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Doctor SpinMoreTerms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Doctor Spin’s PR Blog. I provide a pub­lic rela­tions blog where I sell online courses and digit­al products. Here are my terms of use. These terms and con­di­tions apply to Doctor Spin, Spin Academy, and Spin Factory.

1. Acceptance of the Terms of Use

This doc­u­ment and the oth­er doc­u­ments that I ref­er­ence below con­sti­tute my Terms of Use (the “Terms”).  The Terms are a leg­ally bind­ing con­tract between you and We Are Spin Factory AB. (“Spin Academy”, “I”, or “me”). These Terms set out your rights and respons­ib­il­it­ies when you buy, sell, or browse through digit­al products or ser­vices on Spin Academy’s online digit­al mar­ket­place, or oth­er ser­vices provided by Spin Academy (I’ll refer to all of these col­lect­ively as our “Services”), so please read it care­fully.  Also, please note that Section 14 con­tains an arbit­ra­tion clause and class action waiver. By agree­ing to the Terms, you agree to resolve all dis­putes with Spin Academy through bind­ing indi­vidu­al arbit­ra­tion, which means that you waive any right to have those dis­putes decided by a judge or jury, and that you waive your right to par­ti­cip­ate in class actions, class arbit­ra­tions, or rep­res­ent­at­ive actions. By using any of our Services (even if you are just brows­ing through our site), you’re agree­ing to the Terms. If you don’t agree with the Terms, you may not use our Services.

2. Roadmap of Rules

Here is a roadmap to help you under­stand the rules that are most rel­ev­ant to you, depend­ing on how you use the Services:

  • If you use any of our Services, you are agree­ing to these Terms and our Privacy Policy.
  • If you list a digit­al product or ser­vice (a “Product”) for sale through our Services, you also are agree­ing to our Partner Terms.
  • If you pur­chase or seek to pur­chase Products on the Spin Academy, please pay close atten­tion to Section 5.
  • If you par­ti­cip­ate in Spin Academy’s Affiliate Program, you are also agree­ing to our Affiliate Publisher Service Agreement.
  • If you par­ti­cip­ate in Spin Academy’s Refer-a-Friend Program, you are also agree­ing to our Refer-a-Friend Program Terms & Conditions.
  • If you are a third-party seek­ing to address a poten­tial viol­a­tion of your intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty rights, please pay close atten­tion to Section 8.

Remember, all of these doc­u­ments are part of our Terms, so please care­fully read all those that are rel­ev­ant to your use of our Services!

3. Accessing the Services and Accounts

To access some of our Services, you may be asked to provide cer­tain regis­tra­tion details or oth­er inform­a­tion. It is a con­di­tion of your use of our Services that all the inform­a­tion you provide on is cor­rect, cur­rent, and com­plete. If you’re regis­ter­ing as a busi­ness entity, you per­son­ally guar­an­tee that you have the author­ity to agree to the Terms on behalf of the busi­ness. If you are provided with an account (user name, pass­word, and\or any oth­er piece of inform­a­tion as part of our secur­ity pro­ced­ures), you must treat such inform­a­tion as con­fid­en­tial, and you must not dis­close it to any oth­er per­son. You agree to noti­fy us imme­di­ately of any unau­thor­ized access to or use of your account or any oth­er breach of secur­ity. You are at all times solely respons­ible for any activ­ity on your account. Accounts are not trans­fer­able. Additionally, I have the right to dis­able your account at any time at our sole dis­cre­tion, includ­ing if, in our opin­ion, you have viol­ated any pro­vi­sion of these Terms. Finally, you must be 18 years or older to use our Services. Minors under 18 and at least 13 years of age are only per­mit­ted to use our Services through an account owned by a par­ent or leg­al guard­i­an with their appro­pri­ate per­mis­sion and under their dir­ect super­vi­sion. Children under 13 years are not per­mit­ted to use our Services. They will just have to wait!

