The Things That Do Attain

A simple life is challenging to find.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Ah, the things that do attain.

Late one night, I shared a bottle of ลปubrรณwka with a dear friend. 

We talked about matยญters of great importยญance; life, meanยญing, and hapยญpiยญnessโ€‰โ€”โ€‰as one might do while getยญting experยญiยญmentยญally intoxยญicยญated after a hard dayโ€™s work in the PR industry

The next day, my friend sent me this email: 

โ€œMy head hurts, but our conยญverยญsaยญtion yesยญterยญday reminded me of this poem of Henry Howard,โ€ he wrote. โ€œI think you might like it.โ€

And like it, I did.

It became my favourยญite poem:

โ€œMy friend, the things that do attain
The happy life be these, I find:
The riches left, not got with pain,
The fruitยญful ground; the quiet mind;

The equal friend; no grudge, no strife;
No charge of rule nor govยญernance;
Without disยญease the healthy life;
The houseยญhold of conยญtinuยญance;

The mean diet, no dainty fare;
True wisยญdom joined with simยญpleยญness;
The night disยญcharged of all care,
Where wine the wit may not oppress;

The faithยญful wife, without debate;
Such sleeps as may beguile the night:
Content thyยญself with thine estate,
Neither wish death, nor fear his might.โ€

โ€” Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

Such a sensยญible path to wander!

Happiness by way of the quiet mind, as it stands, might be the most ambiยญtious of quests!

Simple, yet so eluยญsive and chalยญlenยญging to attain.

The poem was parยญtially used (and read very well) in this episยญode of The Tudors:

Signature - Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin

Thank you. Please supยญport my blog by sharยญing artยญicles with othยญer comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions- and marยญketยญing proยญfesยญsionยญals. Please also conยญsider my PR serยญvices or speakยญing engageยญments.

PR Resource: The Stoic PR Professional

Stoic Philosophy for Public Relations

Iโ€™m inspired by Stoicismโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and intrigued by the idea of transยญlatยญing clasยญsicยญal Stoic virยญtues (wisยญdom, courยญage, justice, temยญperยญance) and applyยญing them to pubยญlic relations:

The Wisdom Pitch

โ€œA Stoic is someone who transยญforms fear into prudence, pain into transยญformยญaยญtion, misยญtakes into iniยญtiยญation, and desires into underยญtakยญing.โ€
โ€” Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Tell PR storยญies of how organยญisaยญtions can be wise and overยญcome obstacles that have stopped othยญers in their tracks. Convey PR mesยญsages on how to apply wisยญdom, knowยญledge, and experience.

The Courage Pitch

โ€œWe canยญnot choose our cirยญcumยญstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.โ€
โ€” Epictetus

Tell PR storยญies of brands that nevยญer back down in the face of hardยญships that would desยญtroy othยญer organยญisaยญtions. Convey PR mesยญsages of how an organยญisaยญtion can be rightยญeous even when storms are raging.

The Justice Pitch

โ€œConcentrate every minute on doing whatโ€™s in front of you with preยญcise and genuยญine serยญiยญousยญness, tenยญderly, willยญingly, with justice.โ€
โ€” Marcus Aurelius

Tell PR storยญies of how organยญisaยญtions relentยญlessly can strive for honยญesty and transยญparยญencyโ€‰โ€”โ€‰even when uncomยญfortยญable. Convey PR mesยญsages about how all brands, without excepยญtion, can rid themยญselves of disยญhonยญesty and incompetence.

The Temperance Pitch

โ€œItโ€™s not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, who is poor.โ€
โ€” Seneca

Tell PR storยญies of organยญisaยญtions that strive for highยญer valยญues in a world where all othยญer organยญisaยญtions sufยญfer shortยญsightedยญness. Convey PR mesยญsages of organยญisaยญtions preยญpared to abstain from short-term gains to make the world betยญter for all.

Learn more: Stoic Philosophy for PR Professionals

Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Kaufmann, Whispr Group, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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