The PR Blog

Digital PR insights for a wired world


Content Packages (And What To Include)

Boost your organ­isa­tion’s digit­al pub­lic rela­tions with pur­pose­ful con­tent pack­ages. Uncover essen­tial ele­ments to include for a win­ning con­tent strategy.

The Electronic Age and The End of the Gutenberg Galaxy

According to Marshall McLuhan, the Oral Tribe Culture was fol­lowed by the Manuscript Culture and then the Gutenberg Galaxy. Now, we live in the Electronic Age.

The Core Message

A core mes­sage artic­u­lates an organ­isa­tion’s essen­tial prom­ise to its stake­hold­ers and pub­lics. It cap­tures the essence of the organ­isa­tion’s reas­on for being.

Monophony and Polyphony in Public Relations

Monophony and poly­phony aren’t mutu­ally exclus­ive. By bal­an­cing both, organ­isa­tions can adjust to trends and feed­back without los­ing their core message.

Cosmetic Sustainability and Public Relations

Public rela­tions must steer clear of cos­met­ic sus­tain­ab­il­ity. Therefore, the highest-rank­ing com­mu­nic­a­tions officer (CCO) must be part of the man­age­ment team.

Where To Find Public Relations Entry-Level Jobs

Where can you find entry-level pub­lic rela­tions jobs? My advice is to not wait around for an oppor­tun­ity to present itself. Reach out and pitch your­self here.

The Golden Rule of Persuasion

Dive into the prin­ciples of the Golden Rule of Persuasion. Harness its poten­tial to estab­lish and main­tain strong rela­tion­ships — and lead with influence.

Public Relations Objectives

What are some typ­ic­al pub­lic rela­tions object­ives? PR pro­fes­sion­als con­trol the nar­rat­ive, mit­ig­ate dam­age, and restore pub­lic con­fid­ence dur­ing a crisis.

Communications Synonyms (With Explanations)

Communications syn­onyms: Communications (with an ‑s) is often found in pro­fes­sion­al set­tings, such as Communications Department, Corporate Communications, etc.
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