Hi! My name is Jerry Silfwer. I’m a Swede based in Stockholm but have also lived in New York, Paris, London, and Munich. I’m passionate about PR, and this is my online base camp.
I am the CEO of Spin Factory, a digital PR agency, and the KIX Communication Index, a tool researchers at Mid Sweden University developed to measure communication maturity.
I have 20+ years of experience making B2B and B2C brands known worldwide. Here at Doctor Spin, I share public relations- and media science insights.
Since 2010, I’ve been married to Lisah Silfwer, a national news anchor and journalist, and since 2014, we have a son, Jack.
Both my wife and I are photo enthusiasts. That’s why you’ll see lots of nature photos around here. (Better than boring stock photos, I reckon.)
This poem sums up my life philosophy.
But that’s more than enough about me. I’d love to know more about you, so please feel free to email me — even if it’s just to say hi.