The owls are not what they seem.
After watchยญing seaยญson 3 of Twin Peaks, I felt empty and disยญsatยญisยญfied as a fan for many years. So many side storยญies left unansweredโโโAudrey Horneโs story especially.
And Dale Cooperโs failยญure to defeat Judy, the ultiยญmate evil? Ouch.
A few days passed, and little by little, two quesยญtions starยญted to form in my head:
Letโs dive right in:
โLucy Brennan is No Dimwitโ
And out of all the charยญacยญters, the lovely Lucy Brennan sparked my interest.
Hereโs why:
In the finale, Lucy accepts that there are two Coopers (one good, one bad) based on a brief teleยญphone call with the real Dale Cooper. To me, this made no sense.
Bear in mind that Lucy has severe difยญfiยญculties with the concept of how cell phones work (let alone the idea of dopยญpelยญgรคngers)โโโbut still, she immeยญdiยญately picked up a gun (sheโs not a violยญent perยญson, mind you) to blow Mr C (the evil Cooper) away.
Was this just sloppy storytelling?
As a charยญacยญter, Lucy would only use a gun to hurt someone if she knew that that perยญson had severely hurt someone she loved. As a devoted Lucy fan, I knew that that just had to be true. Sheโs no dimwit.
If so, hereโs the quesยญtion that sparked my Twin Peaks theory:
An Actor To Play a Devoted Son
Above all else, Lucy and her husยญband, Andy Brennan, love their sonโโโWally Brando. The third seaยญson of Twin Peaks did go to great lengths to demonยญstrate their love. Wally only made one appearยญance on the show, but gosh, what an appearยญance he made!
Wally, who shows up on his motorยญbike, is inspired by Marlon Brando, which is quite the clichรฉ for a Lynch/โFrost character.
For some reasยญon, Wally must pay his respects to Sheriff Truman in a manยญnerยญism that could only be described as an attempt at actยญing out a bad script.
Why, why, and why?
The Fake Photograph on Lucyโs Desk
In one of Lucyโs earliยญer scenes in the third seaยญson, we see a phoยญtoยญgraph on her desk porยญtrayยญing her family.
Except itโs a famยญily with poorly made cutouts of their heads, thus sugยญgestยญing that someยญthing is serยญiยญously false about their famยญilyโsomeยญthing that Lucy and Andy apparยญently canยญโt deal with.
We know Mr C wreaked havยญoc in Dale Cooperโs absence, right?
What if Mr C killed Lucyโs and Andyโs real son? However terยญrible this thought is even to conยญsider, it does add up:
Lucy stopped evolving. Unable to cope, Lucy would repress her memorยญies and find it even more difยญfiยญcult to evolve with the times. She did struggle to cope with techยญnoยญlogyโโโshe nevยญer underยญstood the concept of cell phones desยญpite 25 years of workยญing as a receptionist.
The bad actยญing. To help, the oriยญginยญal Sheriff Truman hired an actยญor to play Lucy and Andyโs son. The narยญratยญive: Wallyโs out and about experยญiยญenยญcing amazยญing advenยญtures and lovยญing his parยญents very muchโโโbut still, heโs being so weird and disยญtant in their presence.
Time to clean out their dead sonโs room. The first Sheriff Truman then charged the second Sheriff Truman to manยญage the situยญation, ensurยญing that Wally paid his โparยญentsโ the occaยญsionยญal visยญit. This meetยญing aims to allow Lucy and Andy to clean Wallyโs room. Have they kept it as a shrine?
Sheriff Truman shakes his head. โWallyโ is not Lucy and Andyโs natยญurยญal son, just an aspirยญing actยญor (and not a superb one) tryยญing to earn a few extra bucks now and then. But desยญpite the awkยญwardยญness, you can see how Sheriff Truman and โWallyโ are taken aback by the serยญiยญousยญness of the situation.
Deep down, Lucy knows the truth. Right after Lucy shoots Mr C, she underยญstands how cell phones work, indicยญatยญing that she is back to her senses. And deep down, I susยญpect, she knows her son is dead.
I watched the Wally scene again with this new theยญory in mind. And it conยญvinced me:
The Hypothesis: Mr C Killed Lucy and Andyโs Real Son
Suddenly, every line of diaยญlogue in the Wally scene seems brimmed with unspeakยญable pain behind Lucyโs and Andyโs smilยญing faces. As Iโm watchยญing this scene again, it stands out as one of the darkยญer Iโve ever seen on television.
