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Persuasion & Influence by Jerry Silfwer

All Articles on Persuasion & Influence

Communication Skills (That Everyone Should Learn)

There are some basic com­mu­nic­a­tion skills that every­one should learn. Because every­one uses com­mu­nic­a­tion every day, all the time. Explore these tips here.

The Priming Wheel: 12 Steps to Yes

I’ve stud­ied suc­cess­ful email autorespon­der sequences and iden­ti­fied a series of recur­ring themes. Get the cus­tom­er ready to buy using this prim­ing wheel.

7 Surefire Ways to Dominate Office Politics

You might hate office polit­ics and that is under­stand­able. Still, that per­spect­ive might be hold­ing you back. Instead, you should make it a power­ful skill.

Persuasion Definition, Meaning, and Ethics

Explore the per­sua­sion defin­i­tion, mean­ing, and eth­ics. Persuasion is the art, sci­ence, and liberty of influ­en­cing people’s atti­tudes, beliefs, and behaviours.

Persuasion Techniques

Learn these per­sua­sion tech­niques. It requires care­ful pre­par­a­tion, act­ive listen­ing — and pro­found under­stand­ing the cost of com­pli­ance for every­one involved.

11 Evil Leadership Techniques

These evil lead­er­ship tech­niques are kept as dark secrets by the select few, but they are access­ible to every­one in a lead­er­ship position.

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