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Managing Social Media by Jerry Silfwer

All Articles on Managing Social Media

Social Media Must Be Managed

Social media must be man­aged. For some, it is an easy-going play­ground far removed from every­day life. However, for organ­isa­tions, social media is very real.

Why Social Media Algorithms Are Basic

With so many new tech­no­lo­gies and social net­works being R&D‑driven tech giants, it’s easy to assume that social media algorithms are com­plex works of wonder.

Why Subscriber Counts Matter Less

Subscriber counts mat­ter less and less. Earning trust over time gets the algorithmic back­seat, while sen­sa­tion­al pieces of con­tent get the roy­al treatment.

Social Media Logic

Social media logic shapes con­tent and com­mu­nic­a­tion beha­viours on social media plat­forms, sim­il­ar to clas­sic media logic but with amp­li­fied effects.

The Social Media Complaint Department

Welcome to the social media com­plaint depart­ment. Please take a num­ber and sit back. We’ll listen to your griev­ances as soon as everything else is fixed.

Social Media Myths in PR

Many brands and cor­por­ate com­mu­nic­a­tions pro­fes­sion­als get their social media ana­lys­is com­pletely wrong. We need to debunk these com­mon social media myths.

How Ghost Followers Destroy Your Social Accounts

How do you beat social media algorithms? A small, but highly engaged, com­munity is way bet­ter than attract­ing huge bulks of ghost followers.

Critical Mass: How Many Social Media Followers Do You Need?

It’s import­ant to invest in aggress­ive social media strategies to reach crit­ic­al mass. And lead­ers must be made aware of the crit­ic­al mass challenge.

Online House Rules (Social Media Policy Statements)

It’s quick and easy to estab­lish online house rules. Each example of a social media state­ment aims to foster pos­it­ive inter­ac­tions and an inclus­ive community.

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