4. Using Our Services

I grant you a lim­ited, non-exclus­ive, non-trans­fer­able, and revoc­able license to use our Services — sub­ject to the Terms and the fol­low­ing restric­tions in par­tic­u­lar: A. Don’t Use Our Services to Violate the Law or Infringe Anyone’s IP!  You agree that you will not viol­ate any laws in con­nec­tion with your use of the Services. This includes any loc­al, state, fed­er­al, and inter­na­tion­al laws that may apply to you. For example, Partners must not sell any­thing that would viol­ate law (includ­ing con­trac­tu­al lim­it­a­tions applic­able to them) and must obtain any per­mits or licenses required to meet applic­able laws and reg­u­la­tions.     B. Don’t Take Anything Related to Our Services! You agree not to scrape, craw, or use any auto­mat­ic device, pro­cess, or means to access the Services for any pur­pose, includ­ing mon­it­or­ing, reverse-engin­eer­ing, obtain­ing source code, copy­ing any­thing on our web­site, or send­ing any advert­ising or pro­mo­tion­al mater­i­al like junk mail or spam C. Don’t try to Break my Services or Systems! You agree not to attempt to gain unau­thor­ised access to, inter­fere with, dam­age, or dis­rupt any parts of our Services, our serv­ers or any data­base con­nec­ted or a part of our Services.  For example, don’t intro­duce any vir­uses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or oth­er mater­i­al that is mali­cious or tech­no­lo­gic­ally harm­ful.  D. Just Don’t Harm Me or My Users! You agree not to engage in any oth­er con­duct that restricts or inhib­its anyone’s use or enjoy­ment of our Services, or which, as determ­ined by us, may harm Spin Academy or expose us to liability.

5. Purchasing from Our Site

Spin Academy is a mar­ket­place where you can buy great products, and I want you to have a great exper­i­ence doing so. Understand that Spin Academy provides the ven­ue where you can pur­chase Products developed by our Partners, and I do not endorse or guar­an­tee any of their Products and do not assume any liab­il­ity for them.  Please read on to find out more about pur­chas­ing from our Services and what you’re agree­ing to when you do. A. Refund Policy. I love to make you happy and will provide you with a full refund of the pur­chase price of a Product dur­ing the refund peri­od for that Product for any reas­on or no reas­on at all! Keep in mind that dif­fer­ent Product cat­egor­ies have dif­fer­ent refund peri­ods. Be sure to check each Product list­ing so you know when you are eli­gible for a refund. B. Too Many Refunds.  Spin Academy reserves the right to lim­it, sus­pend, or ter­min­ate your account if you seek refunds for an obnox­ious num­ber of your pur­chases.  And I get to determ­ine in our sole dis­cre­tion what num­ber is an obnox­ious num­ber. D. No Reselling.  You can­not resell any Products pur­chased using our Services or use them to trade or barter with oth­ers.  If you do, I may can­cel your pur­chase and deac­tiv­ate access to the Product in ques­tion.  I also will not provide you a refund, plus you agree to pay us the amount of money you made by viol­at­ing this pro­vi­sion.  Just don’t do it! E. Support & Product Changes.  Partners whose Products you pur­chase are respons­ible for provid­ing you with cus­tom­er and product sup­port.  From time to time, and at our dis­cre­tion, I may assist in the res­ol­u­tion of issues among cus­tom­ers and our Partners and may do so on a case-by-case basis.

6. Your Content

A very import­ant aspect of our Services is build­ing a com­munity where entre­pren­eurs (and oth­ers) can inter­act by post­ing con­tent.  But there are rules, of course. When you use our Services, you may post con­tent such as text, pic­tures, list­ing descrip­tions, reviews, com­ments, audio, videos, user names, and oth­er mater­i­als (“Your Content”).  You under­stand that you are solely respons­ible for Your Content. You also rep­res­ent that you have all neces­sary rights to Your Content and that you are not infringing or viol­at­ing any third party’s rights by post­ing it.  If Your Content is alleged to infringe anoth­er person’s intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty (“IP”) or I sus­pect that it may, I will take appro­pri­ate action, such as dis­abling access to it, or ter­min­at­ing your account. I’ll noti­fy you if any of that hap­pens. Also, hope­fully this goes without say­ing, but you agree that you will not post any con­tent that is abus­ive, threat­en­ing, defam­at­ory, obscene, vul­gar, or oth­er­wise offens­ive or in viol­a­tion of any part of our Terms or policies. You also agree not to post any con­tent that is false and mis­lead­ing or uses the Services in a man­ner that is fraud­u­lent or decept­ive.   If I determ­ine in our sole dis­cre­tion that Your Content viol­ates this para­graph, I will take appro­pri­ate action, such as dis­abling access to it or ter­min­at­ing your account By post­ing Your Content through our Services, you grant us a license to use it. I don’t claim any own­er­ship to Your Content, but I have your per­mis­sion to use it to help Spin Academy func­tion and grow. For example, you acknow­ledge and agree that Spin Academy may use Your Content to pro­mote your products and our Services on our site and else­where, from time to time.  And now the leg­al ver­sion:  By post­ing Your Content, you grant Spin Academy a non-exclus­ive, world­wide, roy­alty-free, irre­voc­able, sub-licens­able, per­petu­al license to use, dis­play, edit, modi­fy, repro­duce, dis­trib­ute, store, and pre­pare deriv­at­ive works of Your Content. This allows us to provide the Services and to pro­mote Spin Academy, your products, or the Services in gen­er­al, in any formats and through any chan­nels, includ­ing any of our Services, our part­ners, or third-party web­site or advert­ising medi­um. You agree not to assert any mor­al rights or rights of pub­li­city against us for using Your Content. You also recog­nise our legit­im­ate interest in using it, in accord­ance with the scope of this license, to the extent Your Content con­tains any per­son­al information.

