Top 10 Introvert Myths

We don't need fixing, okay?

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Thereโ€™s no shortยญage of introยญvert myths.

I enjoy being introยญverยญted, and Iโ€™ve nevยญer underยญstood all the fuss about being an extroยญvert. If nothยญing else, isnโ€™t it great that weโ€™re different?

Still, there are plenty of misยญconยญcepยญtions about what it means to be an introvert.

Therefore, I was glad to find the book The Introvert Advantage (How To Thrive in an Extrovert World) by Marti Laney, and from there, I found Carl Kingdom, who, based on Laneyโ€™s book, has comยญpiled a list of ten widely spread myths about introverts.

Here are excerpts describยญing these introยญvert myths:

Table of Contents

    Myth 1: Introverts Donโ€™t Like To Talk

    โ€œThis is not true. Introverts just donโ€™t talk unless they have someยญthing to say. They hate small talk. Get an introยญvert talkยญing about someยญthing they are interยญested in, and they wonโ€™t shut up for days.โ€

    I like to talk, and I often lead meetยญings and workยญshops. I often get up on stage to speak in front of hunยญdreds of people at the time. I donโ€™t mind standยญing up in a room full of strangers to make my case. However, if I have nothยญing subยญstanยญtial to add, I say nothing. 

    This is espeยญcially true if I already want the social situยญation to be over.

    Myth 2: Introverts Are Shy

    โ€œShyness has nothยญing to do with being an Introvert. Introverts are not necesยญsarยญily afraid of people. What they need is a reasยญon to interยญact. They donโ€™t interยญact for the sake of interยญactยญing. If you want to talk to an Introvert, just start talkยญing. Donโ€™t worry about being polite.โ€

    This, in my opinยญion, is the worst introยญvert myth. I love to give advice, but I also know that unsoยญliยญcited advice is a waste of breath. And if thereโ€™s no interest in what I might have to say, thatโ€™s fine, too. Iโ€™m not easยญily offenยญded, and I donโ€™t mind being quiet.

    Myth 3: Introverts Are Rude

    โ€œIntroverts often donโ€™t see a reasยญon for beatยญing around the bush with social pleasยญantยญries. They want everyยญone to just be real and honยญest. Unfortunately, this is not acceptยญable in most setยญtings, so Introverts can feel a lot of presยญsure to fit in, which they find exhausting.โ€

    Well, Iโ€™ve learned to fake social pleasยญantยญries. Itโ€™s exhaustยญing, but makยญing the situยญation uncomยญfortยญable for othยญers might proยญlong the social interยญacยญtion. I donโ€™t conยญsider myself rude, but I donโ€™t want to be perยญceived as rude.

    Myth 4: Introverts Donโ€™t Like People

    โ€œOn the conยญtrary, Introverts intensely value the few friends they have. They can count their close friends on one hand. If you are lucky enough for an introยญvert to conยญsider you a friend, you probยญably have a loyยญal ally for life. Once you have earned their respect as being a perยญson of subยญstance, youโ€™re in.โ€

    So, I nevยญer expect anyยญone to be excelยญlent at everything. I donโ€™t expect to like every facet of someoneโ€™s perยญsonยญalยญityโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and I donโ€™t hope anyยญone to enjoy every aspect of mine. I want to think that Iโ€™m pragmatic.

    Myth 5: Introverts Donโ€™t Like To Go Out In Public

    โ€œNonsense. Introverts just donโ€™t like to go out in pubยญlic FOR AS LONG. They also like to avoid the comยญplicยญaยญtions that are involved in pubยญlic activยญitยญies. They take in data and experยญiยญences very quickly, and as a resยญult, donโ€™t need to be there for long to โ€œget it.โ€ Theyโ€™re ready to go home, recharge, and proยญcess it all. In fact, recharยญging is absoยญlutely cruยญcial for Introverts.โ€

    The more people in a pubยญlic setยญting, the more comยญplex I prefer the interยญacยญtion. This is why Iโ€™m not too fond of conยญcerts; enjoyยญing music is a chalยญlenยญging experยญiยญence and, thereยญfore, best done alone.

