Doctor SpinPR Trends

PR Trends by Jerry Silfwer

All Articles on PR Trends

The Muzzle Velocity PR Strategy

It seems Donald Trump might be using Steve Bannon’s “muzzle velo­city” PR strategy by “flood­ing the zone” to make news media choke on its own media logic. 

Emotional Maturity and Social Media

Many struggle with emo­tion­al matur­ity and social media. The illu­sion of safety we gain from sit­ting behind a key­board in anonym­ity exposes our immaturity.

The Weekly Spin /​​ No. 3

In this week’s pub­lic rela­tions roundup, I dis­cuss media logic, pseudos­cience, pub­lic affairs, social media, pub­li­city, and the para­dox of prominence.

The Weekly Spin /​​ No. 2

In this week’s pub­lic rela­tions roundup, I dis­cuss the power of visu­als, issues man­age­ment, intern­al com­mu­nic­a­tion, PR research, and the halo effect.

The Weekly Spin /​​ No. 1

In this week’s pub­lic rela­tions roundup, I dis­cuss pub­lic affairs, social media, tech­no­logy, pub­li­city, and the amp­li­fic­a­tion hypothesis.

Doctor Spin’s List of PR Blogs (2024)

This is my list of PR blogs (2024). I keep this list updated with act­ive PR blogs on pub­lic rela­tions, cor­por­ate com­mu­nic­a­tions, and digit­al influence. 

I’m Not a Journalist

“Please com­ment on cur­rent events.” No, I’m not a journ­al­ist. I won’t prom­ise any­one edit­or­i­al ser­vices, and I cher­ish the priv­ilege of not hav­ing opinions.

The AI Content Explosion

We’re facing an AI con­tent explo­sion of epic pro­por­tions. To suc­ceed with PR, organ­isa­tions must focus on cre­at­ing bet­ter con­tent — not more of the same.

How AI Will Destroy Capitalism

Should we find ways to make cap­it­al­ism work as we face numer­ous AI chal­lenges — or should we seek an altern­ate eco­nom­ic sys­tem for the future of humanity?

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