Doctor SpinThe PR BlogManaging Social MediaOnline House Rules (Social Media Policy Statements)

Online House Rules (Social Media Policy Statements)

A quick statement to facilitate moderation.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Itโ€™s quick and easy to estabยญlish online house rules.

Each example of a social media stateยญment aims to foster a posยญitยญive and inclusยญive comยญmunity while setยญting the tone for acceptยญable interactions.

Here we go:

Online House Rules

Establish online house rules (social media policy statements).
Establish online house rules (social media policy statements).
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Online House Rules (Social Media Policy Statements)

An organยญisaยญtionโ€™s social media accounts must be manยญaged. While social media reacยญtions canยญnot be fully conยญtrolled, a supยญportยญive culยญture can be culยญtivยญated in your organยญisaยญtionโ€™s feeds.

Keeping branded social media accounts, forยญums, and comยญment secยญtions in check will require actยญive modยญerยญaยญtion. Active modยญerยญaยญtion means deletยญing, banยญning, blockยญing, unfolยญlowยญing, and reportยญing abuse.

Itโ€™s bad form to kick someone out arbitยญrarยญily. Kicking someone out for makยญing your brand uncomยญfortยญable is a recipe for PR backlash.

All brands must, thereยญfore, estabยญlish online house rules.
(Also known as social media policy stateยญments.)

Still, estabยญlishยญing online house rules is easy. You need only one short and posยญitยญive stateยญment to claยญriยญfy when, how, and why some user-genยญerยญated conยญtent will be removed.

House Rule Examples

Here are a few short, encourยญaging, and posยญitยญive stateยญments for difยญferยญent types of brands:

  • Coffee shop: โ€œJoin our cosy corner of cofยญfee lovยญers. Share your love for great brews and friendly chats. Letโ€™s keep it warm and welยญcomยญing for everyone.โ€
  • Fitness centre: โ€œWelcome to our fitยญness famยญily. Cheer each othยญer on and share your proยญgress. Together, we creยญate a supยญportยญive and motivยญatยญing community.โ€
  • Fashion retailยญer: โ€œFashion is fun and expressยญive! Share your style, inspire othยญers, and letโ€™s keep our space stylยญish and kind for all fashionistas.โ€
  • Tech comยญpany: โ€œInnovate, share, and learn with us! Our tech comยญmunity thrives on posยญitยญivยญity and respect. Letโ€™s build someยญthing great together.โ€
  • Travel agency: โ€œEmbark on jourยญneys with felยญlow travยญelยญlers! Share your advenยญtures and tips. Letโ€™s keep our travel tales inspirยญing and respectful.โ€ 
  • Bookstore: โ€œDive into a world of storยญies! Share your favourยญite reads and disยญcuss them with felยญlow book lovยญers. Letโ€™s keep our bookยญish comยญmunity open and friendly.โ€
  • Pet supยญplies store: โ€œA place for pet lovยญers! Share your furry friendsโ€™ storยญies and tips. Letโ€™s keep it pawsยญitยญive and supยญportยญive for all pet parents.โ€
  • Organic food brand: โ€œHealthy livยญing starts here! Share your organยญic recipes and wellยญness tips. Letโ€™s culยญtivยญate a nurยญturยญing and posยญitยญive space.โ€
  • Gaming comยญpany: โ€œGame on! Share your scores, tips, and game storยญies. Letโ€™s keep our gamยญing comยญmunity fun and inclusยญive for all players.โ€
  • Beauty brand: โ€œCelebrate beauty in all forms! Share your beauty tips and experยญiยญences. Letโ€™s make our beauty comยญmunity kind and empowering.โ€
  • Automotive brand: โ€œDrive your pasยญsion for cars! Share your rides and autoยญmotยญive tips. Letโ€™s keep our autoยญmotยญive comยญmunity respectยญful and enthusiastic.โ€
  • Music store: โ€œRock on! Share your favourยญite tunes and music storยญies. Letโ€™s keep our musicยญal comยญmunity harยญmoยญniยญous and supportive.โ€ 
  • Sports brand: โ€œFuel your pasยญsion for sports! Share your achieveยญments and tips. Letโ€™s keep our sports comยญmunity encourยญaging and spirited.โ€
  • Home dรฉcor brand: โ€œCreate your dream space! Share your dรฉcor ideas and inspirยญaยญtions. Letโ€™s keep our home dรฉcor comยญmunity cosy and inspiring.โ€
  • Outdoor gear store: โ€œExplore the great outยญdoors. Share your advenยญtures and gear tips. Letโ€™s keep our outยญdoor comยญmunity advenยญturยญous and respectful.โ€
  • Education platยญform: โ€œLearn and grow with us! Share your knowยญledge and study tips. Letโ€™s keep our learnยญing comยญmunity posยญitยญive and collaborative.โ€
  • Green energy comยญpany: โ€œPower a greenยญer future. Share your eco-friendly tips and experยญiยญences. Letโ€™s keep our green energy comยญmunity susยญtainยญable and inspiring.โ€
  • Art supยญply store: โ€œCreate your masยญterยญpiece. Share your art and creยญatยญive tips. Letโ€™s keep our art comยญmunity vibrant and encouraging.โ€
  • Health and wellยญness brand: โ€œEmbrace wellยญness with us. Share your health tips and experยญiยญences. Letโ€™s keep our wellยญness comยญmunity supยญportยญive and uplifting.โ€
  • Cooking brand: โ€œCook up someยญthing amazยญing! Share your recipes and cookยญing tips. Letโ€™s keep our culinยญary comยญmunity deliยญcious and friendly.โ€