    Myth 6: Introverts Always Want To Be Alone

    โ€œIntroverts are perยญfectly comยญfortยญable with their own thoughts. They think a lot. They dayยญdream. They like to have probยญlems to work on, puzzles to solve. But they can also get incredยญibly lonely if they donโ€™t have anyยญone to share their disยญcovยญerยญies with. They crave an authenยญtยญic and sinยญcere conยญnecยญtion with ONE PERSON at a time.โ€

    My thinkยญing goes like this: Since Iโ€™m deeply interยญested in people, espeยญcially when it comes to psyยญchoยญloยญgies and behaยญviours, why wouldยญnโ€™t I prefer to conยญnect with one perยญson at a time? I donโ€™t see the magic in spreadยญing my attenยญtion too thin.

    Myth 7: Introverts Are Weird

    โ€œIntroverts are often indiยญviduยญalยญists. They donโ€™t folยญlow the crowd. Theyโ€™d prefer to be valยญued for their novยญel ways of livยญing. They think for themยญselves, and because of that, they often chalยญlenge the norm. They donโ€™t make most decisions based on what is popยญuยญlar or trendy.โ€

    I donโ€™t think that Iโ€™m an indiยญviduยญalยญist by choice. I think firstโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and then I comยญpare. And quite often, this thinkยญing turns out to be someยญwhat difยญferยญent from the norm. Once this proยญcess has occurred, I canยญโ€™t change my mind to conยญform to existยญing majorยญitยญies who have reached difยญferยญent conclusions.

    Myth 8: Introverts Are Aloof Nerds

    โ€œIntroverts are people who primarยญily look inward, payยญing close attenยญtion to their thoughts and emoยญtions. Itโ€™s not that they are incapยญable of payยญing attenยญtion to what is going on around them, itโ€™s just that their inner world is much more stimยญuยญlatยญing and rewardยญing to them.โ€

    I often find speยญcifยญic activยญitยญies that spark my interest, and when this hapยญpens, I like to dive deepยญer into them. I can appreยญciยญate that othยญer people prefer to breeze through many types of activยญitยญies; there are beneยญfits to that, too.

    Myth 9: Introverts Donโ€™t Know How To Relax and Have Fun

    โ€œIntroverts typยญicยญally relax at home or in nature, not in busy pubยญlic places. Introverts are not thrill seekers and adrenยญaline junkies. If there is too much talkยญing and noise going on, they shut down. Their brains are too sensยญitยญive to the neurยญoยญtransยญmitยญter called Dopamine. Introverts and Extroverts have difยญferยญent domยญinยญant neuro-pathยญways. Just look it up.โ€

    Itโ€™s often probยญlemยญatยญic for my friends to underยญstand that I can be alone and have tons of fun inside my head for hours. It might look isolยญated from the outยญset, but thatโ€™s only how it comes across.

    Myth 10: Introverts Can Fix Themselves and Become Extroverts

    โ€œA world without Introverts would be a world with few sciยญentยญists, musiยญcians, artists, poets, filmยญmakers, docยญtors, mathยญemยญaticians, writers, and philoยญsophยญers. That being said, there are still plenty of techยญniques an Extrovert can learn in order to interยญact with Introverts. (Yes, I reversed these two terms on purยญpose to show you how biased our sociยญety is.) Introverts canยญnot โ€œfix themยญselvesโ€ and deserve respect for their natยญurยญal temยญperaยญment and conยญtriยญbuยญtions to the human race. In fact, one study (Silverman, 1986) showed that the perยญcentยญage of Introverts increases with IQ.โ€

    Sure, I can fake being extroยญverยญted. I often do this. As long as I get to recharge, I donโ€™t see this as a sigยญniยญficยญant probยญlem. We must all adapt to our surยญroundยญingsโ€‰โ€”โ€‰thatโ€™s an evolยญuยญtionยญary preยญrequisยญite. But natยญurยญal variยญation is an evolยญuยญtionยญary strength, too.

    Jerry Silfwer
    Jerry Silfwer
    Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Kaufmann, Whispr Group, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

    The Cover Photo

    The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

    The cover photo has


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