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The Muzzle Velocity PR Strategy

It seems Donald Trump might be using Steve Bannon’s “muzzle velo­city” PR strategy by “flood­ing the zone” to make news media choke on its own media logic. 

Seriality (Context Matters)

Seriality explains why some pub­lics remain pass­ive and frag­men­ted while oth­er pub­lics sud­denly unite and “click” into place. It’s a mat­ter of context.

Perception Management

Perception man­age­ment is a PR approach that shapes nar­rat­ives to influ­ence how pub­lics inter­pret and responds to inform­a­tion, events, or organisations.

Emotional Maturity and Social Media

Many struggle with emo­tion­al matur­ity and social media. The illu­sion of safety we gain from sit­ting behind a key­board in anonym­ity exposes our immaturity.

Social Media Must Be Managed

Social media must be man­aged. For some, it is an easy-going play­ground far removed from every­day life. However, for organ­isa­tions, social media is very real.

Why Social Media Algorithms Are Basic

With so many new tech­no­lo­gies and social net­works being R&D‑driven tech giants, it’s easy to assume that social media algorithms are com­plex works of wonder.

Why Subscriber Counts Matter Less

Subscriber counts mat­ter less and less. Earning trust over time gets the algorithmic back­seat, while sen­sa­tion­al pieces of con­tent get the roy­al treatment.

Content Surfers and Content Divers

There are con­tent surfers and con­tent divers. Your web­site will nat­ur­ally attract more con­tent surfers than con­tent divers — but the lat­ter is more valuable.

What is a Landing Page?

A land­ing page is a single-pur­pose web page stripped of stand­ard menus and side­bars with a single call-to-action to match the visitor’s demon­strated intent.