Crisis Communicationsby jerry silfwer

When a Public Apology is Warranted (And When It’s Not)

A pub­lic apo­logy is a tool to move the story into the next stage soon­er rather than later — whatever that stage might hold in store for the accused.

How to Speak with Social Activists

Social act­iv­ists are every­where on social media. “Why does­n’t your brand speak out against X?” Here’s how to speak with them using the high road tonality.

PR Checklist for the Covid-19 Pandemic

Businesses are notori­ously known for exag­ger­at­ing pos­it­ive news and to down­play neg­at­ive news. In times of Covid-19, this is not a good strategy.

The Culture War: Brands as Collateral Damage

There’s a cul­ture war raging for our minds. As a busi­ness, do you side with the alt-left or the alt-right — or do you try to find a way to stay clear?

Bell Pottinger’s Dreadful Non-Apology

The repu­ta­tion man­age­ment agency Bell Pottinger issues an apo­logy that isn’t a real apo­logy. And I hate every word of it.

How to Deal with Online Trolls

Here’s how to deal with online trolls who are mess­ing around with your com­pany, wheth­er in social media, com­ment sec­tions, or forums.

The Old Founder Who Allowed the Media to Destroy Him

I met an old founder who allowed the media to des­troy him. Not all those por­trayed as dev­ils are evil. And not all those por­trayed as saints are good.

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Skills for PR Professionals

Scenario: The zom­bie apo­ca­lypse is upon us, and we all have to rely on our skills. As PR pro­fes­sion­als, what are our chances of survival?

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