I was folยญlowยญing Russiaโs invaยญsion of Ukraine on TikTok.
And late last night, when feelยญing depressed, I wrote this piece of crap:
We donโt live in a peaceยญful world. People go to war with each othยญer.
Innocent lives are wasted while the people in charge send proxยญies to carry out violยญent orders. The รฉlite remains safe while non-powerยญful people pay with their lives. So it goes.
War is disยญgustยญingly unfair, but itโs the way the world works.
Love is someยญtimes all we need. But love falls short when a hosยญtile nation invades your home. You need anti-tank misยญsiles, Nato supยญport, and satelยญlite interยญnet when that hapยญpens.
But thatโs not what makes me the sadยญdest.
What makes me feel so empty inside is that I used to believe that the interยญnet would forever conยญnect us.
I nevยญer thought it would be so easy for a large nation to unplug and allow state proยญpaยญganda to quickly estabยญlish a new narยญratยญive. 1โIn the 20th cenยญtury, the English term proยญpaยญganda was often assoยญciยญated with a manipยญuยญlatยญive approach, but hisยญtorยญicยญally, proยญpaยญganda has been a neutยญral descriptยญive term of any โฆ Continue readยญing
Spin is one thing. Allowing difยญferยญent views to do their best (or someยญtimes worst) to conยญvince and perยญsuade is a centยญral demoยญcratยญic prinยญciple.
State proยญpaยญganda, on the othยญer hand, is the lanยญguage of violยญence.
I firmly believe that the United Nations should declare interยญnet access and net neutยญralยญity human rights. 2โIn the Summer of 2016, the United Nations Human Rights Council released a non-bindยญing resยญolยญuยญtion conยญdemning intenยญtionยญal disยญrupยญtion of interยญnet access by governments.[11] The โฆ Continue readยญing
More than anyยญthing, I was overยญwhelmed by disยญapยญpointยญment. I lived in a world where social media would make it impossible for Russia to invade Ukraine.
I know. Itโs ridicuยญlous.
And my bleedยญing heart is โฆ ridicuยญlous, too.
Ordinary people can speak the truth on social netยญworks for all their worth. But, when push comes to shove, guns speak louder than bits and bytes.
The interยญnet is importยญant, yes. But not as importยญant as power, greed, and legยญacy. Not as importยญant as the ambiยญtions of an old man in the wrong place.
Itโs not a TikTok war.
TikTok is just fuckยญing context.
Thank you. Please supยญport my blog by sharยญing artยญicles with othยญer comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions- and marยญketยญing proยญfesยญsionยญals. Please also conยญsider my PR serยญvices or speakยญing engageยญments.
1 | โIn the 20th cenยญtury, the English term proยญpaยญganda was often assoยญciยญated with a manipยญuยญlatยญive approach, but hisยญtorยญicยญally, proยญpaยญganda has been a neutยญral descriptยญive term of any materยญiยญal that proยญmotes cerยญtain opinยญions or ideoยญloยญgies.โ Source: Wikipedia. |
2 | โIn the Summer of 2016, the United Nations Human Rights Council released a non-bindยญing resยญolยญuยญtion conยญdemning intenยญtionยญal disยญrupยญtion of interยญnet access by govยญernยญments.[11] The resยญolยญuยญtion reafยญfirmed that the same rights people have offยญline must also be proยญtecยญted online.โ Source: Wikipedia. |