandยญing, creยญatยญing and delivยญerยญing value to the cusยญtomยญer. Too many CMOs are conยญstrained, focusยญing on PR and comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions and not on products or priยญcing, so as not to invade the space of the Chief Innovation Officer or the CFO.

CFOs have become more powerยญful. This is partly the resยญult of tough tradยญing conยญdiยญtions and short-term presยญsure from finยญanยญcial marยญkets. The CFO has taken conยญtrol of priยญcing decisions and is winยญning the race to the very top. The evidยญence today is that most chief execยญutยญives have a finยญance or enginยญeerยญing backยญground, and few come from the ranks of sales and marketing.

Marketing impact is often hard to measยญure. Marketing is more art than sciยญence. Itโ€™s difยญfiยญcult to quantiยญfy the resยญults of a marยญketยญing camยญpaign, and to know whethยญer all those milยญlions of dolยญlars spent have led to an increase in real sales. And when a downยญturn comes, the marยญketยญing budget is often the first to be cut.

Nobody has a clear idea of what marยญketยญing is. Itโ€™s fuzzy. Ask 20 seniยญor manยญagers in any comยญpany what marยญketยญing is, and they will give 20 difยญferยญent answers. By conยญtrast, most people would agree on a definยญiยญtion of finยญance or production.

In some cases, marยญketยญing is still powerยญful and centยญral to the corยญporยญate DNA. There are comยญpanยญies with a visยญionยญary founder who has a great underยญstandยญing of the cusยญtomยญer, like Steve Jobs at Apple or Ingvar Kamprad at IKEA. And there are famยญily busiยญnesses, which are betยญter than pubยญlic comยญpanยญies at takยญing the long-term view needed in marketing.

But these cases tend to be the excepยญtions. At most comยญpanยญies the power of the CMO is being eroded almost by the day. Instead of grievยญing over this, CMOs can take the folยญlowยญing pracยญticยญal steps to reclaim some of their lost power:

Get rid of the CMO title, because nobody underยญstands it. Create the new title of CCO โ€“ Chief Customer Officer. This perยญson must be the voice of the cusยญtomยญer in the organยญizยญaยญtion, takยญing views and mesยญsages from the marยญket and spreadยญing them internยญally. Changing a job title is clearly not enough, but there are othยญer conยญcrete steps that can be taken.

Get the CEO to be the CMO. CEOs can drive the cusยญtomยญer-centยญriยญcity agenda betยญter than anyยญone else. They have the power to lead a companyโ€™s culยญture, increase cusยญtomยญer focus and drive the recruitยญment of cusยญtomยญer-oriยญented people. The CEO as CMO also sends a strong mesยญsage throughยญout the organยญizยญaยญtion that the cusยญtomยญer is at the cenยญter of the companyโ€™s key preยญocยญcuยญpaยญtions and that marยญketยญing is everybodyโ€™s job.

Get the CFO on board too. Doing this requires takยญing some of the fuzziยญness out of marยญketยญing. CCOs should try to proยญduce hard numยญbers that show a return on investยญment and a clear impact on the companyโ€™s finยญanยญcials. They could also take a refreshยญer course in finยญance to get a betยญter underยญstandยญing of where CFOs are comยญing from. Even someยญthing as simple as lunch with the CFO can help CCOs become more fluยญent financially.

Use cusยญtomยญer knowยญledge to build influยญence. With backยญing from the big two in the Cโ€‘suite, CCOs can use their teamsโ€™ cusยญtomยญer knowยญledge to influยญence disยญcusยญsions of product design and priยญcing, and make a companyโ€™s offerยญings more sensยญitยญive to the marยญket. Very few busiยญness leadยญers ask themยญselves โ€˜What are my cusยญtomยญer headยญaches?โ€™ But this is such a good quesยญtion. Companies that can provide a product or serยญvice that make peopleโ€™s lives faster, easiยญer, betยญter or cheapยญer will always be on the right track.

Back in the 1950s, the manยญageยญment guru Peter Drucker wrote that a comยญpany has two and only two key funcยญtions โ€“ marยญketยญing and innovยญaยญtion โ€“ and that all othยญer funcยญtions should supยญport these. Back to basics: Objective numยญber one for the CCO is cusยญtomยญer-centยญriยญcity. This focus must come from the very top and filยญter down through the whole organยญizยญaยญtion so everyยญone has the incentยญive to add value to the cusยญtomยญer. Although payยญing attenยญtion to the cusยญtomยญer is comยญmon sense, unforยญtuยญnately comยญmon sense is less and less comยญmon. The CCO must be the first step in the right direction.

So โ€“ goodยญbye to the CMO, hello to the CCO.

About the writer: Dominique Turpin is the Nestlรฉ Professor and President of IMD. He co-dirยญects IMDโ€™s Orchestrating Winning Performance program.

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

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