If itโ€™s unclear whethยญer or not someone violยญates your house rules, revise them and make any changes known to your brand community.

Learn more: Online House Rules (Social Media Policy Statements)

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Signature - Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin

Thank you. Please supยญport my blog by sharยญing artยญicles with othยญer comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions- and marยญketยญing proยญfesยญsionยญals. Please also conยญsider my PR serยญvices or speakยญing engageยญments.

PR Resource: Types of Online Trolls

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Types of Online Trolls

There are variยญous types of online trollsโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and they behave difยญferยญently. Depending on how and where they comยญmuยญnicยญate, you can find clues on how to best deal with them.

I use the folยญlowยญing catยญegorยญisaยญtion of online trolls:

  • Online Vandals are motivยญated by destrucยญtion. They could flood your feed with troll comยญments for no reasยญon othยญer than to wreak havยญoc. They are selยญdom the first to arrive but typยญicยญally leave when it gets โ€˜borยญing.โ€™
  • Keyboard Warriors are typยญicยญally anonymยญous or use proยญfiles with few folยญlowยญers or friends. Their motives are often politยญicยญal, and their aggresยญsion is often fueled by social excluยญsion. Itโ€™s worth notยญing that this pubยญlic often doesยญnโ€™t tarยญget the brand but its followers.
  • Virtue Signalists often move in coรถrdinยญated packs and will attack you on morยญal grounds. This pubยญlic is eager to report your conยญtent and might even tarยญget employยญees (or their friends and famยญily) via email campaigns.
  • Bleeding Hearts will proยญclaim their vicยญtimยญhood and blame your brand for desยญtroyยญing their lives. Emotions will run high, and there will be no conยญverยญsaยญtion. Itโ€™s worth notยญing that hearยญing this pubยญlic out might aggravยญate them even more.
  • Social Activists are simยญilยญar to Virtue Signalists. While Virtue Signalists will attack your brand to make themยญselves feel betยญter, Social Activists will look for a tanยญgible brand response (often seen as a victory).
  • Bot Accounts come in many variยญetยญies, but since they should be quickly blocked and deleted, they can be catยญegorยญised as one single pubยญlic account.
  • Meme Flooders often mean no harm and are just lookยญing for some fun. However, a sudยญden flood of memes can still spell trouble for a brandโ€™s social feeds. This pubยญlic moves in packs and typยญicยญally doesยญnโ€™t stay for long. 
  • Ambulance Chasers are a curiยญous bunch. They turn up whenevยญer thereโ€™s a scanยญdal because theyโ€™re lookยญing for front-row seats. While they might be passยญive, they can someยญtimes try to add fuel to the fire for entertainment.
  • Brand Haters are typยญicยญally perยญsistยญent and tend to stay around until the brand finds a way to settle their reasยญon for being angry. Brand Haters can someยญtimes let go if they get some form of compensation.

