Doctor SpinThe PR BlogInfluencers & Audiences

Influencers & Audiences by Jerry Silfwer

All Articles on Influencers & Audiences

Influencer Relations vs Influencer Marketing

Getting influ­en­cer rela­tions right starts by know­ing how influ­en­cer mar­ket­ing is dif­fer­ent. In this blog art­icle, I’ve defined them clearly to avoid confusion.

PR Case Study: The Red Bull Community

Explore Red Bull’s innov­at­ive PR strategy that gave wings to action sports ath­letes and built a loy­al fol­low­ing. Let’s go fly­ing through the air!

The Power of Free PR: From Influencers to Business Leaders

From influ­en­cers to busi­ness lead­ers: Discover how influ­en­cers start pro­pri­et­ary brands and how these new ven­tures go on to chal­lenge tra­di­tion­al businesses.

No Brand Community for You

Is your brand alone? In the age of algorithms, no brand can punch through the noise all by them­selves. They need the help of a brand community.

Influencer Marketing is A‑Changing

Influencer mar­ket­ing is evolving. As a busi­ness, you should get ready for the next leap. Now, influ­en­cers are becom­ing power­houses in both media and business.

The Influencers in Public Relations

How do you cat­egor­ise influ­en­cers in pub­lic rela­tions? A stand­ard­ised ter­min­o­logy is now emer­ging. Learn the mod­el’s strengths and weaknesses.

The Follower Contract

There’s an invis­ible con­tract between a brand and its social following.

OPA (Other People’s Audiences)

Getting in front of oth­er people’s audi­ences (OPA) is a corner­stone of digit­al PR — and it’s the key to grow­ing your online com­munity fast.

How To Write a Blogger Outreach Email (Incl. 2 Scripts)

Examples of how to write blog­ger out­reach emails that will get influ­en­cers inter­ested in your pitch.

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