Ivy Lee is known for issuยญing the first press release.
Ivy Lee is conยญsidered one of the founders of modยญern pubยญlic relaยญtions. His innovยญatยญive PR and corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions approaches have had a lastยญing impact on the industry.
Here we go:
Ivy Lee and the First Press Release
In 1906, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, a terยญrible train acciยญdent drowned 53 people. 11906 Atlantic City train wreck. (2023, December 24). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โ1โ9โ0โ6โ_โAโtโlโaโnโtโiโcโ_โCโiโtโyโ_โtโrโaโiโnโ_โwโrโeck
The acciยญdent was a tragedy for everyยญone involved but potenยญtially a disยญaster for the Pennsylvania Railroad. They retained one of the first pubยญlic relaยญtions agenยญcies, Parker & Lee. 2Ivy Lee. (2024, January 1). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โIโvโyโ_โLee
The agency had been founยญded only a year before the acciยญdent in 1905 as the third PR agency in the US.
One of the founders, the legendary PR proยญfesยญsionยญal Ivy Ledbetter Lee, wanted to help the Pennsylvania Railroad, his first major cliยญent, get the right story out. Hence, Lee creยญated the first-ever press release. 3The First Press Release. (2016, April 10). News Museum. https://โwwwโ.newsโmuโseumโ.pt/โeโnโ/โsโpโiโnโ-โwโaโlโlโ/โfโiโrโsโtโ-โpโrโeโsโsโ-โrโeโlโeโase
Rather than tryยญing to supยญpress the story, which wouldโve been standยญard pracยญtice then, he invited the press to the acciยญdent scene. Despite the unforยญtuยญnate acciยญdent, the Pennsylvania Railroad got good press covยญerยญage for manยญaging the disยญaster well.
Keeping the press, and by extenยญsion, the genยญerยญal pubยญlic, up to date with an offiยญcial stateยญment is still someยญthing the PR industry strives to do. 4Morris, T. (2014, August 25). Ivy Lee and the oriยญgins of the press release. PR Academy; PR Academy. https://โpracademyโ.coโ.uk/โiโnโsโiโgโhโtโsโ/โiโvโyโ-โlโeโeโ-โaโnโdโ-โtโhโeโ-โoโrโiโgโiโnโsโ-โoโfโ-โtโhโeโ-โpโrโeโsโsโ-โrโeโlโeโaโse/
Learn more: Ivy Lee and the First Press Release
The Ivy Lee Method
The Ivy Lee Method for proยญductivยญity, known for its simยญpliยญcity and effectยญiveยญness, centres around a daily routine designed to enhance effiยญciency and focus. 5Clear, J. (2015, July 7). The Ivy Lee Method: The Daily Routine Experts Recommend for Peak Productivity. James Clear. https://โjamesclearโ.com/โiโvโyโ-โlee
The story behind this methยญod dates back to 1918, when Ivy Ledbetter Lee, a pionยญeerยญing pubยญlic relaยญtions conยญsultยญant, proยญposed a straightยญforยญward strategy to Charles M. Schwab, the presยญidยญent of Bethlehem Steel Corporation, one of the largest steel proยญduยญcers and shipยญbuildยญing comยญpanยญies in the United States.
Seeking to improve his execยญutยญivesโ effiยญciency, Schwab invited Lee to offer his counยญsel. Leeโs sugยญgesยญtion was not to overยญhaul the comยญpanyโs operยญaยญtions but to impleยญment a simple daily pracยญtice for each execยญutยญive. He asked Schwab to have his execยญutยญives write down the six most importยญant tasks they needed to accomยญplish the next day at the end of each workยญday. These tasks were to be lisยญted in order of importance.
The next day, the execยญutยญives were to start workยญing on the tasks in the order they were lisยญted, comยญpletยญing the first task before movยญing on to the second, and so forth, conยญtinuยญing this proยญcess throughยญout the day. If any tasks were left unfinยญished at the dayโs end, they would be moved to the next dayโs list of six tasks. This proยญcess was to be repeated every day.
Leeโs methยญod emphasยญized priยญorยญitยญizยญaยญtion and focus, encourยญaging indiยญviduยญals to conยญcenยญtrate on tasks with the most sigยญniยญficยญant impact first. He famยญously told Schwab to try this methยญod for three months and then send him a check for whatever he thought it was worth.
