The Public Relations BlogDigital PRInfluencers & Audiences

Influencers & Audiencesby jerry silfwer

Magic Middle: The Nash Equilibrium of Influencer Outreach

Discover the power of Magic Middle Influencers and the Nash equi­lib­ri­um strategy for effect­ive pitch­ing. Go bey­ond going big every time.

Honeymoon Outreach PR Strategy: Influencer Relations Evolved

Add the hon­ey­moon out­reach tech­nique to your PR tool­box and increase your influ­en­cer mar­ket­ing suc­cess rate. Learn about the strategy here.

Social Media Naturals

Identifying an empower­ing social media nat­ur­als with­in an organ­isa­tion is often more straight­for­ward than one might think.

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