7. Our Content

What’s yours is yours, and what’s ours is ours. Basically, any con­tent related to our Services, oth­er than Your Content, is owned by Spin Academy, its licensors, or oth­er pro­viders (“Our Content”). Our Content includes the entire con­tent of our web­site, its fea­tures, and func­tion­al­ity, includ­ing but not lim­ited to all inform­a­tion, soft­ware, text, dis­plays, images, video, and audio, and the designs, selec­tions, and arrange­ments. Our Content is pro­tec­ted by United States and inter­na­tion­al copy­right, trade­mark, pat­ent, trade secret, and oth­er intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty or pro­pri­et­ary rights laws. You agree not to use Our Content in any way unless I con­sent in writ­ing to your doing so.

8. Third-Party Intellectual Property

Spin Academy’s Role  Spin Academy is a mar­ket­place com­posed of indi­vidu­al third-party sellers (our Partners) who devel­op and sell digit­al products to cus­tom­ers.  Partners cre­ate their products, con­tent, and policies and are respons­ible for all of their com­pli­ance with the law. I provide a great mar­ket­place, but Spin Academy does not cre­ate the products or Your Content or ensure that they com­ply with the law. Your Content that is uploaded on Spin Academy’s mar­ket­place is not gen­er­ated by employ­ees, agents, or rep­res­ent­at­ives of Spin Academy. You are respons­ible for ensur­ing that you have all neces­sary rights and are not infringing or viol­at­ing any third party’s rights by post­ing it. I reserve the right to dis­able any list­ings, com­ments, or any con­tent that I believe viol­ates these Terms. I also reserve the right to take action against abusers of our Terms of Use, includ­ing provid­ing assist­ance to third parties that I reas­on­ably believe are the own­ers of any intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty on our mar­ket­place. Notices of Intellectual Property Infringement Spin Academy’s goal is to respond quickly when I receive prop­er notice of intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty infringe­ment by remov­ing or dis­abling access to the allegedly infringing mater­i­al. When I do so in response to a prop­er notice, I attempt to con­tact the affected user of our Services to provide inform­a­tion about the notice and our response, and, in cases of alleged copy­right infringe­ment, provide inform­a­tion about how to sub­mit a counter notice. Additionally, Spin Academy may provide a copy of the infringe­ment notice, includ­ing the name and email address of the report­ing party, to the affected user of our Services. If you believe any mater­i­als access­ible on or from our Services infringe your copy­right, you may request remov­al of those mater­i­als (or access to them) from the Services by sub­mit­ting writ­ten noti­fic­a­tion to our copy­right agent des­ig­nated below. In accord­ance with the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. § 512) (“DMCA”), the writ­ten notice (the “DMCA Notice”) must include sub­stan­tially all the fol­low­ing: (i) your phys­ic­al or elec­tron­ic sig­na­ture; (ii) iden­ti­fic­a­tion of the copy­righted work you believe to have been infringed; (iii) iden­ti­fic­a­tion of the mater­i­al you believe to be infringing in a suf­fi­ciently pre­cise man­ner to allow us to loc­ate that mater­i­al; (iv) a state­ment that you have a good faith belief that use of the copy­righted mater­i­al is not author­ized by the copy­right own­er, its agent, or the law; (v) a state­ment that the inform­a­tion in the writ­ten notice is accur­ate; (vi) a state­ment, under pen­alty of per­jury, that you are author­ized to act on behalf of the copy­right own­er; and (vii) adequate inform­a­tion through which I can con­tact you.   If you fail to com­ply with all of the require­ments of Section 512I(3) of the DMCA, your DMCA Notice may not be effect­ive. Counter Notification If you believe that mater­i­al you pos­ted on the Website was removed or access to it was dis­abled by mis­take or misid­en­ti­fic­a­tion, you may file a counter noti­fic­a­tion with us (a “Counter Notice”) by sub­mit­ting writ­ten noti­fic­a­tion to our copy­right agent des­ig­nated above. Pursuant to the DMCA, the Counter Notice must include sub­stan­tially the fol­low­ing: (i) your phys­ic­al or elec­tron­ic sig­na­ture; (ii) an iden­ti­fic­a­tion of the mater­i­al that has been removed or to which access has been dis­abled and the loc­a­tion at which the mater­i­al appeared before it was removed or access dis­abled; (iii) adequate inform­a­tion through which I can con­tact you; (iv) a state­ment under pen­alty of per­jury by you that you have a good faith belief that the mater­i­al iden­ti­fied above was removed or dis­abled as a res­ult of a mis­take or misid­en­ti­fic­a­tion of the mater­i­al to be removed or dis­abled; and (v) a state­ment that you will con­sent to the jur­is­dic­tion of the Federal District Court for the judi­cial dis­trict in which your address is loc­ated (or if you reside out­side the United States for any judi­cial dis­trict in which the Spin Academy web­site may be found) and that you will accept ser­vice from the per­son (or an agent of that per­son) who provided Spin Academy with the com­plaint at issue. Please be aware that if you know­ingly mater­i­ally mis­rep­res­ent that mater­i­al or activ­ity on the Services was removed or dis­abled by mis­take or misid­en­ti­fic­a­tion, you may be held liable for dam­ages (includ­ing, without lim­it­a­tion, costs and attor­neys’ fees) under Section 512(f) of the DMCA.

