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Ideas & Inspiration by Jerry Silfwer

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The Things That Do Attain

Discover the wis­dom of sto­ic philo­sophy encap­su­lated in a power­ful poem. Explore the Things That Do Attain and unlock a new per­spect­ive on life.

My Photography Journey: A Descent Into Madness

My jour­ney into pho­to­graphy is a highly visu­al story about slip­ping into mad­ness. In this post, I’ve out­lined all pivotal moments so far.

Stoic Philosophy for Public Relations

Based on sto­ic philo­sophy for PR, obstacles must be seen as oppor­tun­it­ies to grow. In this view, hard­ships will be power­ful tools for con­quer­ing pub­lic opinion.

12 Essential PR Movies Every Spin Doctor Should Watch

Fancy a movie mara­thon with plenty of spin doc­tors? Here’s a list of PR movies for all you pro­pa­gand­ists and pub­lic rela­tions professionals.

The Acceleration Theory

The accel­er­a­tion the­ory on why it’s less import­ant to reach max­im­um velo­city fast, and more import­ant to extend the accel­er­a­tion phase.

Top 10 Introvert Myths

There are plenty of intro­vert myths float­ing around in soci­ety. As an intro­vert, I think we must get bet­ter at elim­in­at­ing these myths.

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