Digital PRby jerry silfwer

The Digital Transformation Hierarchy

The digit­al trans­form­a­tion jour­ney isn’t a straight line — the digit­al trans­form­a­tion hier­archy is a series of stages, each stage build­ing on the last.

Digital Transformation: Overview

Digital trans­form­a­tion is a chal­len­ging pro­cess driv­en by advanced digit­al tech­no­lo­gies requir­ing sig­ni­fic­ant organ­isa­tion­al change and adaptation.

Content Packages (And What To Include)

Boost your organ­isa­tion’s digit­al pub­lic rela­tions with pur­pose­ful con­tent pack­ages. Uncover essen­tial ele­ments to include for a win­ning con­tent strategy.

The Electronic Age and The End of the Gutenberg Galaxy

According to Marshall McLuhan, the Oral Tribe Culture was fol­lowed by the Manuscript Culture and then the Gutenberg Galaxy. Now, we live in the Electronic Age.

The Formula for Personal Branding

There’s no short­age of online advice on estab­lish­ing and main­tain­ing your per­son­al brand. But my for­mula for per­son­al brand­ing is dif­fer­ent — it’s actionable.

Social Media Logic: The Amplification of Media Effects

Social media logic shapes con­tent and com­mu­nic­a­tion beha­viours on social media plat­forms, sim­il­ar to clas­sic media logic but with amp­li­fied effects.

Digital PR ≠ Link-Building

You’re a digit­al PR pro­fes­sion­al, not an SEO expert. Stop offer­ing link-build­ing as a ser­vice, please. Read this post about what to offer instead.

Superhero Solution PR Strategy: Become an Obvious Answer

Unleash the power of Superhero Solution PR Strategy to boost traffic and trans­form your online pres­ence. Unmask the secrets now!

Influencer Relations vs Influencer Marketing

Getting influ­en­cer rela­tions right starts by know­ing how influ­en­cer mar­ket­ing is dif­fer­ent. In this blog art­icle, I’ve defined them clearly to avoid confusion.
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