9. Privacy

Privacy is import­ant, and our Privacy Policy spe­cifies how your inform­a­tion may be used when you use our Services. Do keep in mind that both Spin Academy and our Partners (those selling products on the mar­ket­place) need to pro­cess your inform­a­tion so you get an excel­lent exper­i­ence on the mar­ket­place and receive products you may buy. In the par­lance of data pri­vacy laws, Spin Academy and our Partners may each be con­sidered an inde­pend­ent data con­trol­ler. This means, for example, that if a Partner acci­dent­ally exposes your name and email address when you use its ser­vice, the Partner is respons­ible for that.

10. Termination

If you got to go, you got to go. In gen­er­al, you may ter­min­ate your account with Spin Academy at any time by using your account set­tings. That said, please do review Section 2 because addi­tion­al terms regard­ing ter­min­a­tion may apply to you. Unfortunately, in some situ­ations, I may need to escort you out. I may ter­min­ate or sus­pend your account and your access to the Services if I believe for any reas­on that you, your Content, or your use of the Services viol­ate our Terms. In most, but not all, situ­ations, I will noti­fy you that your account has been ter­min­ated or sus­pen­ded. If you or Spin Academy ter­min­ates or sus­pends your account or your access to the Services, you may lose access to your account inform­a­tion and Your Content. I will not be liable to you for the effect that any changes to the Services may have on you, includ­ing your income or your abil­ity to gen­er­ate rev­en­ue through the Services. These Terms will remain in effect even after your access to the Services is ter­min­ated or your use of the Services ends.

11. Enforcement and Coöperation

You agree and under­stand that that I may do the following:

  • Take any action with respect to any of Your Content that I deem appro­pri­ate in our sole dis­cre­tion, includ­ing if I believe that Your Content viol­ates the Terms, infringes any intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty right or oth­er right of any per­son or entity, threatens the per­son­al safety of users of the Website or the pub­lic, or could cre­ate liab­il­ity for Spin Academy.
  • Disclose your iden­tity or oth­er inform­a­tion about you to any third party who claims that mater­i­al pos­ted by you viol­ates their rights, includ­ing their intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty rights or their right to privacy.
  • Take leg­al action, includ­ing without lim­it­a­tion, refer­ral to law enforce­ment, for any illeg­al or unau­thor­ized use of the Services or viol­a­tion of these terms.
  • Coöperate fully with any law enforce­ment author­it­ies or court order request­ing or dir­ect­ing us to dis­close your iden­tity or oth­er inform­a­tion about you. YOU WAIVE AND HOLD HARMLESS Spin Academy, ITS AFFILIATES, LICENSEES, AND SERVICE PROVIDERS FROM ANY CLAIMS RESULTING FROM ANY ACTION TAKEN BY ANY OF THE FOREGOING PARTIES DURING, OR TAKEN AS A CONSEQUENCE OF, INVESTIGATION.

12. Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitation of Liability

Purchases. You under­stand that Spin Academy does not devel­op any of the products sold through our Services. I just provide the mar­ket­place. The products in our mar­ket­place are developed, offered, and sup­por­ted by inde­pend­ent sellers (our Partners), so Spin Academy can­not and does not make any war­ranties about their qual­ity, safety, or even their leg­al­ity. Any leg­al claim related to an item you pur­chase must be brought dir­ectly against the seller of the item. You release Spin Academy from any claims related to items sold through our Services, includ­ing for defect­ive items, mis­rep­res­ent­a­tions by sellers, or items that cause dam­ages to you or oth­ers. Content. On our Services you may come across mater­i­als that you find inap­pro­pri­ate. I make no rep­res­ent­a­tions con­cern­ing any con­tent pos­ted by us or users through the Services. Spin Academy is not respons­ible for the accur­acy, copy­right com­pli­ance, leg­al­ity, or decency of con­tent pos­ted by users that you accessed through the Services. You release us from all liab­il­ity relat­ing to such con­tent. Third-Party Services. Our Services may con­tain links to third-party web­sites or ser­vices that I don’t own or con­trol (for example, links to our Partner’s sites, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest). You may also need to use a third party’s product or ser­vice in order to use some of our Services, such as a com­pat­ible com­puter or mobile device. When you access these third-party ser­vices, you do so at your own risk. The third parties may require you to accept their own terms of use. Spin Academy is not a party to those agree­ments. WARRANTIES. Spin Academy IS DEDICATED TO PROVIDING THE SERVICES, BUT SOMETIMES THINGS CAN GO WRONG. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT OUR SERVICES ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY KIND OF WARRANTY (EXPRESS OR IMPLIED). I ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMING ANY WARRANTIES OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AS WELL AS ANY WARRANTIES IMPLIED BY A COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING, OR USAGE OF TRADE. I DO NOT GUARANTEE THAT: (I) THE SERVICES WILL BE SECURE OR AVAILABLE AT ANY PARTICULAR TIME OR LOCATION; (II) ANY DEFECTS OR ERRORS WILL BE CORRECTED; (III) THE SERVICES WILL BE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL MATERIALS; OR (IV) THE RESULTS OF USING THE SERVICES WILL MEET YOUR EXPECTATIONS. YOU USE THE SERVICES SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. LIABILITY LIMITS. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, NEITHER Spin Academy, NOR OUR EMPLOYEES, DIRECTORS, OR AFFILIATES SHALL BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR REVENUES, OR FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SERVICES OR THESE TERMS. IN NO EVENT SHALL OUR AGGREGATE LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES EXCEED THE GREATER OF ONE HUNDRED ($100) US DOLLARS (USD) OR THE AMOUNT YOU PAID US OR I PAID YOU IN THE PAST TWELVE MONTHS. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.

13. Indemnification

You shall indem­ni­fy, hold harm­less, and defend Spin Academy and its officers, dir­ect­ors, employ­ees, agents, affil­i­ates, suc­cessors, and per­mit­ted assigns (col­lect­ively, “Indemnified Parties”) against any and all losses, dam­ages, liab­il­it­ies, defi­cien­cies, claims, actions, judg­ments, set­tle­ments, interest, awards, pen­al­ties, fines, costs, or expenses of whatever kind, includ­ing attor­neys’ fees, that are incurred by Indemnified Parties, arising out of or related to any third-party claim alleging or relat­ing to (i) your viol­a­tion of the these Terms (includ­ing the Other Documents lis­ted in Section 2 that are applic­able to you); (ii) your use of the Services; (iii) inform­a­tion provided by you to Spin Academy; (iv) any viol­a­tion of any rights of anoth­er or harm you may have caused (includ­ing those with respect to a third-party’s IP rights); and (v) your viol­a­tion of applic­able law or reg­u­la­tions. I reserve the right to handle my leg­al defence how­ever I see it, even if you are indem­ni­fy­ing us, in which case you agree to coöper­ate with me so I can have our leg­al strategy executed.

