Strugglers and Smugglers

This might be the most nonsense article I've ever written.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

The way I see it, there are Strugglers and Smugglers.

Iโ€™m not good at a great many things.

Iโ€™m terยญrible at savยญing money. Iโ€™m also terยญrible at going to the gym regยญuยญlarly, stickยญing to strict diets, wakยญing up early, writยญing on the same proยญject every day, comยญpilยญing time reports. The list goes on and on.

So what, you ask. Lots of people would say the same thing. 

Am I just anothยญer entitled asshole for not wantยญing to do the things that I find to be boring? 

Or worseโ€‰โ€”โ€‰am I just a slackยญer who lives under the illuยญsion that Iโ€™m someยญhow too speยญcial for monoยญtonยญous work?

During one of my proยญcrasยญtinยญaยญtion sesยญsions, I came up with this theยญory: there are Strugglers and there are Smugglers.

Let me explain:

Table of Contents

    Going Down the Rabbit Hole

    In my mind, a sucยญcessยญful perยญson is thrivยญing mainly due to their habits. They have an almost heroยญic amount of self-disยญcipยญline, they have their eyes firmly fixed at their tarยญgets, and they go after them fiercely yet patiently. One inch at a time.

    โ€œSuccessful people got their shit together.โ€

    Well, for 40 years now, I havenโ€™t had my shit togethยญer at all.
    Does this make me, like, unsuccessful?

    At 40 years old, Iโ€™ve adopยญted a new way of lookยญing at success.

    Hereโ€™s the rabยญbit hole I decided to go down:

    Iโ€™m not actuยญally โ€œunsucยญcessยญful.โ€ But I cerยญtainly donโ€™t โ€œhave my shit togethยญer.โ€ How does this work?

    Then, a little bit deepยญer down the rabยญbit hole:

    I struggle a lot, but for whatever reasยญon, itโ€™s as if the struggle with the struggle itself isnโ€™t in my wheelhouse. 

    Then, a little bit deepยญer down the rabยญbit hole:

    It all seems very much like a Pareto prinยญciple thing: If I โ€œstruggle with the struggleโ€ for 80% of my time, it still only yields 20% of the posยญitยญive results.

    Then, a little bit deepยญer down the rabยญbit hole:

    To get by, I do things to cope with everyยญday struggles, like writยญing this blog. I always feel guilty about it, simply because it feels so good.

    Then, a little bit deepยญer down the rabยญbit hole:

    However, the things I do seem to yield 80% of the posยญitยญive resยญults. So, there we go with the Pareto prinยญciple again.

    And, at the botยญtom of the rabยญbit hole:

    It seems that I should be doing less of what typยญicยญally makes othยญer people more sucยญcessยญful and more of what makes me more successful.

    Whatโ€™s this all about? Why is everything counter-clockยญwise down here?

    Strugglers and Smugglers

    Most sucยญcessยญful people seem to be great Strugglers, yes. But maybe not all of them? 

    Maybe some sucยญcessยญful people are sucยญcessยญful for othยญer reasยญons rather than โ€œhavยญing their shit togetherโ€?

    My hypoยญthesยญis is this:

    There might be a subยญset of sucยญcessยญful people who canยญโ€™t help themยญselves but focus on doing things that no one is askยญing for right now. They sneak their stuff out in the wild to see what happens.

    Allow me to call them Smugglers:

    To smuggle is to ship a conยญstant stream of novยญel conยญtent, novยญel ideas, and novยญel solutions. 

    As opposed to the Strugglers:

    To struggle is to do all the things youโ€™re supยญposed to do even though itโ€™s hard.

    The Pareto Principle of Smuggling

    Since I encountered the Pareto prinยญciple down in that rabยญbit hole, why not go all-in?

    Out of sucยญcessยญful people, 80% are Strugglers, and 20% are Smugglers.

    We canยญโ€™t all struggle all the time, and we canยญโ€™t all smuggle all the time.

    Since Strugglers will get 80% of their resยญults from 20% of their struggles, they should find a balยญance of 80% strugยญgling and 20% smugยญgling.

    Since Smugglers will get 80% of their resยญults from 20% of their smuggles, they should balยญance 80% smugยญgling and 20% struggling.

    Of course, this whole line of thought could be 100% nonsense.

    But what if thereโ€™s a hint of truth to this? 

    Iโ€™ve tried to shift from 80% struggle to 20% and do the opposยญite for smuggling.

    And, I couldยญnโ€™t be hapยญpiยญer about the results.

    The Benefits of Being a Smuggler

    By acceptยญing myself as a Smuggler, Iโ€™ve encountered sevยญerยญal stagยญgerยญing benefits:

    Since smugยญgling, at least for me, yields 80% of the posยญitยญive resยญults, I now get sigยญniยญficยญantly more and betยญter results.

    I get so much energy from 80% smugยญgling that the remainยญing 20% of strugยญgling now feels like a soothยญing breeze on a sunny day in the park.

    Iโ€™m now less hard on myself, which makes me hapยญpiยญer, which yields even more posยญitยญive results.

    Pretty cool, right? 

    This shift in mindยญset, howยญever nonยญsensicยญal, seems to be workยญing well for me. 

    How does it work daily?

    How to Smuggle Successfully

    Here are a few pracยญticยญal examples of how smugยญgling works for me:

    I find to-do lists sufยญfocยญatยญing, so I keep them to an absoยญlute minยญimยญum. Instead, I use โ€œhave-done-listsโ€ to docยญuยญment the things I ship durยญing a day. The more I send because I want to, the more energy I get.

    If I feel down someยญhow, I take a break and creยญate someยญthing novยญel. For instance, a cliยญent could sudยญdenly get a whiteยญpaยญper with a detailed soluยญtion to a probยญlem they didยญnโ€™t even know they had.

    I pair up with talยญenยญted Strugglers, people who get lots of energy from absoยญlutely crushยญing their to-do lists but who might get anxious about uncerยญtainยญties. We can share the load while boostยญing each othยญer with energy.

    I introยญduce novยญelty to othยญerยญwise typยญicยญal struggle-type tasks. For instance, in the gym, I bring a noteยญbook and chalยญlenge myself to develยญop ten excitยญing ideas durยญing every workout. 

    Could this idea apply to your life in any way?
    I honยญestly donโ€™t know. 

    For sure, this could very well be the most nonยญsensicยญal artยญicle Iโ€™ve ever written. 

    Still, I just had to ship it.

    Update: I did a perยญsonยญalยญity test called the Big Five Aspects Scale. Given my outยญlandยญish theยญory above, the resยญults sure was interesting.

    Jerry Silfwer
    Jerry Silfwer
    Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

    The Cover Photo

    The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

    The cover photo has


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