And the scene beauยญtiยญfully foreยญshadยญows Lucyโs bold actions in takยญing out Mr C, the most centยญral of the dark charยญacยญters in the seaยญson. 1The fan thread on Reddit has people sugยญgestยญing that Wally Brando is an actยญor, too. However, this theยญory isnโt well-received; most fans seem to find it too darkโโโbut no one asks how the real Wally โฆ Continue readยญing
If I had been so wrong about Wally Brando the first time I watched seaยญson 3, I had to ask myself:
I had to go over it all again.
โWhat Year is This?โ
So, what did I think happened in the last episยญode? In the Twin Peaks seaยญson 3 finale, hereโs what I first thought went down:
Dale has a plan, but it isnโt to defeat Mr C. and send him back. As events unfold, Mr C will be shot by Lucy, and the Guy with the Glove will punch out the BOB orb. Daleโs real misยญsion in Twin Peaks is the key to his old room at The Great Northern; he plans to find the final piece of the puzzle and put his and Major Briggsโ oriยญginยญal plan back into play.
Dale finds Philip Jeffries in his โnon-existยญentโ state, and Jeffries opens a doorยญway in the infinยญite time loop. Cooper travels back in time to save Laura Palmer from being murdered, but someยญthing hapยญpens, and she disยญapยญpears. Cooper travels back, meets up with Diane, and they travel to a portal per The Firemanโs cryptic instrucยญtions. They go through the portal, and in the alternยญate uniยญverse where they emerge, they find Laura with memory loss.
Cooper ignores the murdered man on โLauraโsโ sofa, maybe because he underยญstands that everything Laura does is on him, too, or because he got a bigยญger fish to fry; the evil Judy residยญing withยญin Sarah Palmer, Lauraโs mom. Cooper takes Laura to Sarahโs house, potenยญtially to make sure that Laura desยญtroys Judy. But neither Sarah nor Judy is there. Bummer.
By savยญing Laura, Cooper creยญated an alternยญate timeline, and now heโs forever stuck there while Judy is still in the oriยญginยญal timeline. Cooper slowly realยญises that he seems to have ended up in the wrong place by asking:
โWhat year is this?โ
Game over. Judy wins. Laura screams in terยญror. The end.
But this doesยญnโt seem right, I think. This is wrong!
Laura: The Firemanโs Scream Weapon
I had to watch the Twin Peaks seaยญson 3 endยญing again:
At the end of the finale, all the lights going out in the Palmer resยญidยญence sugยญgest that both Dale and Laura sucยญceeded in fulยญfilling their story arcsโโโby killing Judy.
Right before Laura screams, thereโs a faint call, almost soundยญing as if Sarah is shoutยญing โLauraโ from afar (which she also shouts in the first seaยญson before meetยญing BOB).
Whatever this cue makes Laura rememยญber, it makes her scream at the top of her lungs, comยญpletely knockยญing out all the elecยญtriยญcity in the house.
If Judy was in the house, would this have killed Judy?
Yes. Yes, it would!
Hereโs why: Laura was the Firemanโs weapon sent to Earth to kill Judy.
How does one kill Judy, the ultiยญmate evil?
According to fan forยญums, Judy derives from jiร o dรฉ, Chinese for โto outshout.โ
Perhaps thatโs why Lauraโs been screamยญing throughยญout the seriesโโโitโs her weapon against the ultiยญmate evil; all her emoยญtions are comยญpressed into one devยญastยญatยญing blow.
Sound and sound waves are recurยญring themes throughยญout the series. Maybe the kinยญship between sound and elecยญtriยญcity as waveยญforms allows travel between worlds and be used as weapons?
We might be onto someยญthing here. Letโs dig deepยญer, shall we?
That Bug in Sarahโs Throat? Laura!
Did The Fireman foreยญsee the comยญing of events and plant his weapon against Judy, i.e. Laura and her scream, on Earth?
It seems like he did. In the black-and-white episยญode, when humans acciยญdentยญally punched a hole through dimenยญsions using nucยญleยญar bombs, the Fireman did send a bug, and that bug crawled down Sarahโs throat the year before Laura was born, remember?
And this is probยญably why evil forces had Laura killed in the first place; after all, she was humanยญkindโs only weapon against Judy.
With Laura dead, The Fireman had to orchesยญtrate an elabยญorยญate scheme to outยญmanยญoeuvre Judy and her minยญions while at the same time guidยญing Cooper back in time to retrieve Laura at the exact right time.
Remember, Laura is the Dreamer
Ponder this:
In the final episยญode of seaยญson 3, Dale and Diane didยญnโt travel to anothยญer timeline but rather into Lauraโs dream.
It has been sugยญgesยญted that the Laura that Cooper and Diane go to find is an alternยญate-timeline verยญsion of Laura, but that theยญory doesยญnโt add up.
