Does your organยญisaยญtion have a loyยญal brand community?
Without a brand comยญmunity, things can get pretty lonely online.
You need to get people workยญing togethยญer towards a comยญmon goal. This is, of course, why we have organยญisaยญtions like busiยญnesses, instiยญtuยญtions, and interest groups.
But in todayโs age of algorithms, organยญisaยญtions arenโt sucยญceedยญing in punchยญing through the noise.
Today, organยญising a group of people isnโt enough.
You must engage people outยญside your organยญisaยญtion, too.
โComing togethยญer is a beginยญning.
Keeping togethยญer is proยญgress.
Working togethยญer is sucยญcess.โ
โ Henry Ford
A Brand Community is Overrated, You Say?
Building and runยญning an organยญisaยญtion is a dauntยญing task.
You need to figยญure out how to finยญance your efforts and find people to help you reach your goals. Of course, you must also find ways to incentivยญise these people and ensure they work well together.
Typically, you must be preยญpared to fight each step of the way.
And the way might be very long.
Entrepreneurs typยญicยญally start busiยญnesses because they think they can do someยญthing better.
People typยญicยญally engage with causes because they believe that change othยญerยญwise just might not hapยญpen at all.
Itโs us against them.
Expecting outยญside help is naรฏve, right?
No wonยญder busiยญnesses, instiยญtuยญtions, and interest groups are typยญicยญally going at it alone; theyโre hardยญwired to get things done withยญin the strucยญture of their own universe.
โNo matยญter how brilยญliant your mind or strategy, if youโre playยญing a solo game, youโll always lose out to a team.โ
โ Reid Hoffman
A Solitary Brand is Weak and Vulnerable
However, this lonely brand approach wonโt work in the ecoยญnomy of algorithms.
Because you need people to share your mesยญsage.
Because you need people to link to your stuff.
Because you need people to endorse your brand.
Trying to get favoured by social media algorithms will inevยญitยญably get too expansยญive in an ecoยญnomy where some get that love for free.
Trying to get favoured by search engine algorithms will inevยญitยญably get too expensยญive in an ecoยญnomy where brands with existยญing brand comยญmunitยญies get those top posยญiยญtions much easier.
Trying to get favoured by the news media algorithms will inevยญitยญably get too expansยญive in an ecoยญnomy where some get that exposยญure for free.
This is all pretty simple. Yet rough.
The algorithms are basing their outยญput on what people will choose to do when theyโre not incentivยญised by anyยญone else to do it.
And too many brands have zero true fans.
โGreat things in busiยญness are nevยญer done by one perยญson.
Theyโre done by a team of people.โ
โ Steve Jobs
Shared Engagement is Double Engagement
As people who organยญise othยญers in difยญferยญent shapes or forms, we must humble ourselves.
In the age of algorithms, no brand can punch through the noise all by itself.
We need to engage people not only inside our organยญisaยญtions but outยญside them, too. To sucยญceed, we also need a comยญmunity of volunteers.
A highly engaged brand comยญmunity. No brand alone.
As if buildยญing an organยญisaยญtion wasยญnโt already chalยญlenยญging enough.
Well, I hear you. Itโs the nature of increasยญing comยญpetยญitยญive presยญsures. Itโs the nature of increasยญing comยญplexยญity across the media landยญscape while our menยญtal bandยญwidth stays the same.
Itโs the nature of progress.
We donโt have to like it or celยญebยญrate it. We just have to deal with it, just like everything else. Only this time, we shouldยญnโt deal with it alone.
โAlone we can do so little; togethยญer we can do so much.โ
โ Helen Keller
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