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Persuasion & Influence by Jerry Silfwer

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All Articles on Persuasion & Influence

Distributive vs Integrative Negotiation

Distributive nego­ti­ation is zero-sum, while integ­rat­ive nego­ti­ation seeks win-win solu­tions. History shows when each works best in dip­lomacy and busi­ness deals.

The Yes Ladder PR Strategy

Getting people to a “big yes” via a series of “small yeses” is key for the yes lad­der PR strategy. It pro­motes stra­tegic, prac­tic­al, and long-term priorities.

Perception Management

Perception man­age­ment is a PR approach that shapes nar­rat­ives to influ­ence how pub­lics inter­pret and responds to inform­a­tion, events, or organisations.

The Norman Axiom

“Correct” isn’t neces­sar­ily good pub­lic rela­tions. Some people argue that their actions should­n’t res­ult in bad pub­lic rela­tions because they’re a) leg­ally in the clear…

Persuasion Strategies

Discover effect­ive per­sua­sion strategies tailored to vari­ous situ­ations based on the audi­ence. Learn when to use each strategy for max­im­um impact and influence.

The Golden Rule of Persuasion

Dive into the prin­ciples of the Golden Rule of Persuasion. Harness its poten­tial to estab­lish and main­tain strong rela­tion­ships — and lead with influence.

Priming in PR: The Subtle Art of Pre-Suasion

Priming is a pro­act­ive approach to per­sua­sion. Priming subtly shapes per­cep­tions, atti­tudes, and expect­a­tions even before the main mes­sage is delivered.

Framing in PR: How To Bypass Confirmation Bias

Framing in PR is a learn­able lan­guage skill. Organisations must seize every oppor­tun­ity to frame their stor­ies with lan­guage that amp­li­fies their Core Message.

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Public Relations

Ethos, pathos, and logos in pub­lic rela­tions are three modes of per­sua­sion recog­nised since ancient Greece, and they play an essen­tial role in pub­lic relations.

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