First, that would be lazy storytelling, and thatโs not what Frost and Lynch are about.
Secondly, Laura gets her memory back in the final scene, which means that she is the real Laura, the Laura that Dale went back in time to save.
Two critยญicยญal questions:
Thereโs a familยญiยญar sound before Laura vanยญishes into thin air in the forest scene. Itโs the same sound The Fireman plays to Dale while clearly instructยญing him, โrememยญber this sound.โ
Alas, the Fireman, Lauraโs creยญatยญor, was the one who took her away from Cooper right there in the forest.
Complicated? Yes. Lynchian? Yes.
Letโs anaยญlyse Laura and Daleโs joint jourยญney again:
Laura gets murdered by evil forces in Twin Peaks. Cooper manยญages to disยญturb these evil forces, but he is posยญsessed by BOB, turnยญing him into Mr C. The Fireman โsavedโ Cooper by keepยญing his mind with him for 25 years.
After 25 years, the time comes to deal the finยญishยญing blow to Judy. The Fireman reinยญstates Cooper into a dopยญpelยญgรคnger, Doug.
After being disยญorยญiยญentยญated for a while, Dale is sent back in time to save Laura from being murdered.
But then, right there in the woods, Laura is taken away by the Fireman.
Now, itโs Lauraโs turn to be stashed away with a memory wipe for 25 years while everyยญone elseโs life in Twin Peaks proยญceeds as if Lauraโs body was nevยญer found. It explains why the diner in Lauraโs dream verยญsion of Twin Peaks has the oriยญginยญal sign still:
Being โtucked awayโ for 25 years, Laura wouldยญnโt know about the dinerยญโs franยญchise efforts and thus wouldยญnโt know about the new sign. (We wouldยญnโt either if Lynch and Frost hadยญnโt shown us the story of Normaโs expanยญsion plans.)
All of this must have been foreยญseen by the Fireman. Laura even told Cooper in a dream, โIโll see you in 25 years.โ Meaning: Cooper will get to see Laura again when he has saved her from being murdered and then, 25 years later, travels into her dream to meet with her.
Rather than solvยญing her murder, it seems like Cooper sucยญceeded in savยญing Laura Palmerโs life. Not bad, right?
โWe Are Like the Dreamer Who Dreamsโ
โDreamingโ is a familยญiยญar Twin Peaks concept, and since elecยญtric sigยญnals in our brains creยญate them, it makes sense for them to be more easยญily accessยญible to spirits.
Is it plausยญible to even think that the Fireman would have the power to put Laura inside a dream for 25 years?
The cafรฉ scene with Gordon Cole states it clearly:
โWe are like the dreamยญer who dreams and then lives inside the dream.โ
Okay. Letโs go with the idea that Laura is the dreamยญer who lives inside her dream.
How 25 Years Passed in Lauraโs Dream
When Dale wakes up alone and walks outยญside at the motel in Lauraโs dream, the motel looks comยญpletely difยญferยญent. It seems as if 25 years have passed overnight.
And when he finally meets Laura, sheโs 25 years older, too.
Letโs kill two birds (evils) with one stone (weapon):
The Firemanโs plan is audaยญcious; have Dale travel back in time and find Laura (the stone), use her as a weapon against Judy (bird one), and close the portal in the Palmer resยญidยญence to stop furยญther evils from enterยญing the real world (bird two).
But, this is the tricky part; the Fireman needs Judy to folยญlow Cooper and Diane through the elecยญtric portalโand into Lauraโs dream that Judy doesยญnโt know exists.
In short: Cooper and Diane must lure Judy into Lauraโs dream.
How? Well, hereโs how:
The Garmonbozia Lure to Trap Judy
At the motel in Lauraโs dream, the night before the pasยญsage of 25 years, Dale and Diane have sex. Not pasยญsionยญate sex, but rather a dutiยญful and emoยญtionยญally painยญful act, even.
And hereโs the kicker:
Cooper and Diane must have sex, even though it pains Cooper to ask this of Diane. She does care for Cooper deeply, but itโs also reasยญonยญable to assume that she was preยญviยญously raped by Mr C. Having sex with Cooper would force her to relive that pain.
The Firemanโs idea is that their shared pain, in comยญbinยญaยญtion with sex, will lure Judy to folยญlow them into Lauraโs dream.
Why is this painยญful act so irresยญistยญible for Judy?
Sex and pain are the ultiยญmate nourยญishยญment for all dark forces in Twin Peaks, includยญing Judy.