14. Disputes

Hopefully I can resolve our issues on our own, but if I can’t, you agree that the fol­low­ing rules shall gov­ern any leg­al dis­putes involving our Services: The Terms are gov­erned by the laws of Sweden, without regard to its con­flict of laws rules, and the laws of Sweden. Any dis­pute under these Terms will be resolved through bind­ing arbit­ra­tion, not through the court sys­tem. All arbit­ra­tion will be con­duc­ted in Stockholm, Sweden unless both parties agree oth­er­wise in writ­ing in a spe­cif­ic case. All arbit­ra­tion will be con­duc­ted before a single arbit­rat­or in fol­low­ing the rules of Stockholms Handelskammare. Within thirty (30) days of a final award by the single arbit­rat­or, either party may appeal the award for recon­sid­er­a­tion by a three-arbit­rat­or pan­el. The pan­el will recon­sider all aspects of the ini­tial award that are appealed, includ­ing related find­ings of fact, and any cross-appeals.  Any award by the indi­vidu­al arbit­rat­or that is not sub­ject to appeal, and any pan­el award on appeal, shall be final and bind­ing and may be entered as a judg­ment in any court of com­pet­ent jur­is­dic­tion. No party may join, con­sol­id­ate, or oth­er­wise bring claims for or on behalf of two or more indi­vidu­als or unre­lated cor­por­ate entit­ies in the same arbit­ra­tion unless those per­sons are parties to a single trans­ac­tion. an award in arbit­ra­tion shall determ­ine the rights and oblig­a­tions of the named parties only, and only with respect to the claims in arbit­ra­tion, and shall not (i) determ­ine the rights, oblig­a­tions, or interests of any­one oth­er than a named party, or resolve any claim of any­one oth­er than a named party, or (ii) make an award for the bene­fit of, or against, any­one oth­er than a named party. No admin­is­trat­or or arbit­rat­or shall have the power or author­ity to waive, modi­fy, or fail to enforce this para­graph, and any attempt to do so, wheth­er by rule, policy, and arbit­ra­tion decision or oth­er­wise, shall be inval­id and unen­force­able. Any chal­lenge to the valid­ity of this Section shall be determ­ined exclus­ively by a court in the State of Texas and not by the admin­is­trat­or or any arbit­rat­or. If this Section shall be deemed unen­force­able, then any pro­ceed­ing in the nature of a class action shall be handled in a court in Austin, Texas, not in arbit­ra­tion. Except as required by law, neither a party nor the arbit­rat­or may dis­close the exist­ence, con­tent or res­ults of any arbit­ra­tion without the pri­or writ­ten con­sent of the oth­er parties. Note that, if I make any changes to this “Disputes” sec­tion after the date you last accep­ted the Terms, those changes will not apply to any claims filed in a leg­al pro­ceed­ing against Spin Academy pri­or to the date the changes became effect­ive. Spin Academy will noti­fy you of sub­stant­ive changes to this Section at least 30 days pri­or to the date the change will become effect­ive. If you do not agree to the mod­i­fied terms, you may send us a writ­ten noti­fic­a­tion or close your account with­in those 30 days. By reject­ing a mod­i­fied term or per­man­ently clos­ing your account, you agree to arbit­rate any dis­putes between you and Spin Academy in accord­ance with the pro­vi­sions of this Section as of the date you last accep­ted the Terms, includ­ing any changes made pri­or to your rejec­tion. If you reopen your closed account or cre­ate a new account, you agree to be bound by the cur­rent ver­sion of the Terms.

15. Changes to the Terms

I may update these Terms from time to time. If I believe that the changes are mater­i­al, I’ll def­in­itely let you know by post­ing the changes through the Services and/​or send­ing you an email or mes­sage about the changes. That way you can decide wheth­er you want to con­tin­ue using the Services. Changes will be effect­ive upon the post­ing of the changes unless oth­er­wise spe­cified. You are respons­ible for review­ing and becom­ing famil­i­ar with any changes. Your use of the Services fol­low­ing the changes con­sti­tutes your accept­ance of the updated Terms.

16. Miscellaneous

The Terms, includ­ing all of the policies that make up the Terms, super­sede any oth­er agree­ment between us regard­ing the Services. If any part of the Terms is found to be unen­force­able, that part will be lim­ited to the min­im­um extent neces­sary so that the Terms will oth­er­wise remain in full force and effect. Our fail­ure to enforce any part of the Terms is not a waiver of our right to later enforce that or any oth­er part of the Terms. I may assign any of our rights and oblig­a­tions under the Terms, but you may not.

17. Contact

If you have any ques­tions about these Terms, please email me at jerry@​doctorspin.​net.