Doctor SpinThe PR BlogThe News BusinessNo David, Social Media Won't Kill Culture

No David, Social Media Won’t Kill Culture

If you're going to take credit, make sure it's yours to take.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Social media won’t kill culture.

First: Fuck you, David.

I bought a paper copy of Esquire today and turned to page 26 (yes, that’s how many ads I had to get through before reach­ing the edit­or­’s note). 

There, the edit­or David Granger writes that the “treas­ured assump­tion of the digir­ati” was that the digit­al revolu­tion would cause the end of record labels, book pub­lish­ers, and movie stu­di­os. “But it did­n’t, ha!”

The dis­in­ter­me­di­ation,” he con­cludes, “is free­ing tra­di­tion­al media out­lets like Esquire, enabling us to expand our horizons.”

That’s all well and good, David. 

Traditional media out­lets must adapt to digit­al-first — or fade away. However, when tra­di­tion­al Mad Media Men and the Copyright Mafia yelled at the top of their lungs, “Social media will kill cul­ture, and journ­al­ism will die,” we said:

No, that’s not how this digit­al stuff works.”

Social media can­’t kill cul­ture.
Social media is culture.

Second: Culture won’t die (and journ­al­ism won’t either). New rev­en­ue mod­els are emer­ging out of the ashes — exactly as we, “the digir­ati,” pre­dicted. To our point, the inter­net has proven to be an amp­li­fi­er of human cul­ture, not a destroyer.

So, let’s set the record straight.

What happened was that record labels, book pub­lish­ers, and movie stu­di­os com­plained and moaned. But in the end, their whin­ing fell on deaf ears. And so they were forced to adapt.

Exactly like we, “the digir­ati,” pre­dicted.
And tra­di­tion­al media hated us for it.

For the largest part, the digit­al­isa­tion of soci­ety will be a good thing for human­ity — pos­sibly also allow­ing Esquire to “expand its hori­zons.” And I’m pleased that Granger feels the need to acknow­ledge this, even as late as 2011. 

Never too late for a change of heart, right?

So, in the spir­it of change, hear us this time around. Traditional media is still down for the count, but instead of being humble, don’t try to rewrite his­tory in your favour. Since Esquire gives advice on how to be a man, let me return the favour:

If you’re going to take cred­it, be a man and make sure it’s yours to take.

Best regards,

ps. The Gutenberg galaxy is not com­ing back:

Enter: The Electronic Age

Human cul­ture is often described based on our access to pro­duc­tion tech­no­lo­gies (e.g., the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age).

According to Marshall McLuhan and the Toronto School of Communication Theory, a bet­ter ana­lys­is would be to view soci­et­al devel­op­ment based on the prom­in­ence of emer­ging com­mu­nic­a­tions technologies.

Marshall McLuhan - Cambridge University - Digital-First
Marshall McLuhan at Cambridge University, circa 1940.

McLuhan’s Four Epochs

McLuhan sug­gests divid­ing human civil­isa­tion into four epochs:

  • Oral Tribe Culture. Handwriting marks the begin­ning of the end of the Oral Tribe Culture. The Oral Tribe Culture per­sists but without its former prominence.
  • Manuscript Culture. Printing marks the begin­ning of the end of the Manuscript Culture, which per­sists but without its former prominence.
  • Gutenberg Galaxy. Electricity marks the begin­ning of the end of the Gutenberg Galaxy. The Gutenberg Galaxy per­sists but without its former prominence.
  • Electronic Age. Today, we reside in the Electronic Age. Possibly, we haven’t exper­i­enced the begin­ning of this age’s decline yet.

The Gutenberg Galaxy is a land­mark book that intro­duced the concept of the glob­al vil­lage and estab­lished Marshall McLuhan as the ori­gin­al ‘media guru’, with more than 200,000 cop­ies in print.”
Source: Modern Language Review 1McLuhan, M. (1963). The Gutenberg galaxy: the mak­ing of typo­graph­ic man. Modern Language Review, 58, 542. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​2​3​0​7​/​3​7​1​9​923

The Electronic Age according to Marshall McLuhan.
“The Electronic Age,” accord­ing to Marshall McLuhan.

As a PR pro­fes­sion­al and lin­guist, I sub­scribe to the concept of the Electronic Age. I firmly believe soci­ety is unlikely to revert to the Gutenberg Galaxy.

Like the rest of soci­ety, the PR industry must com­mit to digit­al-first, too. Mark my words: It’s all-in or bust.

Read also: The Electronic Age and the End of the Gutenberg Galaxy

1 McLuhan, M. (1963). The Gutenberg galaxy: the mak­ing of typo­graph­ic man. Modern Language Review, 58, 542. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​2​3​0​7​/​3​7​1​9​923
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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