In the third seaยญsonโs openยญing, weโre waitยญing to see a glimpse of the superยญnatยญurยญal in a big glass box, but it isnโt until a couple has sex in front of it that a female shadยญow appearsโโโand kills them.
Lodge spirยญits feed on human fear and sufยญferยญing; the negยญatยญive energy nourยญishes themโฆ and itโs called Garmonbozia.
Garmonbozia is a golden subยญstance that looks like creamed corn, and itโs menยญtioned in this scene from Fire Walk with Me:
Sex and pain seem typยญicยญally linked to negยญatยญive energy in Lynchian storytelling:
Both Laura and Ronette Pulaski were raped, too. If Mr C raped Dianeโโโwas she his only vicยญtim of sexuยญal assault?
Which, of course, leads us to Audrey.
Waking Up: Audreyโs Comatose State
The idea of livยญing inside dreams could also explain Audreyโs storyline. We know that she surยญvived the exploยญsion at the bank but that she ended up in a coma.
Letโs think about that for a second.
We nevยญer see Audrey wake up from her coma in the third seaยญson. We only get to see her livยญing someยญwhere strange where Charlie guards her.
Perhaps Charlie is one of the Firemanโs โwatchยญersโ tasked with keepยญing an eye on Audrey? If so, Audreyโs entire seaยญson 3 storyline was inside her dream. Which, of course, would sugยญgest that Audrey nevยญer woke up from the coma.
But what about Audreyโs son then, the mean-spirยญited brat Richard Horne? And this is where the darkยญness gives rise to more darkness:
If so, Audrey would still be dreamยญing in her unconยญscious state. A dream in which sheโs gone just a little bit crazyโโโnot unlikely, givยญen her famยญily history.
Also, nothยญing in Audreyโs โrealยญityโ seems to sugยญgest that sheโs livยญing in an authenยญtยญic, modยญern worldโโโnor does she seem even aware of ever havยญing (or losยญing) a son.
In her dream state, Audrey tries to get to the Roadhouse, a comยญmon portal in the world of Twin Peaks. Sheโs anxious and eager to get out of her state, but she, like Laura, must wait for 25 years before the Firemanโs timยญing is right.
At the Roadhouse, she must maniยญfest Garmonbozia to โbreak the spellโโโโher sexy dance, the bar fight, and panic.
When she says to Charlie, which likely is her watchยญer comยญmisยญsioned by The Fireman, โLet me out of here!โ she wants out of her comatose state.
And this is why Audrey, in her final scene, wakes up in a clinยญicยญal envirยญonยญment wearยญing whiteโโโsheโs just woken up at the hosยญpitยญal after being comatose for 25 years.
As it all comes togethยญer, a few remainยญing quesยญtions about Laura still need to be answered.
Who Answered the Door in Lauraโs Dream?
So, letโs leave Audrey and return to the final scenes with Laura and Dale standยญing outยญside the Palmer resยญidยญence inside Lauraโs dream.
Judy is likely to have folยญlowed Cooper and Diane into the dream, a place โbetween two worldsโ.
The woman who opens the door to Laura and Dale iniยญtially seems ranยญdom. But two names are disยญclosed, Mrs Tremond/โChalfont. In Twin Peaks lore, those are not just ranยญdom names; they are thought to belong to a genยญerยญous lodge spirยญit. 2The woman who opens the door presents herยญself as Alice Chalfont. There are plenty of clues to sugยญgest that sheโs Mrs Tremond. She has changed her body once before in the series; some might rememยญber โฆ Continue readยญing
Maybe the Fireman had Mrs Tremond/โChalfont guard the portal or preยญvent Laura from returnยญing through the portal durยญing those 25 years? Perhaps they were โwatchยญersโ like Charlie, who was tasked with stopยญping Audrey from going to the Roadhouse too soon?
I think Mrs Tremond/โChalfont knew who Laura and Dale were when she opened the door. And I think she knew, as per the Firemanโs instrucยญtions, that Judy would soon appear in the house and that their sacยญriยญfice was nearยญing. After all, the good forces only had โone chanceโ for Lauraโs scream weapon to do its job.
Except for Dale, who still seems conยญfused. Why isnโt Cooper in tune with the exact details of The Firemanโs plan?
Well, the Fireman isnโt preยญcisely known for speakยญing plainly. Heโs a need-to-know type of charยญacยญter. He probยญably just instrucยญted Cooper to go through the portal, have sex with Diane, and take Laura to her houseโโโall of which he did.
What Happened in Twin Peaks When Laura Disappeared Instead of Being Found Murdered?
If my theยญory is true, what happened in Twin Peaks after Laura disยญapยญpeared in the forest instead of being found murdered?
