Doctor SpinDigital PR

Digital PR by Jerry Silfwer

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Digital Sharecropping

Digital share­crop­ping is the phe­nomen­on where con­tent cre­at­ors or organ­isa­tions cre­ate con­tent on plat­forms they do not own and have little con­trol over.

Social Media Must Be Managed

Social media must be man­aged. For some, it is an easy-going play­ground far removed from every­day life. However, for organ­isa­tions, social media is very real.

Why Social Media Algorithms Are Basic

With so many new tech­no­lo­gies and social net­works being R&D‑driven tech giants, it’s easy to assume that social media algorithms are com­plex works of wonder.

Why Subscriber Counts Matter Less

Subscriber counts mat­ter less and less. Earning trust over time gets the algorithmic back­seat, while sen­sa­tion­al pieces of con­tent get the roy­al treatment.

Content Surfers and Content Divers

There are con­tent surfers and con­tent divers. Your web­site will nat­ur­ally attract more con­tent surfers than con­tent divers — but the lat­ter is more valuable.

What is a Landing Page?

A land­ing page is a single-pur­pose web page stripped of stand­ard menus and side­bars with a single call-to-action to match the visitor’s demon­strated intent.

The Digital Transformation Hierarchy

The digit­al trans­form­a­tion jour­ney isn’t a straight line — the digit­al trans­form­a­tion hier­archy is a series of stages, each stage build­ing on the last.

Digital Transformation: Overview

Digital trans­form­a­tion is a chal­len­ging pro­cess driv­en by advanced digit­al tech­no­lo­gies requir­ing sig­ni­fic­ant organ­isa­tion­al change and adaptation.

Content Packages (What To Include)

Boost your organ­isa­tion’s digit­al pub­lic rela­tions with pur­pose­ful con­tent pack­ages. Uncover essen­tial ele­ments to include for a win­ning con­tent strategy.

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