After three months, Schwab was so pleased with the proยญductivยญity improveยญment that he sent Lee a check for $25,000โโโa conยญsidยญerยญable sum at the time, equiยญvalยญent to hunยญdreds of thouยญsands of dolยญlars today.
The Ivy Lee Method has endured for over a cenยญtury, a testยญaยญment to its effectยญiveยญness and simยญpliยญcity. It underยญscores the power of priยญorยญitยญizยญaยญtion, focus, and the disยญcipยญline of tackยญling tasks one at a time, prinยญciples that remain relยญevยญant in todayโs fast-paced world.
Learn more: Ivy Lee and the First Press Release
Controversial Clients, Transparency, and Legacy
Ivy Lee worked as a journยญalยญist before makยญing his mark in pubยญlic relaยญtions. His experยญiยญence in journยญalยญism influยญenced his PR strategies, emphasยญising the importยญance of transยญparยญency and accurยญate informยญaยญtion. 6Ivy Lee. (2024, January 1). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โIโvโyโ_โLee
Lee studยญied at Princeton University, where he graduยญated in 1898. His eduยญcaยญtion was cruยญcial in shapยญing his intelยญlecยญtuยญal approach to pubยญlic relations.
In 1906, Lee issued a โDeclaration of Principlesโ to newsยญpaยญper journยญalยญists, which was revoluยญtionยญary then. This docยญuยญment outยญlined his approach to pubยญlic relaยญtions, emphasยญizยญing openยญness, accurยญacy, and the pubยญlic interest, markยญing a sigยญniยญficยญant shift from the secretยญive pracยญtices of the era. 7Morris, T. (2014, August 25). Ivy Lee and the oriยญgins of the press release. PR Academy; PR Academy. https://โpracademyโ.coโ.uk/โiโnโsโiโgโhโtโsโ/โiโvโyโ-โlโeโeโ-โaโnโdโ-โtโhโeโ-โoโrโiโgโiโnโsโ-โoโfโ-โtโhโeโ-โpโrโeโsโsโ-โrโeโlโeโaโse/
Leeโs work for the Rockefeller famยญily, parยญticยญuยญlarly durยญing the Ludlow Massacre, was conยญtroยญverยญsial. He was hired to help manยญage the pubยญlic image of the Rockefellers and their coal minยญing operยญaยญtions after the violยญent strike. His strategies durยญing this time have been both praised for their innovยญaยญtion and criยญtiยญcized for attemptยญing to manipยญuยญlate pubยญlic opinion.
One of Leeโs first major cliยญents was the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1912. He was hired to manยญage the railยญroadโs pubยญlic image, pionยญeerยญing new pracยญtices such as issuยญing press releases and conยญductยญing press conferences.
During World War I, Lee provided pubยญlic relaยญtions counยญsel to the German govยญernยญment in the United States, which later drew criยญtiยญcism and led to him testiยญfyยญing before a Congressional comยญmitยญtee about his work.
During the war, Lee also advised the American Red Cross, showยญcasยญing his abilยญity to manยญage pubยญlic relaยญtions for diverse and someยญtimes conยญflictยญing organizations.
Leeโs prinยญciples and pracยญtices influยญenced the early develยญopยญment of pubยญlic relaยญtions eduยญcaยญtion, layยญing the groundยญwork for a sigยญniยญficยญant acaยญdemยญic and proยญfesยญsionยญal field.
Ivy Leeโs legยญacy in PR is a mixยญture of pionยญeerยญing achieveยญments and ethยญicยญal debate. His comยญmitยญment to transยญparยญency and providยญing accurยญate informยญaยญtion has been hailed as foundยญaยญtionยญal to modยญern pubยญlic relaยญtions ethยญics. However, his work with conยญtroยญverยญsial cliยญents and using PR to manยญage pubยญlic opinยญion have sparked disยญcusยญsions about the ethยญicยญal boundยญarยญies of pubยญlic relaยญtions work.
Ivy Leeโs conยญtriยญbuยญtions to pubยญlic relaยญtions have left a mark on the field, embodyยญing both the potenยญtial and the chalยญlenges of shapยญing pubยญlic perยญcepยญtion through straยญtegic communication.
Thank you. Please supยญport my blog by sharยญing artยญicles with othยญer comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions- and marยญketยญing proยญfesยญsionยญals. Please also conยญsider my PR serยญvices or speakยญing engageยญments.
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