โA squirยญrel is just a rat with good PR.โ
โA squirยญrel is just a rat with good publicity.โ
Yes, we all know the clasยญsicยญal sayยญing in pubยญlic relaยญtions. Buzzfeedโs Nathan W. Pyle made a comยญic strip out of it:

I also find the Sex and the City verยญsion amusing:
โA squirยญrel is just a rat with a cuter outfit.โ
Perhaps I shouldnโt ruin a good joke by bringยญing sciยญence into the mix. But the halo effect is well-known and well-researched. Attractiveness matยญters in PR. 1Silfwer, J. (2023, December 17). The Halo Effect: Why Attractiveness Matters in PR. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โhโaโlโoโ-โeโfโfโeโct/
Then, we have the โdomestยญicยญaยญtion synยญdrome,โ where itโs disยญcovered that domestยญicยญated animยญals often underยญgo physยญicยญal changes that make them appear more juvenยญile or โcuterโ comยญpared to their wild counยญterยญparts. This can include feaยญtures like smalยญler teeth, floppy ears, shortยญer snouts, and more rounยญded faces. These traits are thought to be linked to reduced aggresยญsion and a more docile temยญperaยญment, which are desirยญable in domestยญicยญated animals.
Squirrels arenโt domestยญicยญated, but they tend to have more juvenยญile feaยญtures. Neoteny is the bioยญloยญgicยญal term referยญring to the retenยญtion of juvenยญile feaยญtures in the adult animal.
The Russian Silver Fox experยญiยญment is a famยญous example of domestยญicยญaยญtion affectยญing appearยญance and behaยญviour. In this long-term study, foxes were selectยญively bred for tameยญness. Over genยญerยญaยญtions, these foxes became more docile and began to show physยญicยญal changes like floppy ears, curly tails, and changes in fur colยญour, which are traits not typยญicยญally seen in their wild counยญterยญparts. 2Trut, L. N. (1999). Early Canid Domestication: The Farm-Fox Experiment. American Scientist, 87(2), 160โโโ169. https://โwwwโ.jstorโ.org/โsโtโaโbโlโeโ/โ2โ7โ8โ5โ7โ811
Ergo: Squirrels are much more liked than rats. From a pubยญlic relaยญtions perยญspectยญive, how youโre being perยญceived matters.
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Good PR vs Bad PR
In pubยญlic relaยญtions, sayยญing the right things will not be enough if you do the wrong things.
Doing the wrong things + sayยญing the wrong things = bad PR
Doing the wrong things + sayยญing the right things = bad PR
Doing the right things + sayยญing the wrong things = bad PR
Doing the right things + sayยญing the right things = good PR
What does this mean?
Every now and then, I have to point out that some organยญisaยญtionยญal probยญlems arenโt PR probยญlems; theyโre organยญisaยญtionยญal problems.
With PR activยญitยญies, you can fix pubยญlic relaยญtions probยญlems but canโt fix organยญisaยญtionยญal probยญlems (harmยญful products or serยญvices, unethยญicยญal pracยญtices, illegยญal pracยญtices, etc.).
Learn more: Good PR vs Bad PR
1 | Silfwer, J. (2023, December 17). The Halo Effect: Why Attractiveness Matters in PR. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โhโaโlโoโ-โeโfโfโeโct/ |
2 | Trut, L. N. (1999). Early Canid Domestication: The Farm-Fox Experiment. American Scientist, 87(2), 160โโโ169. https://โwwwโ.jstorโ.org/โsโtโaโbโlโeโ/โ2โ7โ8โ5โ7โ811 |