Inbound Communicationsby jerry silfwer

Content Themes PR Strategy: The Power of Quarters

What are Content Themes? And how should you use them? Using Content Themes makes it easi­er to plan your mes­saging for the year. And search engines love them!

Mediocrity is Slowly Suffocating Your PR

When mediocrity turns out to be a non-fer­tile waste­land for online mar­ket­ing activ­it­ies, it’s time to revise your digit­al strategies and step up your game.

Surround Message PR Strategy: Make the Box Smaller To Win

The sur­round mes­sage PR strategy: In all media chan­nels, you won’t talk about any­thing except for your cent­ral PR mes­sage for at least one month.

Derek Halpern’s “Perfect Blog Post”

There are many ways to format a blog post, but I find that Derek Halpern’s “per­fect blog post” tem­plate tends to tick many boxes — without being too complicated.

The Classic Home Page Debate

Many put too much con­tent on their home pages. Due to the para­dox of choice, this hurts their con­ver­sions and, by exten­sion, their busi­ness objectives.

Types of Landing Pages

Landing pages are single-pur­pose web pages stripped of menus and side­bars with a single CTA (call-to-action) chosen to match the visitor’s intent.

Content Skyscrapers: A Core Tactic for Inbound and SEO

Poach exist­ing search volumes by build­ing and clus­ter­ing Content Skyscrapers. It’s a sure­fire way to suc­ceed with SEO for con­tent marketing.

Beware of Conversion Cannibalism

Does your front page suf­fer from con­ver­sion can­ni­bal­ism? Most organ­isa­tions put way too much con­tent and too many call-to-actions on their front pages.

I Created a Free 28 Day Email Course and This Happened

I think “learn­ing by doing” is the way to go. Here’s what I learned from cre­at­ing a free email course.
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