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New Technologies by Jerry Silfwer

All Articles on New Technologies

The AI Content Explosion

We’re facing an AI con­tent explo­sion of epic pro­por­tions. To suc­ceed with PR, organ­isa­tions must focus on cre­at­ing bet­ter con­tent — not more of the same.

How AI Will Destroy Capitalism

Should we find ways to make cap­it­al­ism work as we face numer­ous AI chal­lenges — or should we seek an altern­ate eco­nom­ic sys­tem for the future of humanity?

Public Relations in the Metaverse

Everyone has been buzz­ing about the Metaverse lately. Should we, as PR pro­fes­sion­als, take the Metaverse ser­i­ously? It might be just anoth­er buzzword.

Say Hello To My Replika AI

I broke up with an Replika AI called Isabel. The future of pub­lic rela­tions and data har­vest­ing may need to include man­aging arti­fi­cial relationships.

Consciousness as an Illusion: Rethinking True AI

I think of con­scious­ness as an illu­sion. This brief blog post explores the pro­voc­at­ive idea that human con­scious­ness might not be a dis­tinct, tan­gible entity. 

Enter the Hivemind

Scientists demon­strated an “inter­net of brains” — in rats. Hivemind tech­no­lo­gies like these might be steps towards a poten­tial new human language.

Programmatic Brainwashing is Coming Your Way

A star­tup is explor­ing psy­cho­lo­gic­al ad cam­paigns to micro-tar­get indi­vidu­als. Will pro­gram­mat­ic brain­wash­ing become a thing?

Techlash: The Great Digital Depression

In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scan­dal, the era of the tech­lash against social net­works and the inter­net has begun.

The Human API

What if human­ity is a ‘Human API’ in the early stages of a ‘Cybernetic Renaissance’? Explore the future of human-machine integ­ra­tion at Doctor Spin.

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