Please note: Publics providยญing fair criยญtique or voicing legitยญimยญate conยญcerns should nevยญer be catยญegorยญisedโ€‰โ€”โ€‰or treated!โ€‰โ€”โ€‰as online trolls.

Learn more: How To Deal With Online Trolls

๐Ÿ’ก Subscribe and get a free ebook on how to get betยญter PR.

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PR Resource: Avoid Ghost Followers

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How To Avoid Ghost Followers

Ghost folยญlowยญers (inactยญive social media accounts) will desยญtroy your engageยญment scores and underยญmine your social media reach and growth.

Here are a few rules of thumb for keepยญing clear of ghost followers:

  • Grow organยญicยญally from the start. Having a small but highly engaged comยญmunity is betยญter than attractยญing huge bulks of ghost folยญlowยญersโ€‰โ€”โ€‰espeยญcially if you share your authorยญity with them by engaยญging with them back.
  • Stay conยญsistยญent in one niche. Attracting a homoยญgenยญous audiยญence (in terms of what exact conยญtent they typยญicยญally will engage with) is critยญicยญal for long-term sucยญcess in social media. 1Silfwer, J. (2016, May 25). The Follower Contract. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โ€‹docโ€‹torโ€‹spinโ€‹.net/โ€‹fโ€‹oโ€‹lโ€‹lโ€‹oโ€‹wโ€‹eโ€‹rโ€‹-โ€‹cโ€‹oโ€‹nโ€‹tโ€‹rโ€‹aโ€‹ct/
  • Engage straยญtegicยญally. Who you engage with (folยญlow, like, comยญment, share) will send necesยญsary sigยญnals to the algorithm. Ensure conยญsistยญent engageยญment with the parยญticยญuยญlar audiยญence you want to attract.
  • Remove or unsubยญscribe ghosts. When posยญsible, proยญactยญively remove inactยญive folยญlowยญers by either elimยญinยญatยญing or unsubยญscribยญing them. Not all social netยญworks allow for this, but you should use this tacยญtic wherever itโ€™s applicable.

Learn more: How Ghost Followers Destroy Your Social Media Accounts

๐Ÿ’ก Subscribe and get a free ebook on how to get betยญter PR.

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PR Resource: The Follower Contract

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The Follower Contract

How can brands betยญter underยญstand folยญlowยญer engageยญment? Think of every folยญlow as an invisยญible contract.

Dear Brand,

  • Yes, Iโ€™m now folยญlowยญing you. Congratulations (to you).
  • I folยญlowed you based on what youโ€™ve demonยญstrated in the past, so donโ€™t be surยญprised if I stop engaยญging (or unfolยญlowยญing) if you do othยญer stuff.
  • You now have my perยญmisยญsion to provide me with the type of conยญtent that first attracยญted me to your brand.
  • I, the folยญlowยญer, will determยญine any involveยญment on a future case-by-case basis.
  • My folยญlow is not a โ€˜payยญmentโ€™ for your past accomยญplishยญments; my folยญlow is an โ€˜advance payยญmentโ€™ for what I expect from you in the future.
  • It would be best if you always preยญsupยญposed that Iโ€™m interยญested in myself and my friends first and then, maybe, in your brand.
  • Until we part ways, I expect you to be clear about my potenยญtial involveยญment in your cause.

Best regards,
Your New Follower

Think of every single folยญlowยญer, fan, and subยญscriber havยญing such an agreeยญment with your brand.

Learn more: The Follower Contract

๐Ÿ’ก Subscribe and get a free ebook on how to get betยญter PR.

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Kaufmann, Whispr Group, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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