Doctor SpinThe PR BlogStorytelling & Writing43 Strange Swedish Idioms in English

43 Strange Swedish Idioms in English

Who knew that Swedish idioms in English was so much fun?

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

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Translating Swedish idioms into English is โ€ฆ weird and fun.

As a Swede livยญing and workยญing in New York, I someยญtimes use Swenglish. Scandinavians might speak English well on averยญage, but we love our natยญive idioms and proverbs. 

I often use litยญerยญal transยญlaยญtions of Swedish idioms daily when I speak English. And when I use these litยญerยญal transยญlaยญtions, like โ€œthereโ€™s no cow on the ice,โ€ my American friends have no idea what Iโ€™m talkยญing about. 

They do get a good laugh out of it, though. 

A cow on the ice, visual art, highly detailed - Swedish Idioms in English
AI art. Prompt: โ€œA cow on the ice, visuยญal art, highly detailed.โ€

Hereโ€™s a list of typยญicยญal Swedish idioms and proยญverbsโ€‰โ€”โ€‰dirยญectly transยญlated into English in the way that I would acciยญdentยญally use them.

Here we go:

Strange Swedish Idioms in English

1. โ€œTo take a crap in the blue cupboard.โ€

What it means: You did it this timeโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and there will be hell to pay.

2. โ€œTo have something land between two chairs.โ€

What it means: When someยญthing gets overยญlooked because no one is responsible.

3. โ€œThereโ€™s a dog buried here.โ€

What it means: Suspecting that somethingโ€™s not right.

4. โ€œTo make a hen out of a feather.โ€

What it means: Turning someยญthing that shouldnโ€™t be an issue into one.

5. โ€œYou look like you sold the butter and then lost the money.โ€

What it means: When a perยญson looks both sad and a bit guilty at the same time.

6. โ€œEveryone knows the monkey, but the monkey knows no one.โ€

What it means: While everyยญone might know who you are because youโ€™re difยญferยญent, it doesnโ€™t mean everyยญone wants to befriend you.

7. โ€œAll ways are good, except for the bad ones.โ€

What it means: When someยญthing sucยญceeds with the use of unconยญvenยญtionยญal methods.

8. โ€œTo sense owls in the bog.โ€

What it means: Somethingโ€™s not right, and if weโ€™re smart, we could probยญably figยญure it out. 1Yes, the owls are not what they seem. Still, the Swedish idiom โ€œI sense owls in the bogโ€ pre-dates Twin Peaks.

9. โ€œTo be behind the float.โ€

What it means: A perยญson that doesnโ€™t come across as very smart.

10. โ€œTo carry the dogโ€™s head.โ€

What it means: When someone has to take the blame for something.

11. โ€œTo take off to the forest!โ€

What it means: Go to hell! (This is strange because all Nordic nations love their forests. Our verยญsion might be kinder where we just want to be rid of someone for a while.)

12. โ€œTo pull everything over the same comb.โ€

What it means: To over-extend a generalisation.

13. โ€œTo pull oneโ€™s nose.โ€

What it means: To pull oneโ€™s leg. I guess we went facial here!

14. โ€œTo burn fires for crows.โ€

What it means: Doing someยญthing comยญpletely unnecessary.

15. โ€œTo get someone for old cheese!โ€

What it means: Revenge will be mine!

16. โ€œTo be born in the vestibule.โ€

What it means: They are rather stupid.

17. โ€œTo slide in on a shrimp sandwich.โ€

What it means: Sometimes, you donโ€™t have to struggle.

18. โ€œLike a cat around hot porridge.โ€

What it means: Being restยญless and slightly nervous until it annoys the people around you.

19. โ€œTo have an unplucked goose with someone.โ€

What it means: Having a score to settle with someone.

20. โ€œTo jump into a crazy barrel.โ€

What it means: Do someยญthing comยญpletely irrational.

21. โ€œTo hold box.โ€

What it means: Talking so much, no one else gets a chance to talk. โ€œStanding on a boxโ€ would have made more sense.

22. โ€œTo stay on the carpet.โ€

What it means: To pracยญtise self-restraint.

23. โ€œTo get something from the horseโ€™s mouth.โ€

What it means: Having first-hand informยญaยญtion. 2 Iโ€™m pretty sure this works in English, too. Still weird..

24. โ€œNo danger on the roof.โ€

What it means: Itโ€™s safe even though we thought it wasnโ€™t.

25. โ€œThe Interest Club is taking notes.โ€

What it means: Sarcastically pointยญing out someยญthing is obviยญous, redundยญant, or dull.

26. โ€œTo throw cash in the lake.โ€

What it means: Spending unneยญcesยญsary money.

27. โ€œTo cook soup on a nail.โ€

What it means: Being creยญatยญive with nothing.

28. โ€œTo buy the pig in the sack.โ€

What it means: Not doing propยญer research before makยญing a decision.

29. โ€œNow shame walks on dry land.โ€

What it means: When immorยญalยญity takes over, you feel you canโ€™t stop it anymore.

30. โ€œItโ€™s the dot over the โ€˜iโ€™.โ€

What it means: Adding the final touch.

31. โ€œThe thing is beef.โ€

What it means: When somethingโ€™s comยญpletely done.

32. โ€œTo perform magic with the knees.โ€

What it means: Being creยญatยญive with no resourcesโ€‰โ€”โ€‰even if it takes some faking.

33. โ€œTo be out bicycling.โ€

What it means: When someone makes out-of-the-blue assumpยญtions that are also wrong.

34. โ€œThereโ€™s no cow on the ice.โ€

What it means: Something might seem hazยญardยญous, but itโ€™s okay.

35. โ€œTo get caught with the beard in the mailbox.โ€

What it means: To be caught doing someยญthing you shouldnโ€™t doโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and you know it.

36. โ€œDonโ€™t cry over spilt milk.โ€

What it means: What is in the past is in the past. Pick yourยญself up and move on.

37. โ€œClose shooting, but no hare.โ€

What it means: Close, but no cigar.

38. โ€œA dear child has many names.โ€

What it means: Something or someone loved is often called by many names or nicknames.

39. โ€œTo blow on cold porridge.โ€

What it means: To be overly cauยญtious, often unnecessarily.

40. โ€œTo paint the devil on the wall.โ€

What it means: To imaยญgine or antiยญcipยญate the worst posยญsible outยญcome, often unnecessarily.

41. โ€œTo have pointy ears.โ€

What it means: To pay close attenยญtion, often with an air of susยญpiยญcion or scepticism.

42. โ€œTo have hens to pluck with someone.โ€

What it means: To have unfinยญished busiยญness or a score to settle with someone.

43. โ€œTo have a finger involved in the game.โ€

What it means: To have an influยญence or stake in a situยญation, often secretly.

43. โ€œTo make a mountain out of a molehill.โ€

What it means: To exagยญgerยญate a probยญlem or issue, often makยญing it seem more sigยญniยญficยญant than it is.

43. โ€œTo throw pearls at swine.โ€

What it means: To waste valuยญable resources, time, or effort on someone or someยญthing that doesnโ€™t appreยญciยญate or deserve it.

Well, I hope that was as good for you as it was for me! 

Iโ€™m sure many more Swedish idioms deserve a litยญerยญal English transยญlaยญtion. If you know more funny Swedish idioms that belong on this list, please let me know.

Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin - Spin Factory - Public Relations

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Signature - Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin
1 Yes, the owls are not what they seem. Still, the Swedish idiom โ€œI sense owls in the bogโ€ pre-dates Twin Peaks.
2 Iโ€™m pretty sure this works in English, too. Still weird.
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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