Well, Pete Martell didยญnโt find her lying dead and wrapped in plastic on the beach, but instead, Laura just vanยญished in the forest that night after her fight with James Hurley.
So, Leland Palmer nevยญer murdered Laura in the altered timeline.
Things would sure be โdifยญferยญentโ, as foreยญshadยญowed by Dale in his final visยญit to the Twin Peaks sherยญiffโs office. Not perยญfect, but a lot betยญter without Judyโโโall thanks to Cooper, Laura, Major Briggs, and The Fireman.
If anyยญthing, I sinยญcerely hope that Lucy and Andyโs real son is alive and well in the new verยญsion of Twin Peaks.
If two people ever deserved a good life, itโs Lucy and Andy!
The Fate of Coop, Diane, and Laura
It seems as if the Fireman has placed dopยญpelยญgรคngers for both Cooper and Diane in Lauraโs dream. Diane already saw her dopยญpelยญgรคnger outยญside the motel and someยญhow figured out their namesโโโLinda and Richard.
The Fireman menยญtioned Linda and Richard to Cooper early in seaยญson 3, so these dopยญpelยญgรคngers are there per the Firemanโs design.
Since Dianeโs dopยญpelยญgรคnger was waitยญing for her at the motel, itโs plausยญible that Diane went out to speak with โherยญselfโ later that night when Cooper was asleep.
Itโs fair to assume that Dianeโs dopยญpelยญgรคnger instrucยญted her to write a note to Cooper with The Firemanโs second clue.
Finally, will Cooper, Diane, and Laura, with the aid of the Fireman, ever be able to return to the real world?
Dale doesยญnโt even know what year heโs in, heโs inside Lauraโs dream, or Layra just killed Judy and closed the portal. Heโs been in and out of lodges, dreams, and time loops for two conยญsecยญutยญive quarยญters of a cenยญtury nowโโโheโs underยญstandยญably a bit confused.
However, Iโm not too worried.
Audrey was able to get back to the real world from her dream. And the dreams, desยญpite being Lauraโs in this case, seem to be superยญvised by the Fireman.
Bringing It All Together: The Lynch/โFrost Way
Lynch and Frost show us that they can tell a story without editยญing out all the pecuยญliยญarยญitยญies because those idioยญsynยญcrasies are the stuff that matters.
After all, Lynch and Frost couldโve just brought Dale back in the first episยญode of seaยญson 3. But in this uniยญverse, travยญelยญling between worlds is no easy feat.
I underยญstand now that not a single frame in Twin Peaks is out of place or superยญfluยญousโโโthey all serve a centยญral purยญpose for the plot.
Iโll leave you with a few words by David Lynch himself:
โEverybody has theยญorยญies about what the show is about, which is great, and it wouldยญnโt matยญter if I explained my theยญory,โ Lynch writes. โThings have harยญmonยญics, and if youโre true to an idea as much as you can be, then the harยญmonยญics will be there, and theyโll be truthยญful even though they may be abstract. You could come back in ten years and see it in a comยญpletely difยญferยญent way, and you may see more in itโโโthat potenยญtial is there if youโve been true to that oriยญginยญal idea.โ
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1 | The fan thread on Reddit has people sugยญgestยญing that Wally Brando is an actยญor, too. However, this theยญory isnโt well-received; most fans seem to find it too darkโโโbut no one asks how the real Wally wouldโve died, then. On the point of darkยญness: Mr C wreaked havยญoc in Cooperโs absence, posยญsibly rapยญing and impregยญnatยญing a comatose Audrey Horne (and thus spawnยญing the disยญturbed Richard Jr) and posยญsibly rapยญing Diane. If thatโs the level of darkยญness, murยญderยญing Lucy and Andyโs son sure would fit the bill. Mr Cโs crimes were unspeakยญable, so Lynch couldโve decided to only hint at them as a storytelling device. |
2 | The woman who opens the door presents herยญself as Alice Chalfont. There are plenty of clues to sugยญgest that sheโs Mrs Tremond. She has changed her body once before in the series; some might rememยญber her appearยญance when she was livยญing next door to the unforยญtuยญnate Harold. And she has a habit of havยญing her name inspired by those who lived in her house before; it also happened with the name Chalfont in Fat Trout Trailer Park. She is a lodge spirยญit, but she was helpยญful to Laura and refused โcreamed cornโ delivered by Donnaโs Meals on Wheels. So, assumยญing sheโs preยญpared to help Laura defeat Judy is reasยญonยญable. But we know her grandยญson has a mean streak, so she preยญtends she doesยญnโt recogยญnise Laura and Cooper. |